单词 | fury |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MIX〕As I spoke his expression was one of amazement mingled with fury. 我讲话时,他的神情既吃惊又愤怒。朗文写作活用〔NARROW〕Having narrowed to about 50 feet in the canyon, the river was now moving with speed and fury. 那条河在峡谷里变窄到约50英尺左右,水流变得湍急了,而且波涛汹涌。朗文写作活用〔Olympian〕He dared his father's Olympian fury.他敢于面对他父亲的盛怒。英汉大词典〔abate〕Soft words did not abate her fury.好言抚慰平息不了她的暴怒。英汉大词典〔ablaze〕His eyes were ablaze with fury.他的眼里燃烧着怒火。朗文当代〔anger〕In their fury they smashed all the dishes.他们在狂怒之下把所有餐具都砸了。韦氏高阶〔awry〕She was in a fury over a plan that had gone awry.计划出了问题, 她很愤怒。外研社新世纪〔awry〕She was in a fury over a plan that had gone awry.计划出了问题,她很愤怒。柯林斯高阶〔blaze〕Her eyes blazed with fury.她的眼里充满怒火。麦克米伦高阶〔blaze〕Her eyes were blazing with fury.她的双眼燃烧着怒火。牛津高阶〔blazing〕He jumped to his feet in a blazing fury.他暴跳如雷。朗文当代〔blind〕He was blind with fury (= so angry that he could not behave reasonably).他暴跳如雷,丧失了理智。剑桥高阶〔boil〕James felt the fury boiling within him.詹姆斯感到怒火中烧。麦克米伦高阶〔burn with〕She burned with fury at his unkind remarks.她对他的出言不逊怒火中烧。21世纪英汉〔chain〕They kept jerking his chain until he got into a real fury.他们不停地戏弄他, 直到他暴跳如雷。外研社新世纪〔contain〕Laura barely contained her fury.劳拉几乎控制不住自己的愤怒。麦克米伦高阶〔crimson〕His face crimsoned with fury (from shame).他的脸因大怒(羞愧)而涨得通红。英汉大词典〔diplomacy〕He stormed off in a fury, and it took all Minnelli's powers of diplomacy to get him to return.他愤然离去,米内利使出了浑身解数才把他劝了回来。柯林斯高阶〔disembowel〕Next, she disembowelled a melon with a quiet fury.接着,她闷着头愤愤地掏空瓜瓤。柯林斯高阶〔elemental〕The storm showed elemental fury in its violence.暴雨显示了大自然的狂暴力量。英汉大词典〔eruption〕Newman fled barefoot as the cheated husband erupted in fury.被戴绿帽的丈夫勃然大怒,纽曼吓得光着脚逃走了。柯林斯高阶〔erupt〕He erupted with fury when I suggested he was wrong.当我提出他错了的时候,他勃然大怒。麦克米伦高阶〔erupt〕My father just erupted into fury.我父亲勃然大怒。牛津高阶〔erupt〕Newman fled barefoot as the cheated husband erupted in fury.被妻子戴绿帽子的丈夫勃然大怒, 纽曼则光着脚溜了。外研社新世纪〔exit〕He exited the courtroom in a fury.他怒气冲冲地离开了审判室。朗文当代〔explode〕He exploded his fury at the story they had heard.他由于他们听到的那段叙述而大发雷霆。英汉大词典〔eye〕His eyes bulged in fury.他气得眼珠子都凸了出来。牛津搭配〔fury〕Fury burned inside me.我怒火中烧。牛津搭配〔fury〕Fury erupted over a speech made by the Prime Minister.首相的讲话引发了众怒。牛津搭配〔fury〕Fury over tax increases(= as a newspaper headline).对增税极端愤怒(作报纸标题)。牛津高阶〔fury〕At last the fury of the storm lessened.暴风雨的猛烈势头终于消减了。朗文当代〔fury〕He could hardly contain his fury.他几乎克制不住自己的愤怒。剑桥高阶〔fury〕He flew into a fury when I refused.我拒绝他就勃然大怒。牛津高阶〔fury〕He growled with barely controlled fury.他怒不可遏地嚷起来。牛津搭配〔fury〕He kicked the tree in fury at his own stupidity.他为自己的愚行而气得猛踢树。牛津搭配〔fury〕He reacted with cold fury.他回以冷冷的怒火。牛津搭配〔fury〕He rose to his feet in a fury to leave no doubt about where he stood on the issue.他怒不可遏地站起身来,这就清楚地表明了他在这个问题上的态度。柯林斯高阶〔fury〕He rose to his feet in a fury.他愤怒地站起身。外研社新世纪〔fury〕He turned away from them in fury.他愤怒地从他们面前转身离去。韦氏高阶〔fury〕He vented his fury on the cat.他朝猫发泄怒火。