

单词 supplied
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕Nobody knows exactly who built the manor, but it is certain that an architect called John Sturges supplied the drawings. 没有人确切知道谁建造了庄园,但肯定是一位名叫约翰·斯特奇斯的建筑师提供的图纸。朗文写作活用〔DEFEND〕According to the report, only defensive weapons had been supplied to Iran. 该报道称提供给伊朗的仅限于防卫性武器。朗文写作活用〔DISAPPEAR〕The company that supplied the missing cargo seems to have vanished into thin air. 那家提供那些下落不明的货物的公司似乎人间蒸发了。朗文写作活用〔EXTREME〕His government has supplied weapons to fanatical separatist groups abroad. 他的政府向国外狂热的分离主义组织提供了武器。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The US supplied the machinery, the know-how, and most of the capital. 美国提供机器、技术以及大部分资金。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕Companies need to know that those with whom they are trading are solvent and can pay for goods and services supplied to them 公司需要知道,和自己有生意往来的商家是有能力为提供给他们的货物和服务支付款项的。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕Money for the group's terrorist activities was supplied by sympathisers in the US. 该组织用来从事恐怖活动的钱是它在美国的支持者提供的。朗文写作活用〔adequately〕We were not even adequately supplied with ammunition.我们甚至没有充足的弹药。外研社新世纪〔ammunition〕The troops were supplied with weapons and ammunition.军队配有武器弹药。韦氏高阶〔amply〕He was amply supplied with money.他得到充足的金钱供应。文馨英汉〔annotation〕He supplied annotations to nearly 15,000 musical works.他为近15,000部音乐作品加过评注。外研社新世纪〔annotation〕He supplied annotations to nearly 15,000 musical works.他给近1.5万部音乐作品作过注解。柯林斯高阶〔approval〕The goods were supplied on approval (= they could be sent back if they were not satisfactory).那些货品包退包换。牛津搭配〔avascular〕Not associated with or supplied by blood vessels.无血管的:不与血管相关或不由血管供应的美国传统〔bank〕A business establishment in which money is kept for saving or commercial purposes or is invested, supplied for loans, or exchanged.银行:进行金钱储存、投资、贷款、交换等的商业机构美国传统〔barrel organ〕A mechanical instrument on which a tune is played by the action of a revolving cylinder fitted with pegs or pins that open pipe valves supplied by a bellows.手摇风琴:一种内部装有一个带弦纽或钉子的旋转圆筒的机械制动乐器。有风箱使风进入空心琴管内而产生音调美国传统〔bedding〕They were supplied with food, clothes, and bedding.给他们提供了食品、衣服和被褥。麦克米伦高阶〔cable〕Their company supplied cable for the project.他们的公司为这个项目提供缆索韦氏高阶〔cowled〕Wearing or supplied with a cowl; hooded.戴有或装备有头巾的;装有帽罩的美国传统〔dash〕A dash of glamour was supplied by the presence of a couple of minor TV celebrities.几个小电视明星的出现增添了一点诱惑力。麦克米伦高阶〔denote〕In figure 24 'D' denotes quantity demanded and 'S' denotes quantity supplied.在图 24 中,D 代表需求量而 S 代表供应量。柯林斯高阶〔diving bell〕A large vessel for underwater work, open on the bottom and supplied with air under pressure.潜水钟:水下作业的大容器,底部开口并可提供压力下的空气美国传统〔documentation〕The documents or references so supplied.证明文件:提供的文件或参考资料美国传统〔efficiency〕The ratio of the energy delivered by a machine to the energy supplied for its operation.功率:机器做一定功所发出的能量与其总能量的比美国传统〔ejective〕The ejective force is supplied by an explosive charge under the seat.