

单词 柏林
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIKE〕With the words, ‘Ich bin ein Berliner,’ J.F. Kennedy won the hearts of millions of Germans. J.F.肯尼迪以用德语说的“我是柏林人”这句话赢得了数百万德国人的心。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕Every day the Russian tanks were getting nearer to Berlin. 苏联坦克一天天地逼近柏林。朗文写作活用〔RETURN〕How much is a return ticket to Dublin? 到都柏林的来回票要多少钱?朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕By 9 o'clock we reached the outskirts of Berlin. 到9点钟我们到达了柏林的市郊。朗文写作活用〔Upper House〕The Upper House of the German parliament is to meet today in Berlin.德国的上议院今天将在柏林开会。柯林斯高阶〔ahead〕Dublin are now five points ahead.都柏林队现在领先对手5分。外研社新世纪〔assign〕She was assigned to the newspaper's Berlin office.她被派到报社驻柏林的办事处。剑桥高阶〔bag〕Dublin bagged two goals in last night's win.在昨晚获胜的那场比赛中都柏林队射进了两球。牛津高阶〔bank on〕The Berlin government is banking on the Olympics to save the city money.柏林市政府指望着奥运会能给这座城市省钱。柯林斯高阶〔bank on〕The Berlin government is banking on the Olympics to save the city money.柏林政府正指望着奥运会为这个城市省钱。外研社新世纪〔between〕The wall between East and West Berlin came down in 1989.将东西柏林隔开的柏林墙于1989年被推倒了。剑桥高阶〔broad〕O'Connell Bridge in Dublin is famous for being broader than it is long.都柏林的奥康奈尔桥因其宽度大于长度而闻名。剑桥高阶〔bump off〕The quiet German starts to rage when bumped off the last flight back to Berlin.被最后一趟飞回柏林的航班拒绝登机后, 这个沉默的德国人开始勃然大怒。外研社新世纪〔buzzing〕The girls fell in love with Dublin on previous visits. They said that what they liked was the buzz about the place.姑娘们在前几次的游览中就爱上了都柏林,她们说她们喜欢这个城市的时尚氛围。柯林斯高阶〔captain〕He captained the siege of Berlin.他指挥了围攻柏林的战役。21世纪英汉〔catch up〕She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with relatives.她计划回都柏林去了解亲属的近况。外研社新世纪〔checkpoint〕Checkpoint Charlie was the most famous border crossing between East and West Berlin.查理检查站以前是东西柏林之间最有名的过境处。剑桥高阶〔clearly〕A court in Berlin has dropped the charges against him, clearing the way for him to leave Germany.柏林的一个法庭今天撤销了对他的指控,这样他就可以离开德国了。柯林斯高阶〔clear〕A court in Berlin has dropped the charges against him, clearing the way for him to leave Germany.柏林的一家法院已撤销对他的指控, 这样他离开德国就没有了障碍。外研社新世纪〔close in〕Hitler himself committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin.当苏联军队逼近柏林的时候,希特勒自杀了。柯林斯高阶〔close in〕Soviet troops were closing in on Berlin.苏联军队正在向柏林逼近。外研社新世纪〔coach〕Travel is by coach overnight to Berlin.旅程为乘一夜长途汽车去柏林。牛津高阶〔concede〕In May 1949, Stalin conceded defeat and reopened land access to Berlin.1949 年 5 月斯大林承认了失败,重新开放通往柏林的陆上通道。朗文当代〔dawn〕The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the dawn of a new era in European history.柏林墙的倒塌标志着欧洲历史上一个新纪元的开始。剑桥高阶〔day off〕Deidre decided to go into Dublin on her day off to do some shopping.戴德丽打算在她休息那天去都柏林购物。外研社新世纪〔defend〕McGuigan defended his title in Dublin.麦圭根在都柏林卫冕成功。外研社新世纪〔description〕Berlin sounds fascinating from your description.根据你的叙述,柏林好像是个迷人的城市。朗文当代〔disparity〕They aim to reduce the economic disparities between East Berlin and West Berlin.他们的目标是缩小东柏林和西柏林之间的经济差距。外研社新世纪〔divide〕The Wall used to divide East and West Berlin.过去这堵墙把东、西柏林隔开。朗文当代〔domiciled〕Frank is currently domiciled in Berlin.弗兰克目前在柏林定居。外研社新世纪〔down〕It's more than ten years since the Berlin Wall came down.柏林墙被推倒已经10多年了。麦克米伦高阶〔era〕The fall of the Berlin Wall ushered in a whole new era.柏林墙的倒塌开启了一个全新的时代。牛津搭配〔fetch up〕He spent the first few months on a walking and sketching tour, before fetching up in Dublin.他头几个月的行程都是边走边画,不期然间竟然到了都柏林。