

单词 fertility
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔child〕fertility treatment for couples who can't have children 为不能生育的夫妻进行生育治疗麦克米伦高阶〔conceive〕fertility treatment for women who have difficulty conceiving 对受孕困难的妇女进行的不孕治疗朗文当代〔cult〕an ancient fertility cult 古代生育崇拜韦氏高阶〔embryo〕frozen embryos stored at a fertility clinic 保存在生育诊所的冷冻胚胎牛津搭配〔fertility〕fertility of fancy [the mind] 想像力[思想]的丰富文馨英汉〔fertility〕fertility treatment(= medical help given to a person to help them have a baby) 不孕症治疗牛津高阶〔fertility〕a fertility god/idol 掌管生育的神韦氏高阶〔fertility〕a fertility symbol 生殖力的象征剑桥高阶〔fertility〕a fertility test/drug 生育能力检查;受胎药韦氏高阶〔fertility〕a breed noted for its fertility 以繁殖力高著名的品种英汉大词典〔fertility〕a general decline in fertility 生育能力的普遍下降麦克米伦高阶〔fertility〕a god of fertility 丰收之神牛津高阶〔fertility〕a theme developed with fertility 淋漓尽致加以阐发的主题英汉大词典〔fertility〕declining fertility rates 下降的生育率剑桥高阶〔fertility〕insure the fertility of the rice crop 确保水稻的丰产英汉大词典〔fertility〕measures to improve the fertility of the soil 增加土壤肥力的措施麦克米伦高阶〔fertility〕pagan fertility rites 异教徒的生殖崇拜仪式麦克米伦高阶〔fertility〕soil of surpassing fertility 极肥沃的土壤文馨英汉〔fertility〕the fertility of his imagination 他想象力的丰富韦氏高阶〔fertility〕the fertility of imagination 想象力的丰富英汉大词典〔fertility〕the fertility of soil 土壤的肥力英汉大词典〔fertility〕the fertility of the soil 土壤的肥力剑桥高阶〔fertility〕the fertility of the soil/land 土壤的肥沃;土地的丰饶牛津高阶〔growth〕hormones which control fertility and body growth.控制生殖和身体发育的荷尔蒙柯林斯高阶〔growth〕hormones which control fertility and growth控制生育能力和身体发育的荷尔蒙外研社新世纪〔phallic symbol〕an ancient Greek phallic symbol representing fertility 古希腊代表生育的男性生殖器象征物韦氏高阶〔politics〕the politics surrounding reproduction and fertility 围绕繁殖和生育的政治牛津搭配〔rite〕fertility rites.丰收仪式美国传统〔rite〕a fertility rite.丰收仪式柯林斯高阶〔rite〕ancient fertility rites 古代的生殖崇拜仪式朗文当代〔ritual〕an ancient fertility ritual 古代的丰产仪式韦氏高阶〔soil〕declining soil fertility 衰退的土壤肥力牛津搭配〔success〕a fertility treatment with a success rate of around 60% 成功率约为60%的不孕不育治疗方法麦克米伦高阶〔symbol〕pagan fertility symbols 异教徒生育能力的象征麦克米伦高阶〔totem〕a fertility totem生育图腾外研社新世纪




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