

单词 fraudulent
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕Cyber-crime, for example the fraudulent use of credit cards on the net, presents particular problems for the police. 网络犯罪,如网上信用卡诈骗等给警方提出了特别的难题。朗文写作活用〔adjudge〕The court adjudged the contract to be fraudulent.法院判定这份合同具有欺诈性。韦氏高阶〔blue-sky law〕A law designed to protect the public from buying fraudulent securities.证券交易管理法规:为防止公众买假证券被欺诈而制定的法规美国传统〔cheat〕Law Fraudulent acquisition of another's property.【法律】 诈欺取财:以诈术获取他人财产美国传统〔claim〕The police are investigating fraudulent claims for fire damage.警方正在调查欺诈性的火灾索赔。牛津搭配〔collude〕To act together secretly to achieve a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose; conspire.共谋,串通:秘密地聚集在一起行动以达到叛逆、不合法的或欺骗目的;阴谋策划美国传统〔collusive〕Acting in secret to achieve a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful goal.共谋的,欺诈的:秘密行动以达到叛逆、非法或欺骗目的的美国传统〔counterfeit〕A fraudulent imitation or facsimile.摹本:诈骗性的模仿或摹真本美国传统〔counterfeit〕To make fraudulent copies of something valuable.仿造,假冒:制造一些有价值东西的赝品美国传统〔crooked〕Informal Dishonest or unscrupulous; fraudulent.【非正式用语】 不老实,无耻的;诈骗的美国传统〔evasion〕They were charged with the fraudulent evasion of VAT.他们因欺诈性逃缴增值税而受到控告。外研社新世纪〔fake〕Having a false or misleading appearance; fraudulent.假的:有假的或造成误导的外表的;不真实的美国传统〔forgery〕Something counterfeit, forged, or fraudulent.伪造品,赝品:假冒的,伪造的或骗人的东西美国传统〔fraudulent accounting〕The auditors failed to ask awkward questions that could have exposed fraudulent accounting.审计者没有提出本来可能揭露欺诈性会计活动的尖锐问题。剑桥高阶〔fraudulent〕A worrying trend for insurers has been a rise in fraudulent claims.令保险公司不安的是,诈骗性的索赔呈上升趋势。剑桥高阶〔fraudulent〕Corrupt leaders were chosen in a fraudulent election.腐败的领导人在一场欺诈性选举中入选。韦氏高阶〔fraudulent〕He alleged that the elections had been fraudulent.他宣称这场选举有造假成分。外研社新世纪〔fraudulent〕The promise he had made was a fraudulent one.他所作的诺言是骗人的话。文馨英汉〔fraudulent〕They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a fraudulent manipulation of statistics.他们声称失业率下降是对统计数据进行欺骗性操纵的结果。剑桥高阶〔gold brick〕A fraudulent, worthless substitute.不值钱的假冒货美国传统〔hoax〕Something that has been established or accepted by fraudulent means.骗局:用欺骗的手段造成的形势美国传统〔league〕There is no evidence that the broker was in league with the fraudulent vendor.没有证据表明经纪人与实施诈骗的卖方狼狈为奸。外研社新世纪〔league〕There is no evidence that the broker was in league with the fraudulent vendor.没有证据表明该经纪人与进行诈骗的卖主狼狈为奸。柯林斯高阶〔massive〕There has been a massive increase in the number of fraudulent claims.欺诈性索赔案件的数目剧增。外研社新世纪〔repeat〕To commit the fraudulent offense of voting more than once in a single election.重复投票:在一次选择中违法性地多于一次投票美国传统〔salt〕To give an appearance of value to by fraudulent means, especially to place valuable minerals in (a mine) for the purpose of deceiving.将良质矿石置于矿山:用欺骗的手法使…表面上看起来有价值,尤指为欺骗而(向矿藏中)放入贵重矿石美国传统〔scam〕A fraudulent business scheme; a swindle.骗局:欺骗性的商业阴谋;诓骗美国传统〔scam〕Six rogue protection officers scammed thousands of pounds in fraudulent work and expense claims.六名保护官员通过造假及费用索赔骗取了数千英镑。外研社新世纪〔skin game〕A fraudulent gambling game.骗局:骗人的赌博游戏美国传统〔stuff〕To put fraudulent votes into (a ballot box).将假票投入(投票箱)美国传统〔supposititious〕Substituted with fraudulent intent; spurious.冒充的:假冒的;假的美国传统〔transaction〕The president had entered into fraudulent property transactions.总裁参与了欺诈性的房地产交易。牛津搭配〔wangle〕To use indirect, tricky, or fraudulent methods.假造:运用间接、狡猾或欺骗的方法美国传统〔wildcatter〕A promoter of speculative or fraudulent enterprises.冒险性或欺骗性企业的发起人美国传统A worrying trend for insurers has been a rise in fraudulent claims.令保险公司不安的是诈骗性的索赔有增多的趋向。剑桥国际Alone among his colleagues, he refused to ignore his boss's fraudulent business deals.在他的同事中,唯独他不愿对老板欺诈性的商业交易置之不理。剑桥国际Bartlett is attacked by the opposition for tolerating, if not directing, several fraudulent local elections.反对派攻击巴利特,说他如果不是引导,就是容许了几次欺骗性的地方选举。剑桥国际He had made several fraudulent insurance claims.他多次骗保。牛津商务People are starting to crawl out of the woodwork to talk about fraudulent practices in the industry.人们开始公开谈论这个行业中的欺诈行为。剑桥国际Smith used the assumed name (=false name) of Jones when making his fraudulent social security claims.史密斯使用了琼斯这个假名去冒领社会保险金。剑桥国际Statistics show that 33% of job applications contain fraudulent information.统计显示 33% 的求职申请含有虚假信息。牛津商务They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a fraudulent manipulation of statistics.他们声称失业率的下降是基于对统计欺骗性的操纵。剑桥国际They got the information by fraudulent means. 他们用欺骗的手段获取了该情报。译典通




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