牛津搭配〔fury〕He was beside himself with fury.他气得发狂。牛津搭配〔fury〕He would have to face the full fury of his father.他将不得不面对盛怒之下的父亲。牛津搭配〔fury〕Her fury against him rose.她对他的怒火越来越大了。牛津搭配〔fury〕Her eyes blazed with fury.她的双眼迸发出暴怒之火。牛津高阶〔fury〕His face and body sagged as his fury faded.怒火平息时,他的脸和身体也松弛下来。牛津搭配〔fury〕I could see the fury in her eyes.我能看到她两眼的怒火。韦氏高阶〔fury〕I had never felt such fury before.我从没如此狂怒过。牛津搭配〔fury〕I had reacted in a fury of grief.我的反应是悲愤交加。外研社新世纪〔fury〕I had reacted in a fury of grief.我的反应是悲愤交加。柯林斯高阶〔fury〕I hoped she wouldn't turn her fury on me.我希望她不会拿我当出气筒。牛津搭配〔fury〕I was shaking with fury .我气得发抖。朗文当代〔fury〕In a fury of frustration and fear Nina bit his hand.尼娜一阵懊恼和害怕,咬了他的手。朗文当代〔fury〕Jo stepped forward, her eyes blazing with fury .乔满目怒火地走上前来。朗文当代〔fury〕Nothing could contain his fury over their accusations.没有什么能掩饰他对他们指控的愤怒。韦氏高阶〔fury〕Rob flew into a fury and left the room.勃然大怒麦克米伦高阶〔fury〕She directed her fury at her father.她把怒气发到父亲身上。牛津搭配〔fury〕She flew into a fury at the suggestion.这个建议使她勃然大怒。剑桥高阶〔fury〕She rose in a fury and stalked out of the room.她愤怒地站起身,大步走出房间。韦氏高阶〔fury〕She screamed, her face distorted with fury and pain.她尖叫着, 她的脸因愤怒和痛苦而扭曲。外研社新世纪〔fury〕She screamed, her face distorted with fury and pain.她尖叫着,脸部因狂怒和痛苦而扭曲。柯林斯高阶〔fury〕She turned on him in a fury.在暴怒中,她突然袭击他。牛津搭配〔fury〕She was listening with such a fury of concentration that she did not notice Arthur had left.她听得极为入迷,都没注意到阿瑟走了。朗文当代〔fury〕She was speechless with fury.她气得说不出话来。麦克米伦高阶〔fury〕South Florida felt the full fury of the storm.南佛罗里达遭到暴风雨最猛烈的袭击。英汉大词典〔fury〕That kind of treatment would drive anyone to fury.遭受那样的对待,没有人会不恼火。牛津搭配〔fury〕The decision to close the factory has provoked fury.关闭工厂的决定引发了众怒。牛津搭配〔fury〕The hurricane unleashed its fury on hundreds of homes and businesses.飓风猛烈地袭击了成百上千的民宅和商铺。韦氏高阶〔fury〕The report was leaked to the press, much to the president's fury.报告被人透露给了媒体,令总统大为光火。朗文当代〔fury〕There was no shelter from the fury of the storm.那时没有地方可以躲避狂风暴雨。牛津高阶〔fury〕They rode like fury.他们拼命地骑。外研社新世纪〔fury〕We went out and played like fury.我们出去疯玩了一通。朗文当代〔fury〕Workers expressed their fury at the tax increases.工人们表达了对增税的强烈愤怒。麦克米伦高阶〔grind〕He ground his teeth in fury.他气得咬牙切齿。外研社新世纪〔grit your teeth〕He gritted his teeth in silent fury.他气得咬牙切齿,一言不发。剑桥高阶〔growl〕His fury was so great he could hardly speak. He growled some unintelligible words at Pete.他气得几乎说不出话来,冲着皮特不知咆哮些什么。柯林斯高阶〔incandescence〕It makes me incandescent with fury.它令我极其愤怒。柯林斯高阶〔incandescent〕It makes me incandescent with fury.它令我极其愤怒。外研社新世纪〔inside〕Fury continually rose inside me.怒火不断在我心头上升。英汉大词典〔like fury〕I've been working like fury these past few days to catch up.过去的这几天里我一直奋力工作以求赶上进度。剑桥高阶〔manifestly〕He's only convincing when that inner fury manifests itself.只有在那内心的愤怒充分表露的时候,他才令人信服。柯林斯高阶〔manifest〕He's only convincing when that inner fury manifests itself.他只有在内心的愤怒充分表露的时候, 才令人信服。外研社新世纪〔modelling〕A model of good manners, he has conquered any inward fury.作为一个非常懂礼貌的人,他已经学会了克制内心的任何愤怒情绪。