柯林斯高阶〔firework〕Berlin people drank champagne, set off fireworks and tooted their car horns.柏林市民喝香槟、放焰火、鸣车笛。柯林斯高阶〔firework〕Berlin people drank champagne, set off fireworks and tooted their car horns.那时柏林人喝香槟、放焰火、按汽车喇叭。外研社新世纪〔freedom〕He was given the Freedom of the City of Dublin by the Lord Mayor.市长阁下亲自授予他都柏林市荣誉市民称号。外研社新世纪〔hang around (somewhere)〕I spent most of my youth hanging around the bars of Dublin.我年轻时多半时间都泡在都柏林的酒吧里。剑桥高阶〔headquarters〕Headquarters in Dublin has/have agreed.都柏林总部已经同意了。牛津高阶〔hear〕We went to hear the Berlin Philharmonic.我们去听柏林爱乐乐团的演出了。外研社新世纪〔ilk〕Irving Berlin and composers of his ilk 欧文‧柏林及其同类型的作曲家朗文当代〔iron〕They're meeting in Berlin to iron out the final details of the contract.他们将在柏林会面,敲定合同的最后细节。麦克米伦高阶〔jaunt〕She has jaunted from Belfast to Dublin and back.她从贝尔法斯特到都柏林作短途旅行, 然后返回。外研社新世纪〔literary〕Dublin's great literary tradition 都柏林伟大的文学传统麦克米伦高阶〔make〕They adapted a Russian play and made the setting Dublin rather than Moscow.他们改编了一部俄罗斯戏剧,把背景由莫斯科改成了都柏林。韦氏高阶〔monument〕Parts of the Berlin wall are being allowed to stand as historic monuments.柏林墙的一部分被允许作为历史遗迹保留下来。剑桥高阶〔musically〕London's musical life might become as exciting as Berlin's.伦敦的音乐生活可能会变得像柏林的一样令人兴奋。柯林斯高阶〔mute〕Berlin lay in ruins, the smouldering rubble mute testimony to the devastating efficiency of daylight bombing raids.柏林倒在一片废墟之中, 燃烧的瓦砾是对白天炸弹袭击破坏力的无声证词。外研社新世纪〔nativity〕No matter how British our antecedents, the fact of our nativity in Berlin means that we are merely 'British by descent'.无论我们的祖先是多么纯正的英国人, 我们出生在柏林这一事实意味着我们只是“血统上的英国人”。外研社新世纪〔notorious〕West Berlin has long been notorious for its street violence.西柏林一直以来因街头暴力而恶名远播。外研社新世纪〔one day〕I'd like to go to Berlin again one day.我想有朝一日再去一次柏林。剑桥高阶〔on〕We in Berlin hardly knew a war was on during the early part of 1941.我们身处柏林的人在1941年初几乎感受不到正在打仗。柯林斯高阶〔operator〕The Transport Minister has issued two new licences to private bus operators in the Dublin area.交通部长给都柏林地区两家私营公交公司颁发了营运许可。牛津搭配〔plane〕After passengers got off the plane in Dublin, it continued on its way to London.在乘客们在都柏林下了飞机之后,飞机继续向伦敦飞去。麦克米伦高阶〔plane〕I caught the next plane to Dublin.我赶上了下一班飞机去都柏林。牛津高阶〔pocket〕For investors with deep pockets (=a lot of money), the Berlin property market is attractive.对资金雄厚的投资者来说,柏林房地产市场很有吸引力。朗文当代〔prefixed〕Calls to Dublin should now be prefixed with 010 3531.现在往都柏林打电话前面要加拨010 3531。柯林斯高阶〔presenter〕Marcel Berlins is the presenter of the BBC radio programme Law in Action.马塞尔·柏林斯是英国广播公司《法治进行时》节目的主持人。柯林斯高阶〔project〕The film was first projected in Berlin in 1942.这部电影于1942年在柏林首映。外研社新世纪〔renowned〕The programme includes a performance by the world-renowned Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.这个节目包括享誉全世界的柏林爱乐交响乐团的演出。麦克米伦高阶〔route〕Tens of thousands lined the route from Dublin airport.从都柏林机场出来的道路两边站着数万人。柯林斯高阶〔ruin〕Within Germany, the city of Berlin lay in ruins.在德国,柏林市已经满目疮痍。柯林斯高阶〔sector〕Berlin was divided into four sectors after the war.战后柏林被划分成 4 个区域。牛津搭配〔since〕Cath hasn't phoned since she went to Berlin.卡思自从去了柏林还没有打来过电话。牛津高阶〔smart set〕The nightclub is popular with Berlin's smart set.该夜总会很受柏林新潮人士的欢迎。剑桥高阶〔sole〕Derek has sole responsibility for sales in Dublin.德雷克单独负责都柏林地区的销售。朗文当代〔store〕The company plans to open two new stores in Dublin.该公司计划在都柏林开两家新店。牛津搭配〔symbolize〕The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolised the end of the Cold War between East and West.柏林墙的倒塌象征着东西方冷战的结束。柯林斯高阶〔take〕I'm quite taken by the idea of Christmas in Berlin.