

单词 freedoms
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Bohemian〕the freedoms of bohemian life放荡不羁生活的种种自由外研社新世纪〔charter〕the freedoms embodied in the UN charter 联合国宪章所体现的自由朗文当代〔deny〕a government that denies its citizens basic freedoms 不让公民享有基本自由的政府韦氏高阶〔embody〕the freedoms embodied in the treaty 这一条约中包含的自由麦克米伦高阶〔exercise〕the exercise by citizens of rights and freedoms 公民对于各种权利和自由的行使英汉大词典〔freedom〕basic human freedoms 人类最基本的自由韦氏高阶〔freedom〕basic/fundamental/political freedoms 基本/根本/政治自由麦克米伦高阶〔freedom〕rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution 宪法保障的权利和自由牛津高阶〔freedom〕the rights and freedoms of citizens 公民的权利与自由朗文当代〔impinge〕actions which seriously impinge on other people's personal freedoms 严重侵犯他人人身自由的行为牛津搭配〔imposition〕the constant stream of impositions on freedoms and liberties of the people of Vancouver温哥华人不断提出的有关自由和权利的不合理要求外研社新世纪




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