

单词 knead
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MACHINE〕In a bakery, the bread is rarely kneaded by hand but by large mechanical mixers. 在面包房里,揉面这工作很少用手来做,而是由大型机械搅拌器来完成的。朗文写作活用〔PRESS〕She kneaded the dough and shaped it into loaves. 她把生面团揉捏成长条状。朗文写作活用〔PRESS〕The clay should be kneaded thoroughly to remove any bubbles of air. 黏土应该彻底揉捏,以去除气泡。朗文写作活用〔brake〕An apparatus for kneading large amounts of dough.揉面器:揉制大量面料的器械美国传统〔breadboard〕A board on which bread is sliced or dough is kneaded.擀面板:用来把面包切成片或揉面的板子美国传统〔consistency〕Knead the dough to the right consistency.把面团揉到合适的硬度。牛津搭配〔dough〕Knead the dough lightly, then shape it into a round loaf.轻轻地揉面团,然后搓成圆条面包形。牛津搭配〔dough〕Knead the dough on a floured surface.在撒了面粉的案板上揉面团。牛津高阶〔dough〕A soft, thick mixture of dry ingredients, such as flour or meal, and liquid, such as water, that is kneaded, shaped, and baked, especially as bread or pastry.生面团:用面粉或粗磨粉等干原料与水等液体和起来用于做面包或油酥糕点的软、稠混合物美国传统〔dough〕She kneaded the dough and left it to rise.她揉好面团后让它发酵。剑桥高阶〔fondant〕Knead the fondant on a surface dusted with cornflour.在撒有玉米粉的案板上揉捏软糖料。外研社新世纪〔knead〕Knead the dough for three minutes.将面团揉三分钟。朗文当代〔knead〕Knead the dough until it is smooth.把面团揉到光滑为止。韦氏高阶〔knead〕Knead the dough until smooth.把面团揉到很均匀。麦克米伦高阶〔knead〕Knead the dough until smooth.把面团揉匀为止。剑桥高阶〔knead〕A baker is kneading a dough.一位面包师正在揉面团。21世纪英汉〔knead〕Add the water and knead the mixture well.加水后把混合料揉好。牛津搭配〔knead〕Distractedly I reached around and kneaded my spine.我心烦意乱地把手绕到背后揉捏脊背。外研社新世纪〔knead〕Having been long sitting there, I have to knead the lame muscles of my legs.因为在那儿坐了很久,我不得不按摩我那僵硬的腿部肌肉。21世纪英汉〔knead〕Her hands kneaded each other.她揉弄着双手。英汉大词典〔knead〕Just how much kneading is required depends on the sort of flour.需要揉多久取决于用哪种面。柯林斯高阶〔knead〕Lightly knead the mixture on a floured surface.在撒上面粉的台面上轻揉该混合物。柯林斯高阶〔knead〕Lightly knead the mixture on a floured surface.在撒着面粉的台面上轻揉混合物。外研社新世纪〔knead〕My cat kneaded my hand when I was lying on the sofa.当我在沙发上躺着时,我的小猫用爪子轻轻抚弄着我的手。21世纪英汉〔knead〕Nearby, their mother was kneading bread.不远处, 他们的母亲在揉制面包。外研社新世纪〔knead〕Parents should not knead and shape their children to their own thoughts.父母不应按照自己的想法塑造子女。21世纪英汉〔knead〕She felt him knead the aching muscles.她感到他在按摩她酸痛的肌肉。柯林斯高阶〔knead〕She felt him knead the aching muscles.她感到他在揉捏她酸痛的肌肉。外研社新世纪〔knead〕She gently kneaded the muscles in his back.她轻轻地给他按摩后背。牛津搭配〔knead〕She returned to kneading her dough at the kitchen table.她又回到厨房桌面开始揉面。外研社新世纪〔knead〕The boy is kneading the plasticine into the shape of a dog.那个小男孩正将橡皮泥捏成小狗的形状。21世纪英汉〔knead〕The cat woke me by kneading determinedly on my chest.猫使劲用脚爪抚弄我的胸部,把我弄醒了。英汉大词典〔knead〕They massaged his body, kneading the knotted muscles into smoothness.他们给他推拿,把收紧的肌肉按摩得平滑舒松。英汉大词典〔lightly〕Knead the dough very lightly.非常轻地揉面团。外研社新世纪〔lumpen〕She was kneading a lumpen mass of dough.她正揉着一大块面团。柯林斯高阶〔massage〕The rubbing or kneading of parts of the body to aid circulation or relax the muscles.按摩:揉捏或按摩身体部位,以促进血液循环或放松肌肉美国传统〔masticate〕To grind and knead (rubber, for example) into a pulp.把…磨、碾成浆状:把(塑胶)磨或揉成浆状美国传统〔pug〕Clay ground and kneaded with water into a plastic consistency for forming bricks or pottery.制砖黏土:将黏土捣碎与水揉和制成的一种用于制砖或陶的塑性粘稠物美国传统〔pug〕To work or knead (clay) with water.捣,捏:将(黏土)与水加工或揉和美国传统〔specifically〕Knead the bread dough for several minutes, or, more specifically, until it forms a smooth ball.将生面团揉几分钟,更确切地说,直到它形成光滑的球状。韦氏高阶〔stick to〕Knead the dough until it no longer sticks to your hands.把面团一直揉到不粘手为止。外研社新世纪〔trough〕Any of various similar containers for domestic or industrial use, such as kneading or washing.槽:各种家用或工业用的类似容器,如用于揉面或洗涮美国传统〔well〕Knead the dough well, then divide it into four pieces.充分揉捏面团,然后将它分成4块。剑桥高阶Knead the dough until the mixture is smooth and then place in baking tins.把面团揉至光滑,然后放在烘盘上。剑桥国际Knead the dough well, then divide it into four pieces.充分揉捏生面团,然后将它分成4块。剑桥国际If your muscles are stiff, knead them with your fingers for a minute.要是你的肌肉僵硬了,就用手指揉一会儿。剑桥国际The cook kneaded the dough. 厨子揉面团。译典通The masseur kneaded my back. 按摩师替我推拿背。译典通




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