

单词 following morning
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔POLITE〕The following morning, Mr Harrison greeted her with careful formality. 第二天早晨,哈里森先生非常拘谨地向她问了声好。朗文写作活用〔blaze〕The following morning the building was still blazing.第二天早上这幢建筑物还在熊熊燃烧。麦克米伦高阶〔bright〕The following morning dawned bright and warm.第二天早晨阳光明媚,温暖和煦。牛津搭配〔charge〕The following morning, he was arrested on a charge of burglary .第二天上午,他因入室盗窃罪被逮捕了。朗文当代〔evident〕The full extent of the damage only became evident the following morning.直到第二天早晨,人们才全面了解到破坏程度有多严重。剑桥高阶〔hungover〕He was still hungover on the 25-minute bus drive to work the following morning.他第二天早上坐公共汽车去上班的25分钟车程中仍宿醉未醒。柯林斯高阶〔perky〕She woke up the following morning feeling a lot perkier.第二天早晨她醒过来,感觉精神了许多。麦克米伦高阶〔prayer〕Refreshments will be served following morning prayers.晨祷仪式后将提供茶点。韦氏高阶〔red-eye〕He decided not to take the red-eye flight home but to wait and take a nine o'clock flight the following morning.他决定不乘夜航航班回家,而是留下来搭第二天早上9点的飞机。柯林斯高阶〔snap〕The following morning brought frost, the start of a four-day cold snap.第二天早晨有霜冻, 这是四天寒潮的开始。外研社新世纪〔true〕He said he'd repay the money the next day, and true to his word (= as he had promised), he gave it all back to me the following morning.他说第二天还钱,果然说到做到,第二天上午就把钱全部还给了我。剑桥高阶He said he'd repay the money the next day, and true to his word (= as he had promised), he gave it all back to me the following morning.他说第二天就还钱。他说到做到, 第二天上午果真就将钱全还了我。剑桥国际The full extent of the damage only became evident the following morning.破坏的总体情况到第二天早上才清楚。剑桥国际The true horror of the accident did not become clear until the following morning.直到第二天上午才清楚事故的真正惨状。剑桥国际




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