柯林斯高阶〔model〕A model of good manners, he has conquered any inward fury.作为一个懂礼貌的榜样, 他已经克制住了内心的所有愤怒情绪。外研社新世纪〔moderate〕His fury moderated when he learned why she had done it.当他知道了她那样做的原因时,他的火气就消了。21世纪英汉〔molten〕A red bed of coals blazed with molten fury.火红的煤层熊熊燃烧着。英汉大词典〔murderous〕Giving way to her murderous fury now wouldn't solve anything.她气得想要杀人, 现在向她屈服也无济于事。外研社新世纪〔old〕I took myself off in a high old fury.我非常愤怒地离开了。外研社新世纪〔overarch〕A fury snake overarching was looking at us.一条弓起身子狂怒的蛇在盯视着我们。21世纪英汉〔pitch〕He screamed at her in a pitch of fury.他生气极了,对着她大喊大叫。朗文当代〔positive〕He was in a positive fury.他勃然大怒。外研社新世纪〔positive〕He was in a positive fury.他确实发怒了。柯林斯高阶〔possess〕Fury (或 A violent rage) suddenly possessed her.她突然大发雷霆。英汉大词典〔possess〕Fury possessed me.我勃然大怒美国传统〔propel〕Fury propelled her into action.怒火驱使她行动起来。牛津高阶〔quake〕Richmond was quaking with fury.里士满气得发抖。朗文当代〔rage〕She tried to control the fury raging within her.她竭力控制内心激荡的怒火。牛津搭配〔redden〕He was working himself up to a fury, his face reddening.他勃然大怒,脸涨得通红。柯林斯高阶〔release〕The typhoon released its full fury.台风肆虐。英汉大词典〔remit〕The storm remitted its fury.风暴的强度减弱了美国传统〔repress〕He burst in, making no effort to repress his fury.他冲了进来,毫不掩饰自己的愤怒。牛津高阶〔shake〕She was shaking with anger / fury / rage.她气得浑身发抖。牛津搭配〔shudder〕His whole body shuddered with fury.他气得浑身发抖。牛津搭配〔smooth〕His fury has smoothed down.他的怒火已平息下来了。21世纪英汉〔sound and fury〕The town meeting created lots of sound and fury, but no resolution.人们在小镇会议上嚷嚷了一阵,但没有做出任何决议。韦氏高阶〔spark〕Her eyes were sparking with fury.她气得眼睛喷火。英汉大词典〔spend〕The typhoon had spent its fury.台风的势头已经减弱了。21世纪英汉〔sprang或sprung〕Flames of fury sprang to my heart.一团怒火涌上我的心头。21世纪英汉〔stamp〕She was stamping with fury.她气得直跺脚。英汉大词典〔subdue〕I tried to subdue my fury.我强忍住胸中的怒火。21世纪英汉〔tear into〕She was ready to tear into George with a fury.看样子她很快就会把乔治骂个狗血喷头。外研社新世纪〔thick〕His voice was thick with fury.他气得连话都说不清楚了。麦克米伦高阶〔thunderbolt〕One that acts with sudden and destructive fury.以突然且具毁灭性的猛烈动作行动的人或物美国传统〔unleash〕The storm unleashed its fury.这场暴风雨来势汹汹。a韦氏高阶〔voice〕There was fury in his voice as he answered her.他回答她时声音里含着怒气。牛津搭配〔whiteness〕His face was white with fury.他脸都白了。柯林斯高阶〔white〕His face was white with fury.他气得脸都白了。外研社新世纪He drove like fury to get there on time. 他拼命地开车,好准时赶到那里。译典通He gnashed his teeth in fury. 他气忿得咬牙切齿。译典通He gritted his teeth in silent fury.他在无言的愤怒中咬牙切齿。剑桥国际I've been working like fury these past few days to catch up.我在过去的几天里一直在奋力地工作以求赶上来。剑桥国际In a blaze of fury he shouted at his wife. 狂怒之下,他冲著他太太吼叫。译典通In a fit of fury he thumped his fists down on the desk.在暴怒之下,他一拳头重重捶在桌子上。剑桥国际In his fury he tore the letter to pieces. 他盛怒之下把信撕得粉碎。译典通She felt a wave of wild fury overcome her.她觉得一阵狂怒涌了上来。剑桥国际She turned on him with (a) sudden fury.在突然的狂怒之下,她跟他翻了脸。剑桥国际The minister made no attempt to contain his fury.部长没有试图克制自己的愤怒。剑桥国际This county felt the full fury of the storm. 这个县遭到暴风雨最猛烈的侵袭。译典通 |
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