

单词 in such a way
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SAY〕The Defence Secretary made a public statement about the crisis, but it was worded in such a way as to give very little information. 国防部长就这次危机发表了公开声明,但他措辞谨慎,没有透露多少情况。朗文写作活用〔aback〕Nautical In such a way that the wind pushes against the forward side of a sail or sails.【航海】 船处于顶风位置的:风以阻碍船只前进的方式推动美国传统〔advertorial〕An advertisement promoting the interests or opinions of a corporate sponsor, often presented in such a way as to resemble an editorial.社论式广告:宣传公司赞助商的兴趣或观点的广告,经常以社论的形式刊登美国传统〔analogous〕Similar or alike in such a way as to permit the drawing of an analogy.类似的,模拟的美国传统〔apace〕In such a way or at such a speed as to keep up the requisite momentum; abreast.齐头并进地,并驾齐驱地:以某种方式或速度来保持必要动力地;并肩地美国传统〔assist〕A fielding and throwing of a baseball in such a way that enables a teammate to put out a runner.助杀,助攻:能使同队伙伴击败另一击球者将垒球掷于地或抛出美国传统〔bank〕Sports To play (a ball) in such a way as to make it glance off a surface, such as a backboard or wall.【体育运动】 使弹过:拍(球)使之弹跳过阻挡物,如挡板或墙等美国传统〔bouncer〕Baseball A ground ball hit in such a way that it bounces.【棒球】 尚未入内野就击的触地球美国传统〔charge-coupled device〕A device made up of semiconductors arranged in such a way that the electric charge output of one semiconductor charges an adjacent one.电荷耦合器件:由半导体组成的一种器件,其中一个半导体的电荷输出可以为另一个相邻的半导体充电美国传统〔contradictory〕Either of two propositions related in such a way that it is impossible for both to be true or both to be false.矛盾命题:两个互相关联的不可能同为正确或错误的命题中的一个美国传统〔counterpoint〕The technique of combining two or more melodic lines in such a way that they establish a harmonic relationship while retaining their linear individuality.对位法:把两个或多个旋律合成使其具有和谐的关系又保持各自的线条的一种方法美国传统〔defilade〕To arrange (fortifications) in such a way as to give protection from enfilading and other fire.遮蔽:建筑(防御工事)使避开纵射和其它炮火美国传统〔edge〕Sports To tilt (a ski or both skis) in such a way that an edge or both edges bite into the snow.【体育运动】 倾斜雪板:使(一只或两只)雪板一侧或双侧都切入雪中美国传统〔goose-step〕To march in such a way that the legs swing sharply from the hips and the knees are locked.以正步前进:两腿从臀部开始摆动而膝关节保持站立时状态的前进方式美国传统〔jog〕Sports To run in such a way for sport or exercise.【体育运动】 慢跑:为运动或健身而这样慢跑美国传统〔limited company〕A firm, usually associated with British registration, that is organized in such a way as to give its owners limited liability.有限公司:一种公司,通常在英国注册,组织形式为公司所有者承担有限责任美国传统〔lock〕Computer Science To end the processing of (a magnetic tape or disk) in such a way as to deny access to its contents.【计算机科学】 锁定:通过拒绝存取内容而结束(磁盘或磁碟)的运行美国传统〔lock〕To invest (funds) in such a way that they cannot easily be converted into cash.套牢(资本):资本无法轻易转为现金的投资美国传统〔picante〕Prepared in such a way as to be spicy; having a sauce typically containing tomatoes, onions, peppers, vinegar, and other condiments.调味酱:加有香料的;一般含有番茄、洋葱、辣椒、醋和其他佐料的调味汁美国传统〔planting〕He hoped that he could plant the idea in such a way that Abramov would believe it was his own.他希望能把这个想法注入阿布拉莫夫的头脑,但要让他相信这是他自己的念头。柯林斯高阶〔plant〕He hoped that he could plant the idea in such a way that Abramov would believe it was his own.