弹射力是由坐位下的炸药供给的。英汉大词典〔embargo〕Before the international embargo, Iraq supplied most of Jordan's oil.在实施国际禁运前, 约旦的大部分石油都是伊拉克供应的。外研社新世纪〔expendable〕The space station is kept supplied with air, food, and other expendables.空间站持续有空气、食物以及其他消耗品的供应。外研社新世纪〔feed〕Material or an amount of material supplied, as to a machine or furnace.进料:给机器或炉子供给的原料或进料量美国传统〔food〕Thanks to international aid, the town had been supplied with food for nine months.由于得到国际援助,这座城市的食品供应已维持了 9 个月。牛津搭配〔frame〕He supplied housebuilders with modern timber frames.他为房屋建筑商提供现代建筑木架。外研社新世纪〔frame〕He supplied housebuilders with modern timber frames.他给房屋建筑商提供了现代的木构架。柯林斯高阶〔grower〕All our vegetables are supplied by local growers.我们所有的蔬菜均由当地菜农供应。牛津高阶〔hood〕Why aren't all lenses supplied with a lens hood?为什么不给所有的镜头都配上遮光罩呢?外研社新世纪〔injection〕This hormone could be supplied by injection.这种激素可通过注射输入体内。英汉大词典〔input〕Current, electromotive force, or power supplied to an electric circuit, network, or device.电流,电能,电力:供给电路、网络或设备的电流、电动力量或电力美国传统〔integral〕The equipment is supplied as an integral unit.这些设备是整套供应的。牛津同义词〔integrity〕The accuracy of the analysis depends on the integrity of the data supplied.该分析的精确性取决于所提供的数据是否完好无损。麦克米伦高阶〔man-at-arms〕A soldier, especially a medieval cavalryman supplied with heavy arms.士兵:士兵,尤指中世纪时装备重武器的骑兵美国传统〔mentor〕He was much more than a mentor; he supplied decisions.他不仅是位良师,而且代为提供决策。文馨英汉〔network〕The uterus is supplied with a rich network of blood vessels and nerves.密布的血管和神经网向子宫输送养料。外研社新世纪〔network〕The uterus is supplied with a rich network of blood vessels and nerves.密布的血管和神经网向子宫输送养料。柯林斯高阶〔on〕He may have something on her. He may have supplied her with drugs, and then threatened to tell if she didn't do this.他或许抓住了她的什么把柄。可能是给她提供了毒品,然后威胁她如果不这样做的话就告发她。柯林斯高阶〔order〕That which is supplied, bought, or sold.订单的货物:(他人要求)供应、带来或出卖(事物)的任务或指示美国传统〔order〕To give an order for; request to be supplied with.订货:下订单;要求供货美国传统〔order〕To give an order or orders; request that something be done or supplied.下订单:下订单(一张或数张);要求供应或制作某物美国传统〔oxygen mask〕A masklike device placed over the mouth and nose and through which oxygen is supplied from an attached storage tank.氧气面具:象面具的一种置于嘴和鼻子上的装置,通过它氧气可以被从与之相连的贮存罐所提供美国传统〔per〕Cars will be supplied as per the terms agreed on.汽车将依照已商定的条款供货。麦克米伦高阶〔piece〕Fortunately, the next step in the research process supplied the missing piece of the puzzle.幸运的是,研究进程中的下一步提供了谜团中所缺失的那一部分。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕Rocks and stumps supplied the place of chairs at the picnic.岩石和树桩被用作野餐的椅子。英汉大词典〔plentiful〕She kept them plentifully supplied with gossip.她不断向他们散播大量的流言蜚语。牛津高阶〔pouch〕All our electric shavers are supplied with a free travel pouch.我们的电动剃须刀都免费提供一个旅行套。剑桥高阶〔powder〕The paint is supplied in powder form .这种涂料以粉末状供应。朗文当代〔receipt〕Goods should be supplied within 28 days after the receipt of your order.应该在收到订单后28天内供货。柯林斯高阶〔receipt〕Goods should be supplied within 28 days after the receipt of your order.