

单词 in fact
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARRANGE〕The so-called ‘revolution’ was in fact orchestrated by the CIA. 这次所谓的“革命”实际上是由中央情报局精心策划的。朗文写作活用〔INDEPENDENT〕My mom was in fact quite independent. She had always had a job and her own bank account. 我妈妈实际上相当独立。她一直有工作,一直有自己的银行账户。朗文写作活用〔OPPOSITE〕I thought he was the boss and she was his secretary, but in fact it was the other way around. 我以为他是老板,她是秘书,但事实上正好相反。朗文写作活用〔avoid sth like the plague〕I'm not a fan of parties - in fact I avoid them like the plague.我对聚会不感兴趣——实际上,我害怕聚会如同害怕瘟神。剑桥高阶〔backwards〕There has been no progress, in fact I think we're going backwards.没有什么进展, 实际上我觉得我们的情况越来越糟。外研社新世纪〔back〕No, I'm not too upset that he left – in fact, I was glad to see the back of him.才不呢,他走了我并不太难过 — 其实我很高兴他走了。朗文当代〔basis〕The rumours have a basis in fact.传言有事实根据。外研社新世纪〔bunch〕I'd like to adopt a multi-racial child. In fact, I'd love a whole bunch.我想收养一个混血儿。事实上我喜欢养一群混血儿。柯林斯高阶〔but〕He was in fact wrong, but let's not go into that now.他实际上是错了, 不过咱们现在先不追究这事儿。外研社新世纪〔come to light〕Fresh evidence has recently come to light that suggests that he didn't in fact commit the murder.新近发现的证据表明那起凶杀案并不是他干的。剑桥高阶〔equal〕One box may look bigger than the other, but in fact they are roughly (= almost) equal in volume.一个盒子可能看起来比另一个大,但其实它们的容量大致相等。剑桥高阶〔escaped〕This has, in fact, turned out to be a wonderful escape clause for dishonest employers everywhere.事实上,这已经成为所有狡猾的雇主们用来躲避责任的绝妙条款。柯林斯高阶〔fact〕I used to live in France; in fact, not far from where you're going.我曾在法国住过;确切地说,离你要去的地方不远。牛津高阶〔fact〕John Major didn't go to university. In fact he left school at 16.约翰·梅杰没有上过大学,说白了,他 16 岁便辍学了。柯林斯高阶〔fail〕In fact many food crops failed because of the drought.实际上,因为干旱,很多粮食作物歉收。柯林斯高阶〔far〕Their perfect marriage was, in fact, far from it.他们完美的婚姻, 事实上, 远非如此。外研社新世纪〔giant〕Some people are intimidated by his size, but in fact he's a gentle giant.有些人被他的大块头吓住了,实际上他很和善。牛津搭配〔ground〕Her argument was grounded in fact.她的论点建立在事实基础上。外研社新世纪〔hasten〕The treatment she received may, in fact, have hastened her death.实际上,她所接受的治疗可能加快了她的死亡。牛津高阶〔if〕I met Brenda last week—if that is/was in fact her real name.我上星期见过布伦达——如果那是她的真名。韦氏高阶〔illusion〕The road ahead looks wet, but in fact this is an optical illusion.前方的路面看上去湿漉漉的,但实际上那只是视错觉。牛津搭配〔indistinctly〕In fact I remembered him indistinctly.事实上我只是模模糊糊地记得他。外研社新世纪〔kill〕They weren't bothered – in fact they were killing themselves laughing.他们并不在意,事实上他们还笑得要死呢。朗文当代〔know〕In fact, I knew her for a tough-minded young woman.其实,我知道她是个意志坚强的年轻女性。朗文当代〔know〕You weren't to know — in fact, I think I'm the only person who does know.你不会知道——实际上,我想我是唯一真正知道的人。柯林斯高阶〔legless〕The slow-worm is in fact not a snake but a legless lizard.蛇蜥其实不是蛇,而是无脚的蜥蜴。柯林斯高阶〔near〕In fact it cost nearer three million dollars.事实上这差不多花了300万元。英汉大词典〔nonconformist〕Although he seems to be an old-fashioned non-conformist, he is in fact a very devout Catholic.虽然他看起来像守旧的新教徒,实际是非常虔诚的天主教徒。柯林斯高阶〔other〕I always thought that rugby was a rougher game than football, but in fact it's the other way round.我一直以为橄榄球运动比足球粗野,但事实正好相反。朗文当代〔pardon〕Pardon me, but I think in fact it starts tomorrow, not today.对不起,但是我想应该是明天开始,不是今天。英汉大词典〔profitability〕In fact he could scarcely have spent his time more profitably.事实上,他几乎已最大程度地利用了他的时间。柯林斯高阶〔rather〕I don't mind him. In fact I rather like him.我不烦他。事实上我倒是挺喜欢他。外研社新世纪〔reverse〕You may think we have been making a profit, but in fact the reverse is the case.你可能以为这一阵子我们赚了钱,可实际上情况正相反。英汉大词典〔rump〕The rump of the party does in fact still have considerable assets.事实上,这个党派的残余分子确实仍然拥有可观的资产。柯林斯高阶〔short-change〕Women are in fact still being short-changed in the press.实际上女性在新闻界仍然没有受到公平对待。柯林斯高阶〔sober〕In fact the whole wedding was a sober affair - no dancing, just people standing around in groups chatting politely.事实上,整场婚礼气氛很严肃——没有人跳舞,人们只是聚在一起礼貌地交谈。剑桥高阶〔strait-laced〕Our unconventional behaviour did in fact shock some of our more straitlaced friends.我们这一不合常规的行为实际上着实让我们的一些一本正经的朋友吓了一大跳。柯林斯高阶〔terrific〕I've recovered completely. In fact, I feel terrific.我已经完全康复了。事实上,我感觉好极了。韦氏高阶〔tube〕The lungs are in fact constructed of thousands of tiny tubes.肺实际上由上千条细微的气管构成。柯林斯高阶〔unrehearsed〕In fact, the recordings were mostly unrehearsed improvisations.事实上,这些唱片收录的大部分乐曲都是没排练过的即兴之作。柯林斯高阶〔vaunted〕Simpson's much vaunted discoveries are in fact commonplace in modern sociology.辛普森的那些被大肆称赞的发现在现代社会学中实际上都不足为奇。柯林斯高阶〔verily〕In truth; in fact.真实地;实际地美国传统〔whatever〕There is no evidence whatever to show that this is in fact the case.根本就没有任何证据表明这就是实际情况。剑桥高阶No, I don't work. In fact, I've never had a job.不,我不工作。事实上,我从未工作过。剑桥国际Our latest computer is, in fact, simply a miniaturized version of the previous model, with the advantage that it can be fitted into a briefcase.我们最新的电脑实际上只是现有模型的小型化版本,它的优点是它可以放入手提箱中。剑桥国际She is vice-president in all but name (= in fact but without the title).除了没有名份,她处处像个副总裁。剑桥国际There is a growing suspicion that the men who were jailed for the bombing were in fact innocent.越来越多的人疑心被判入狱的爆炸案犯实际上是替罪羊。剑桥国际We got our wires crossed, she thought I said the train left at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when in fact it leaves at 3 o'clock in the morning.我们发生了误解,她以为我说的是火车下午3点开车,然而实际上是凌晨3点开车。剑桥国际We seem to be consuming more, but in fact the reverse is true.我们看似消费增加了,但实际情况正好相反。牛津商务When South America is stripped out of the overall total, the sales figures are in fact quite good.当南美从总数中被剔除后,事实上销售业绩非常好。牛津商务




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