

单词 holiday
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔accommodation〕holiday accommodation.假日的膳宿供应。牛津同义词〔action〕a holiday packed with action.排满了活动的假日。牛津同义词〔all-in〕an all-in package holiday 费用全包的包价旅游麦克米伦高阶〔apartment〕a holiday apartment 度假公寓剑桥高阶〔apartment〕a holiday apartment 度假公寓朗文当代〔ascension〕the two-day holiday marking the Prophet's ascension to heaven纪念这位先知升天的为期两天的节日外研社新世纪〔bank holiday〕a bank holiday weekend(= a weekend followed by a Monday which is a holiday) 银行假日周末(之后的星期一为假日的大周末)牛津高阶〔blur〕a few blurry photos of their holiday 他们度假时拍的几张模糊的照片朗文当代〔bravery〕crowds wearing their holiday bravery 穿着节日盛装的人群英汉大词典〔brochure〕a holiday brochure 度假手册朗文当代〔continental〕a popular continental holiday resort 受欢迎的欧洲大陆度假胜地牛津高阶〔cottage〕a holiday cottage 度假小别墅牛津高阶〔cut〕to cut your holiday short.缩短假期。牛津同义词〔destination〕popular holiday destinations like the Bahamas 像巴哈马那样深受大众喜爱的度假胜地牛津高阶〔dream〕a dream holiday to Jamaica.牙买加梦幻之旅柯林斯高阶〔ecstasy〕the agony and ecstasy of holiday romance假日罗曼史的痛苦和狂喜外研社新世纪〔episode〕a special holiday episode 假期特别节目韦氏高阶〔expense〕holiday expenses 假日花费英汉大词典〔fortnight〕a fortnight's holiday 两周的假期麦克米伦高阶〔gaiety〕making preparations for the holiday gaieties.作好假日欢庆活动的准备美国传统〔gift wrap〕holiday gift wrap 节日礼品包装材料韦氏高阶〔golfing〕a golfing holiday 打高尔夫球的假期牛津高阶〔holiday〕holiday at the seaside 在海滨度假英汉大词典〔holiday〕a holiday cottage/home/resort 度假别墅╱住所╱胜地牛津高阶〔holiday〕a camping/skiing holiday 野营/滑雪假期剑桥高阶〔holiday〕a foreign holiday 国外度假牛津高阶〔holiday〕a religious holiday 宗教节日韦氏高阶〔holiday〕a three months holiday 3个月的假期英汉大词典〔hoopla〕holiday hoopla 假日里的喧闹英汉大词典〔hot spot〕the traditional Mediterranean holiday hot spots传统的地中海度假胜地外研社新世纪〔indulge〕indulge in a holiday 度一次假享受一下英汉大词典〔infest〕an area infested with holiday homes 到处都是度假屋的地区朗文当代〔influx〕an influx of holiday visitors 度假游客的蜂拥而来英汉大词典〔inn〕the Holiday Inn, Edinburgh 爱丁堡的假日酒店麦克米伦高阶〔known〕a little known holiday resort 鲜为人知的度假胜地英汉大词典〔last minute〕always waits until the last minute to do his holiday shopping.他的假日购物总是要拖到最后一刻美国传统〔last-minute〕a last-minute holiday 最后一分钟定下来的休假牛津高阶〔letting〕short-term holiday lettings 短期出租的度假房屋朗文当代〔load〕loads of parties during the holiday season.假期里的大量聚会美国传统〔middle-aged〕the perfect holiday for the middle-aged.中年人的理想假期柯林斯高阶〔nice〕a nice long holiday 悠长的假期朗文当代〔obligatory〕a holiday brochure with the obligatory sunshine and palm trees 必定印有阳光和棕榈树的度假宣传小册子麦克米伦高阶〔observable〕an observable holiday 应庆祝的节日英汉大词典〔observe〕a nationally observed holiday 全国性的节假日麦克米伦高阶〔pay〕holiday pay 假日薪金牛津高阶〔reading〕a bit of light reading (=things that are easy and enjoyable to read) for my holiday 我假期里看的一些轻松读物朗文当代〔relief〕a holiday relief doctor 节日加班医师英汉大词典〔resort〕a holiday (mountain) resort 度假(山区)胜地 英汉大词典〔resort〕a holiday resort 度假胜地剑桥高阶〔resort〕a popular holiday resort 受欢迎的度假胜地牛津高阶〔romance〕a holiday romance 假日浪漫史牛津高阶〔snap〕holiday snaps 假日快照麦克米伦高阶〔snap〕holiday snaps 假日拍的照片牛津高阶〔special〕a special holiday flight.假期增加的航班美国传统〔throw〕a nice restful holiday with a bit of scenery thrown in 带上一点风景浏览的非常悠闲的休假英汉大词典〔unforgettable〕the leisure activities that will make your holiday unforgettable让假日生活令人难忘的休闲活动外研社新世纪〔walking〕a walking holiday in Scotland 苏格兰的徒步旅行假日牛津高阶holiday pay 假期工资牛津商务a freebie holiday 免费度假牛津商务a package holiday operator 包价旅游经营者牛津商务




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