我很喜欢到柏林过圣诞节这个主意。朗文当代〔throw〕A wall between two Berlins was thrown up during the night of August 12-13, 1961.东西柏林间的墙是在1961年8月12-13日夜里匆匆建造起来的。英汉大词典〔ticket〕I'd like to book two tickets to Berlin.我想预订两张去柏林的票。朗文当代〔transfer〕After a year he transferred to University College, Dublin.一年后他转到了都柏林大学。剑桥高阶〔underworld〕She was a shady figure in the Dublin underworld.她是都柏林黑社会中的可疑人物。牛津搭配〔unmask〕He managed to pass top secret documents to East Berlin for many years before he was unmasked in 1974.在1974年被揭穿身份的数年里,他设法成功地把一些绝密文件交给了东柏林。柯林斯高阶〔unsightly〕The Polish market in Berlin was considered unsightly and shut down.柏林市内的波兰市场因为被认为有碍观瞻而关闭了。柯林斯高阶〔unsightly〕The Polish market in Berlin was considered unsightly and shut down.柏林市内的波兰市场被认为有碍观瞻, 关闭了。外研社新世纪〔wherever〕Dublin people dress more individually than people in London or wherever.都柏林人比伦敦或任何其他地方的人都穿得有个性。朗文当代〔whistle-stop〕Bertie Ahern will host a working dinner for Tony Blair tonight as he jets into Dublin on a whistle-stop tour of EU capitals.正在对欧盟各成员国首都作短暂访问的托尼·布莱尔今晚将飞抵都柏林,届时伯蒂·埃亨将设工作晚宴予以款待。柯林斯高阶〔winkle out〕Political pressure finally winkled him out and on to a plane bound for Berlin.政治压力最终迫使他离开, 登上了去往柏林的飞机。外研社新世纪〔winkle out〕Political pressure finally winkled him out and on to a plane bound for Berlin.政治压力最终迫使他离开,登上了去往柏林的飞机。柯林斯高阶〔youth〕The first volume is the author's account of his misspent youth in the bars of Dublin.第一卷是作者对他在都柏林酒吧里虚度青春的叙述。剑桥高阶〔zeppelin〕A rigid airship having a long cylindrical body supported by internal gas cells.齐柏林飞艇:一种由内部气囊支持着长圆筒机身的硬式飞艇美国传统Berliners now had the awesome task of dismantling the Wall.柏林人正面临拆除柏林墙的艰巨任务。剑桥国际Checkpoint Charlie used to be the most famous border crossing between East and West Berlin.查理检查站以前是东西柏林之间最有名的过境处。剑桥国际Dublin is famed for its beautiful Georgian doors and fanlights.都柏林以它的乔治王朝的门和扇形窗而闻名。剑桥国际Dublin is the capital of Ireland. 都柏林是爱尔兰的首都。译典通East and West Berliners celebrated astride (=on both sides of) the newly redundant Wall.东西柏林人在刚成为多余的柏林墙两侧共同欢庆。剑桥国际East and West Germany were reunited after the fall (= destruction) of the Berlin Wall.柏林墙拆倒后,东德西德统一了。剑桥国际I spent most of my youth hanging around the bars of Dublin.我年轻时大部分时间都泡在都柏林的酒吧里。剑桥国际In her autobiography, she describes the song's genesis late one night in a Dublin bar.在她的自传里,她描述了这首歌是如何于一个深夜在都柏林的一间酒吧中诞生的。剑桥国际Jane has been assigned to her newspaper's Berlin office.珍妮被任命去她报社驻柏林办事处工作。剑桥国际Make sure you go to the KaDeWe emporium when you're in Berlin -- if you can't find what you want there, you won't find it anywhere.在柏林你一定得去趟卡德 韦商场----如果你在那儿找不到你想要的东西,在别处也都找不到。剑桥国际Parts of the Berlin wall are being allowed to stand as historic monuments.部分柏林墙被允许作为历史遗迹矗立在那里。剑桥国际Robertson is Scottish, but he could quite easily pass himself off as a Dubliner.罗伯逊是苏格兰人,但他能相当容易地冒充都柏林人。剑桥国际Rome's mascot is a wolf, and Berlin's is a bear.罗马的吉祥物是狼,而柏林的则是熊。剑桥国际She's the buyer (= the person who decides what will be bought) for a stylish boutique in Dublin.她是都柏林一家时髦商店的采购员。剑桥国际The Soviet blockade of Berlin was lifted in May 1949.苏联对柏林的封锁于1949年5月解除。剑桥国际The absurd trial is a sendup of the Dublin courts. 那荒谬的审判是对都柏林法院讽刺性的模仿。译典通The fall of the Berlin wall marked the end of an era.柏林墙的倒塌象征着一个时代的结束。剑桥国际Throughout the Cold War, the Allies asserted their right to move freely between the two Berlins.在整个冷战时期,盟国坚持其在东西柏林之间自由来往的权利。剑桥国际Travel is by coach to Berlin.乘长途客车去柏林旅行。牛津商务




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