

单词 heedless
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔devil-may-care〕Heedless of caution; reckless.粗心的:把警告当作耳旁风;粗心大意的美国传统〔ecocide〕Heedless or deliberate destruction of the natural environment, as by pollutants or an act of war.生态灭绝:对自然环境的无意或有意的毁灭,如污染或战争引起的破坏美国传统〔freewheeling〕Heedless of consequences; carefree.随心所欲的:不顾及后果的;无拘无束的美国传统〔heedless〕Heedless destruction of the rainforests is contributing to global warming.对雨林的肆意破坏正在加重全球变暖的趋势。剑桥高阶〔heedless〕Heedless of time or any other consideration, they began to search the room.他们顾不上考虑时间和其他因素就开始搜查房间。外研社新世纪〔heedless〕Heedless of time or any other consideration, they began to search the underwater cave.他们顾不上考虑时间或任何其他因素就开始寻找水下洞穴。柯林斯高阶〔heedless〕Journalists had insisted on getting to the front line of the battle, heedless of the risks.记者们不顾危险坚持来到战斗前线。剑桥高阶〔heedless〕O'Hara rode on, heedless of danger.奥哈拉不理会危险,继续骑马前行。朗文当代〔heedless〕She was rummaging through the letters, scattering them about the table in her heedless haste.她在信件中翻找, 匆忙冒失之下将它们扔得满桌都是。外研社新世纪〔heedless〕She was rummaging through the letters, scattering them about the table in her heedless haste.她在信件里乱翻,匆忙冒失之下将它们扔得满桌都是。柯林斯高阶〔irrespective〕Characterized by disregard; heedless.忽视的,不留心的美国传统〔reckless〕Heedless or careless.粗心的:不注意的或粗心大意的美国传统〔slam-bang〕With heedless speed; slapdash.砰然地(的):以不经意的速度地(的);鲁莽地(的)美国传统〔tear〕To move with heedless speed; rush headlong.狂奔:以不留心的速度移动;猛地往前冲美国传统Heedless destruction of the rainforests is contributing to global warming.对雨林毁坏掉以轻心导致全球变暖。剑桥国际Heedless of the terrible noise all around, the boy carried on with his work.男孩继续进行他的工作,对周围可怕的吵闹声丝毫不加理睬。剑桥国际The journalists insisted on getting to the front line of the battle, heedless of the risks.记者们根本不考虑危险而坚持要到战斗前线去。剑桥国际




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