

单词 athletics
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENTHUSIASTIC/UNENTHUSIASTIC〕There are plenty of after-school opportunities for people who are keen on athletics. 酷爱田径运动的人有很多课外活动的机会。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕Roger Bannister's four-minute mile was a notable first in the history of athletics. 罗杰·班尼斯特四分钟跑一英里在运动史上是引人注目的新纪录。朗文写作活用〔INCLUDE/NOT INCLUDE〕Watson's inclusion in the US athletics team has caused much controversy. 沃森被选入美国田径队,这引起了很大争论。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕Cast your mind back a few weeks to the Athletics Championship in Armagh. 回忆一下几周前在阿马举行的田径锦标赛。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕I don't remember him being that good at athletics in school. 我记得他在学校时体育没那么好。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕The Athletics Federation plans to crack down on drug and steroid abuse by athletes. 体育运动联合会打算严惩运动员滥用违禁药物和类固醇。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕The only way to be successful in athletics is to really work at it. 要在体育运动方面取得成功,唯一的途径就是下工夫练习。朗文写作活用〔all-time〕He's one of the all-time greats of British athletics.他是英国体育界最杰出的运动员之一。外研社新世纪〔alongside〕Athletics should rank alongside (=be equal to) soccer and cricket as a major sport.田径运动应该和足球、板球一样,都是主要体育项目。朗文当代〔amalgamate〕Athletics South Africa was formed by an amalgamation of two organisations.南非体育协会由两个组织合并而成。柯林斯高阶〔athletics〕As the modern Olympics grew in stature, so too did athletics.随着现代奥林匹克运动会声名远扬, 田径运动也越来越受关注。外研社新世纪〔athletics〕As the modern Olympics grew in stature, so too did athletics.随着现代奥林匹克运动会声名远扬,田径运动也越来越受关注。柯林斯高阶〔athletics〕College athletics attract students from a variety of backgrounds.大学的体育运动吸引了不同背景的学生。韦氏高阶〔athletics〕Girls who participate in high school athletics are more likely to graduate than those who don’t.参加中学体育运动的女生跟不参加的相比毕业率更高。剑桥高阶〔athletics〕How long has she been competing on the international athletics circuit? 她参加国际田径巡回赛有多长时间了?牛津搭配〔athletics〕I like watching the athletics on TV.我喜欢观看电视里的田径比赛。外研社新世纪〔athletics〕More women are participating in athletics nowadays.如今参加田径运动的女性更多了。麦克米伦高阶〔athletics〕My daughter wants to compete in athletics.我女儿想参加田径竞赛。牛津搭配〔athletics〕She didn't take up athletics until she was 20.她 20 岁才开始从事田径运动。牛津搭配〔athletics〕The athletics start tomorrow.运动会明天开始。文馨英汉〔athletics〕The coach believes high school athletics is in need of reform.教练认为高中体育运动需要进行改革。韦氏高阶〔athletic〕Abbr. athl.Of, relating to, or befitting athletics or athletes.缩写 athl.体育运动的:体育运动或运动员的,有关或适宜于体育运动或运动员的美国传统〔ban〕She was banned from athletics for two years after failing a drugs test.她药检没有通过,被禁赛两年。麦克米伦高阶〔ban〕The athletics authorities banned him from the race.田径管理部门禁止他参赛。外研社新世纪〔coach〕I'd like to coach athletics.我想成为田径教练。麦克米伦高阶〔combine〕The choreography, which combines artistry and athletics, is extremely innovative.兼有艺术和运动的舞蹈艺术是极具创新意义的美国传统〔controversy〕There was a big controversy surrounding/over the use of drugs in athletics.体育界对使用违禁药物争议很大。剑桥高阶〔disqualification〕Livingston faces a four-year disqualification from athletics.利文斯顿面临4年不得参加田径比赛的处罚。外研社新世纪〔disqualification〕Livingston faces a four-year disqualification from athletics.利文斯顿面临禁止参加田径比赛4年的处罚。柯林斯高阶〔drug〕Athletics is like a drug, it keeps dragging you back for more.体育运动会让人上瘾,会不断地拽你回去练了又要练。朗文当代〔empty〕The stadium emptied at the end of the first day of athletics.首日比赛结束后,体育场空无一人。柯林斯高阶〔fillip〕British athletics received a tremendous fillip when Wells won the Gold.韦尔斯赢得金牌后,英国运动员受到极大鼓舞。朗文当代〔fillip〕The athletics win provided a much-needed fillip to/for national pride.体育竞赛的获胜激发了人们殷切需要的民族自豪感。剑桥高阶〔first〕These results are firsts in the history of women's athletics.这些成绩在女性运动员的历史上是首次。朗文当代〔follow〕She has been very highly respected by the media and most who follow athletics.她一直很受媒体和大部分体育运动爱好者的尊敬。外研社新世纪〔future〕Joe has a bright future in athletics.乔在体育方面前途光明。