我方在接到贵方订单后28天内供货。外研社新世纪〔repletion〕The condition of being fully supplied or completely filled.充满:被充足供应或完全装满的情况美国传统〔richly〕The hands are richly supplied with nerve endings.双手布满了神经末梢。外研社新世纪〔richly〕The hands are richly supplied with nerve endings.手上布满了神经末梢。柯林斯高阶〔rotary engine〕An engine, such as a turbine, in which power is supplied directly to vanes or other rotary parts.旋转发动机,转轮式发动机:如涡轮机等发动机中所提供的动力直接输送给轮叶或其它旋转部件美国传统〔scan〕A program is supplied which scans for viruses and removes them.有人提供了一个程序用来扫描并消除病毒。麦克米伦高阶〔so-called〕It was one of his so-called friends who supplied him with the drugs that killed him.是他一个所谓的朋友为他提供毒品,让他丧了命。剑桥高阶〔subaudition〕A word or thought supplied by subaudition.领会到的言外之意:言外之意不言而喻的事物美国传统〔suggest〕My imagination supplied the explanation you only hinted at.我的想象力补充了你仅作了含蓄的暗示的解释。美国传统〔supplied〕France is abundantly supplied with excellent family-run hotels.法国有很多相当不错的家庭旅馆。柯林斯高阶〔supply〕An informer supplied the police with the names of those involved in the crime.有告密者向警方提供了涉案人员的名字。朗文当代〔supply〕Any room where gas is used must be adequately supplied with air.任何使用煤气的房间都必须有充足的空气。牛津搭配〔supply〕At the beginning of termthe semester, students are supplied with a list of books that they are expected to read.在学期初,学生们拿到了一份阅读书目清单。剑桥高阶〔supply〕Calvin readily supplied the information.卡尔文欣然提供了信息。牛津搭配〔supply〕Electrical power is supplied by underground cables.电力是由地下电缆输送的。剑桥高阶〔supply〕Foreign governments supplied arms to the rebels.一些外国政府向反叛者提供武器。牛津高阶〔supply〕Foreign governments supplied the rebels with arms.一些外国政府向反叛者提供武器。牛津高阶〔supply〕Goods can be supplied at very short notice.一经通知立即供货。外研社新世纪〔supply〕He supplied the information to us.他向我们提供了信息。韦氏高阶〔supply〕He kept us supplied with the latest news.他不断向我们提供最新消息。韦氏高阶〔supply〕It comes supplied with an adaptor.它自带适配器。外研社新世纪〔supply〕It was a spacious room amply supplied with expensive furniture.那是一间宽敞的屋子,昂贵的家具应有尽有。牛津搭配〔supply〕Most large towns are supplied with electricity.多数大型城镇都供电了。外研社新世纪〔supply〕Much of the material supplied to the army was faulty.为军队提供的资料很多都是有问题的。外研社新世纪〔supply〕Paint for the project was supplied by the city.用于这个项目的油漆由市里提供。朗文当代〔supply〕She kept the guests well supplied with champagne.她保证客人有充足的香槟供应。牛津搭配〔supply〕Something that is or can be supplied.补给品:供应的东西或能供给的东西美国传统〔supply〕The centre supplied us with all the equipment.中心为我们提供所有的设备。外研社新世纪〔supply〕The company supplied the necessary money.公司提供了必要的资金。韦氏高阶〔supply〕The company supplied us with the necessary money.这家公司为我们提供了必要的资金。韦氏高阶〔supply〕The company has supplied the royal family (= provided them with something they need) for years.多年来该公司一直为皇室供货。剑桥高阶〔supply〕The lounge was well supplied with ashtrays.休息室备有大量的烟灰缸。朗文当代〔supply〕The room was well supplied with reading material.房间里有丰富的阅读材料。牛津搭配〔supply〕The water was supplied from a tanker.水由罐车提供。牛津搭配〔supply〕They revealed that he had supplied terrorist organizations with weapons.他们揭发说他向恐怖组织提供了武器。麦克米伦高阶〔tempo〕Elgar supplied his works with precise indications of tempo.