

单词 former member
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔atomic veteran〕A former member of the armed forces who was exposed to radioactivity during the testing or use of atom bombs in or after World War II.原子部队:二战中或二战之后,在原子弹的试验或应用过程中暴露于原子射线的武装部队的组成人员美国传统〔bring〕He campaigned relentlessly to bring charges of corruption against former members of the government.为了将前政府成员以贪污腐败的罪名送上法庭,他持续不懈地奔走游说。柯林斯高阶〔bring〕He campaigned to bring charges of corruption against former members of the government.为了将前政府成员以贪污腐败的罪名告上法庭, 他四处奔走游说。外研社新世纪〔lapse〕The association needs to win back former members who have allowed their subscriptions to lapse.该协会需要重新把那些已经期满退出的会员吸引回来。剑桥高阶〔legion〕Often Legion A national organization of former members of the armed forces. 常作 Legion 退伍军人协会:由武装力量的退役人员组成的一种全国性组织美国传统〔revolving door〕This could mean that we end up with a revolving door Congress, in which former members return as lobbyists.这可能意味着我们的国会最后成了一道旋转门,一些议员退下后又回来,摇身一变成了从事院外活动的说客。朗文当代A former member of the police force, he seemed to get sexual gratification from beating people up.以前曾是一名警察的他好象从毒打别人中得到性满足。剑桥国际The association needs to win back former members who have allowed their subscriptions to lapse.协会需要把停交会费的老会员吸引回来。剑桥国际




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