

单词 破获
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SELL〕Customs officials claim to have uncovered a major drug-trafficking ring. 海关官员称已破获一个很大的毒品走私团伙。朗文写作活用〔bring〕They managed to bring off the most daring jewellery robbery in history.他们破获了有史以来最胆大妄为的一起珠宝盗窃案。朗文当代〔bust sth up〕The police has busted up two automobile theft rings.警方破获了两个汽车偷盗集团。剑桥高阶〔bust〕Customs officers have bust up a major gun smuggling operation.海关官员破获了一桩重大枪支走私案。麦克米伦高阶〔clear-up〕The clear-up rate for such attacks is only about 30 per cent.这类袭击案件的破获率大约只有30%。麦克米伦高阶〔crack〕Police have cracked a major drugs ring.警方破获了一个重大的贩毒集团。牛津高阶〔hit/strike pay dirt〕The police struck pay dirt when a witness came forward with new information.目击证人提供了新的信息后,警方一举破获了案件。韦氏高阶〔not think anything of〕I didn't think anything of it at the time—but it turned out to be the clue that would solve the case.当时我认为这个并不重要,结果却发现这是破获这一案件的线索。韦氏高阶〔ring〕The police exposed (broke up) a fairly large drug ring operating in the area.警方揭露(破获)了在这地区活动的一个相当大的贩毒集团。英汉大词典〔ring〕The police smashed a drug [drugs] ring.警方破获了一个贩毒集团。文馨英汉〔such〕The operation has uncovered such backstreet dealing in stolen property that police might now press for changes in the law.这次行动破获了这样的地下销赃活动,现在警方可能会因此敦促修改法律。柯林斯高阶〔uncover〕Customs officials uncovered a plot to smuggle weapons into the country.海关官员破获了一个走私武器入境的阴谋。朗文当代〔uncover〕The police have uncovered a plot.警方破获了一项阴谋。21世纪英汉The police have uncovered a plot to assassinate the President. 警察已破获一起暗杀总统的阴谋。译典通




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