埃尔加给自己的作品标上了精确的节奏标记。柯林斯高阶〔transmission〕An extra copy of each document was supplied for onward transmission to head office.每份文件都备了一份副本传给总部。牛津搭配〔trickle charge〕An electric charge supplied to a storage battery at a continuous low rate to keep it fully charged.点滴式充电:对蓄电池采用的一种缓慢而连续的充电,以使其电力充足美国传统〔underground〕The drugs are supplied through an underground network.毒品通过一个地下网络供应。韦氏高阶〔unprovided〕Not supplied, furnished, or equipped.无供给的:未被提供,装饰或装备的美国传统〔vanish〕The company that supplied the cargo has vanished into thin air.(表示强调)消失得无影无踪,彻底消失麦克米伦高阶〔wood〕To gather or be supplied with wood.集拢或被提供木材美国传统A guitarist supplied the musical accompaniment.一位吉他手进行了音乐伴奏。剑桥国际A pro forma invoice is always sent out by the publisher before books are supplied to the customer.在把书供给顾客以前,一直由出版商开出一张估价发票。剑桥国际All our electric shavers are supplied with a free travel pouch.我们的电动剃须刀都免费提供一个旅行袋。剑桥国际All our products are thoroughly tested and supplied with a certificate of analysis.我们所有的产品都经过彻底测试,并获发化验证明书。牛津商务At the beginning of term, students are supplied with a list of books that they are expected to read.学期一开始,学生们就会得到他们这学期必读书的书目单。剑桥国际Can the goods be supplied in sufficient quantity? 货物能不能足量供应?牛津商务Electrical power is supplied by underground cables.电力是由地下电缆提供的。剑桥国际Employees were supplied with home computers.给雇员配备了家用计算机。牛津商务Food will be supplied unlimitedly in that area. 该地区的食品供应将不受限制。译典通Full particulars of all the directors must be supplied.必须提供所有董事的详细资料。牛津商务It was one of his so-called friends who supplied him with the drugs that killed him.一个所谓的朋友向他提供了毒品,使他丧了命。剑桥国际Most of our products are supplied to furniture manufacturers for indirect export to North America.我们的大部分产品是供应给家具制造商间接出口到北美。牛津商务Newspapers are supplied to the shop on sale or return.提供给零售店的报纸是可以包退剩货的。剑桥国际Nike outlets are supplied direct from the factory.耐克专卖店由厂家直接供货。牛津商务Soldiers and civilians have been supplied with gas masks to protect them in the event of a poison gas attack.士兵和平民都发放了防毒面具以防毒气袭击。剑桥国际Some of these houses still don't have running water (= water supplied by pipes).这些房子中的一部分还没有自来水。剑桥国际The balance of your order will be supplied when we have new stock.我们有新货时,将会给你们补回订单中余下数额的货品。牛津商务The car comes supplied with stereo equipment, sunroof, electric windows, and more.这辆车配备有立体声设备、活动车顶、电动车窗以及其他各种设备。剑桥国际The company has supplied the royal family (= provided them with something they need) for years.该公司多年来一直向皇室提供各种必需品。剑桥国际The scheme aims to boost the country's invisible exports (=services supplied to foreign countries such as banking, rather than goods such as machines).这项计划旨在促进国家的无形输出(指在国际收支中不是因商品输出而是由银行业务等带来的收入)。剑桥国际The ten essential amino acids which are necessary for growth cannot be made by the human body but must be supplied by food or drugs.机体生长所必需的10种主要氨基酸不能由人体自身产生,而必须由食物或药品提供。剑桥国际Water is supplied by fluming in this mountain village. 这个山村的水靠使用引水槽提供。译典通Water is supplied from the mains. 水的供应来自总水管。译典通




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