

单词 local economy
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISTURB〕The closing of the plant threatens to upset the local economy. 这家工厂的关闭可能会拖累当地经济。朗文写作活用〔HARM〕When companies close down, it's bad for the town and bad for the local economy. 多家公司关门,不利于全镇,也不利于当地的经济。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕Durrell is absolutely right about the importance of software to the local economy. 达雷尔有关软件对地方性经济的重要性的说法是完全正确的。朗文写作活用〔assistance〕A £1 billion investment would be of considerable assistance to the local economy.10亿英镑的投资将极大帮助本地经济。剑桥高阶〔augur〕Today's announcement of 300 redundancies does not augur well for the local economy.今天宣布裁员 300 人对当地经济来说不是个好兆头。朗文当代〔background〕You'll need some background information on the local economy.你将需要一些有关当地经济的背景信息。麦克米伦高阶〔blow〕The closure of the factory dealt a devastating blow to the local economy.这家工厂的关闭给当地经济造成了毁灭性的打击。麦克米伦高阶〔blow〕The factory closures came as a blow to the local economy.工厂关闭是对当地经济的一个打击。朗文当代〔boost〕The festival has been a major boost for the local economy.这节日对当地经济的发展起了很大的推动作用。麦克米伦高阶〔boost〕The new factory will provide a much-needed boost to the local economy.新工厂将为地方经济注入一针急需的强心剂。牛津搭配〔damage〕The closure of the factory will cause severe damage to the local economy.关闭这家工厂将严重影响当地的经济。朗文当代〔dependent〕Small companies are dependent upon the local economy.小公司依赖本土经济。牛津搭配〔distorted〕These figures give a distorted view of the significance for the local economy.这些数据会使人误解其对地方经济的重要性。柯林斯高阶〔distorted〕These figures give a distorted view of the significance for the local economy.这些数字使人误解其对当地经济的重要性。外研社新世纪〔economy〕Tourism clearly dominates the local economy.旅游业明显主导着当地经济。牛津搭配〔economy〕Tourism contributes millions of pounds to the local economy.旅游业带来数百万英镑的地方收入。剑桥高阶〔economy〕We want to support the local economy.我们要支持当地经济。牛津搭配〔feel〕The local economy is beginning to feel the effects of the recession.当地经济开始感受到经济萎缩带来的影响。朗文当代〔incalculable〕The benefit to the local economy would be incalculable.为地方经济带来的效益是不可估量的。麦克米伦高阶〔red-hot〕The local economy has been red-hot.当地经济一直很活跃。韦氏高阶〔repercussion〕Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussions for the local economy.旅游业只要出现任何一点儿衰退,都可能会给当地经济带来严重影响。剑桥高阶〔resilient〕The local economy is remarkably resilient.当地经济现在强力复苏。韦氏高阶〔shot〕The new factory will give the local economy a much needed shot in the arm.这家新工厂将会为当地的经济注入迫切需要的一针强心剂。朗文当代〔strongly〕The local economy is strong and the population is growing.当地经济蓬勃发展,人口也在增长。柯林斯高阶〔strong〕The local economy is strong and the population is growing.当地经济蓬勃发展, 人口也在增长。外研社新世纪〔tailspin〕After the mill closes,the local economy may tailspin.制造厂关闭后,当地经济可能突然陷于困境。21世纪英汉〔take-off〕The local economy is poised for take-off.当地的经济蓄势待发。牛津高阶Copper is a staple of the local economy.铜是当地经济的支柱产品。牛津商务The local economy has been revitalized.地方经济已恢复活力。牛津商务The local economy is poised for take-off.当地经济蓄势待发。牛津商务The company plays a pivotal role in the local economy.这家公司在当地经济中扮演着重要角色。牛津商务




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