麦克米伦高阶〔if〕So, if we may return strictly to athletics again for a few minutes.因此,如果我们可以再花几分钟重新回到田径运动话题上来的话……柯林斯高阶〔indisputably〕He is, indisputably, the most intriguing figure in athletics.他无疑是田径界最有魅力的人物。外研社新世纪〔injury〕Her athletics career has been dogged by injury.她的运动生涯受到伤病的困扰。牛津搭配〔last〕It's the last but one day in the athletics programme.那是田径比赛结束的前一天。柯林斯高阶〔letter〕An emblem in the shape of the initial of a school awarded for outstanding performance, especially in varsity athletics.校名字首形式的徽章:以学校名字首字母的形状制成的徽章,奖给那些表现优异的人,尤指那些大学体育竞赛中表现优异者美国传统〔linchpin〕Woodford is the linchpin of the British athletics team.伍德福德是英国田径队中的核心人物。剑桥高阶〔palestra〕A public place in ancient Greece for training and practice in wrestling and other athletics.斗技训练所:古希腊训练和练习摔跤和其它运动的公共场所美国传统〔physical education〕Education in the care and development of the human body, stressing athletics and including hygiene.体育教育;体育课:对人身体的保健和发育进行的教育,强调运动并包括卫生学美国传统〔professionalism〕The use of professional performers, as in athletics or in the arts.如在竞技或艺术活动中使用专业人员美国传统〔proscribe〕The Athletics Federation has banned the runner from future races for using proscribed drugs.运动员联合会因其使用违禁药品禁止该赛跑运动员参加今后的比赛。剑桥高阶〔so〕The Athletics Federation has introduced stricter regulations so as to prevent cheating.田径运动联合会为防止作弊推行了更严格的规定。麦克米伦高阶〔speeding〕Speed is the essential ingredient of all athletics.速度是所有田径运动项目的关键要素。柯林斯高阶〔speed〕Speed is the essential ingredient of all athletics.速度是所有田径运动项目的关键要素。外研社新世纪〔sports bra〕A garment providing support and protection for the breasts, worn especially during athletics or other strenuous activity.女性运动内衣:一种提供胸部支撑与保护的女性服装,特别是在运动时或从事激烈活动时所穿着美国传统〔stage〕Birmingham has bid to stage the next national athletics championships.伯明翰申办下届全国田径锦标赛。牛津高阶〔storming〕Kenya's long distance runners have taken the athletics world by storm.肯尼亚的长跑运动员在田径界获得了巨大成功。柯林斯高阶〔storm〕Kenya's long distance runners have taken the athletics world by storm.肯尼亚的长跑运动员们征服了田径界。外研社新世纪〔suspicion〕He ended his athletics career under a cloud of suspicion.他在疑云笼罩下结束了自己的运动生涯。牛津搭配〔timing〕The art or operation of regulating occurrence, pace, or coordination to achieve the most desirable effects, as in music, the theater, athletics, or mechanics.时机掌握:掌握发生、步伐或协调以达到最理想效果的艺术或操作,如在音乐、戏剧、运动或机构中美国传统〔torn〕Robb is torn between becoming a doctor and a career in athletics.罗布在做医生还是当运动员之间痛苦抉择,左右为难。柯林斯高阶〔tragic〕Lillian Board's death at 22 was a tragic loss for British athletics.莉莲‧博德 22 岁早逝,这对英国田径界来说是个不幸的损失。朗文当代〔venue〕Europe's top venue for indoor athletics 欧洲一流的室内田径赛馆牛津搭配〔whatsoever〕My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics.我们学校在体育方面无所作为。外研社新世纪〔whatsoever〕My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics.我的学校在体育方面无所作为。柯林斯高阶〔worse off〕Other sports are much worse off than athletics.其他体育项目比田径运动处境要糟得多。朗文当代Ben Johnson was stripped of his Olympic gold medal and banned from athletics for taking anabolic steroids.本·约翰逊因服用促蛋白合成类固醇而被取消了奥运金牌,并遭到了禁赛。剑桥国际Graham was really keen when he joined the athletics club and he bought all the gear, but now he's lost interest and he's trying to sell everything.格雷厄姆在加入运动俱乐部时真的很热切,买好了所有的器械,但是他现在已不感兴趣了,正设法要卖掉这一切。剑桥国际Henderson is the leadoff hitter (=the player who hits first for their team in the game) for the Athletics this season.汉德森是这一赛季的(每一局)第一位击球员。剑桥国际The Athletics Federation have banned the runner from future races for using proscribed drugs.运动员联合会禁止该赛跑运动员参加今后的比赛,因为他使用违禁药品。剑桥国际The athletics win provided a much-needed fillip to / for national pride.体育竞赛的获胜激发了国人迫切需要的荣誉感。剑桥国际The World Athletics Championships will be broadcast on 100 television networks worldwide.世界运动锦标赛将通过全球的100家电视网播出。剑桥国际There was a big controversy surrounding/over the use of drugs in athletics.体育界中对于使用违禁药物存在很大争议。剑桥国际Woodford is the linchpin of the British athletics team.伍德福是英国田径队中的关键人物。剑桥国际




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