他希望能把这个想法注入阿布拉莫夫的头脑, 但要让他相信这是他自己的念头。外研社新世纪〔preclude〕He would rebuff enquiries in such a way as to preclude any further discussion.他会断然拒绝询问,使得无法进行进一步的讨论。柯林斯高阶〔preclude〕He would rebuff enquiries in such a way as to preclude any further discussion.他会断然拒绝询问, 使得无法进行进一步的讨论。外研社新世纪〔reflux〕To be boiled in such a way.回流:被用这种方法煮沸美国传统〔reverse〕Printing Printed in such a way that the normally colored part appears white against a colored or black background.【印刷术】 色彩逆转的:以一种使正常的有色部分在有色或黑色的背景上看起来是白色的方式印刷的美国传统〔ritual murder〕A murder committed in such a way as to resemble a sacrifice to a deity.祭神的谋杀:以类似于杀活人祭神的方法而犯的谋杀罪美国传统〔seal〕A device that joins two systems or elements in such a way as to prevent leakage.封口机:用这种方式连接两个系统或元素以防渗漏的装置美国传统〔self-winding〕Designed in such a way that manual winding is unnecessary. Used of clocks and watches.自动上条的:设计成无需手动上发条的方式。用于时钟或表美国传统〔set〕Sports To position (oneself) in such a way as to be ready to start running a race.【体育运动】 就位:在此赛中使(自己)就位以准备起跑美国传统〔soft landing〕The landing of a space vehicle on a celestial body or on Earth in such a way as to prevent damage or destruction of the vehicle.软着陆:飞船在天体或地球上为防止造成飞船破坏或毁坏而进行的着陆美国传统〔subcontrary〕A proposition related to another in such a way that both may be true, but both cannot be false.小反对关系,下反对关系:两个命题有着这样的关系,即两者都可能正确或错误美国传统〔such〕He could put an idea in such a way that Alan would believe it was his own.他能把观点表达得让艾伦认为那是他自己的主意。柯林斯高阶〔such〕He lectured in such a way that many in the audience found him impossible to understand.他这样讲课,听众中有许多人都觉得很难懂。朗文当代〔such〕He speaks to me in such a way that I always feel he is insulting me.他这样对我说话让我总觉得他是在侮辱我。麦克米伦高阶〔such〕I tried to tell her in such a way that she wouldn't get offended.我尽量用一种不得罪她的方式告诉她。剑桥高阶〔such〕The knot was fastened in such a way that it was impossible to undo.那个结系死了,没法解开。牛津高阶〔thump〕To hit or fall in such a way as to produce a thump; pound.重击,砰然落地:发出压低声响的打或落下;猛击美国传统〔unifacial〕Archaeology Flaked in such a way as to produce a cutting edge that is sharp on one side only. Used of a stone tool.【考古学】 单面石制工具的:切削以制作成切边的,仅有一边锋利。用于石制工具美国传统〔wing collar〕A shirt collar, used especially in men's formal clothing, in which the front edges are folded down in such a way as to resemble a pair of wings.翅领,翼领:衬衫的领子,特别用在男士的正式服装,在边缘的前面可折迭下来像是一对翅膀美国传统〔word〕He worded the reply in such a way that he did not admit making the original error.他在回答中的措词表明他不承认原来犯的错误。剑桥高阶He worded (= carefully chose the words of) the reply in such a way that he did not admit making the original error.他在答复中措辞谨慎,不承认最初所犯的错误。剑桥国际I tried to tell her in such a way that she wouldn't be offended.我试图用一种不会伤她感情的方法告诉她那事。剑桥国际She raised herself to her full height (= stood in such a way as to make herself as tall as possible).她站直了身子。剑桥国际The aim in chess is to win by attacking the other player's king in such a way that it cannot avoid being taken.国际象棋的目标是攻击对方的王,使其无法不被吃掉。剑桥国际The pot is made to (= produced in such a way that it will) withstand high temperatures.这个器皿被制成耐高温型。剑桥国际




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