

单词 full skirt
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔dirndl〕A full skirt with a gathered waistband.有腰带的多褶连衣裙美国传统〔fan out〕The dress's full skirt fanned out in a bright circle.连衣裙的整个下摆向外展成一个颜色鲜亮的圆圈。外研社新世纪〔fan〕She suddenly raised her arms and spun, so the dress's full skirt fanned out in a bright circle.她突然举起双臂旋转起来,连衣裙的裙身呈圆形完全展开,明艳照人。柯林斯高阶〔full〕My wedding dress has a very full skirt.我结婚礼服的裙摆很宽松。柯林斯高阶〔full〕My wedding dress has a very full skirt.我的婚纱裙摆很宽松。外研社新世纪〔hoop skirt〕A long full skirt belled out with a series of connected circular supports.圈环裙:呈花冠状突出的多褶皱的长裙,内有一系列相互连接的环状支撑物美国传统〔redingote〕A man's long double-breasted topcoat with full skirt.骑装外套:双排纽男士骑装长外套美国传统〔skirt〕Her full skirt billowed around her as she danced.她跳舞时裙子的宽摆高高扬起。牛津搭配〔velvet〕Her velvet was of a pale green with a very full skirt.她的连衣裙是淡绿色的,下摆宽大。英汉大词典〔waistline〕The dress has a small waistline and a full skirt.这条连衣裙腰窄下摆宽。韦氏高阶Charlotte wore a ball gown with a tight bodice and a full skirt.夏洛特穿了一套参加舞会的礼服,上身是件紧身衣,下身是条宽下摆的裙子。剑桥国际She wore a full skirt. 她穿一件宽下摆的裙子。译典通The full skirt flared out. 那条宽下摆女裙呈喇叭形展开。译典通




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