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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AIR〕I wish I could escape from this stuffy little office. 我真希望能从这个闷热的小办公室逃出去。朗文写作活用〔From that point on〕From this point on, any further changes must be approved by your supervisor.从现在起,任何进一步的改变都必须得到主管的同意。韦氏高阶〔MONEY〕We're very proud of the five students from this school who were awarded scholarships. 我们为本校的五名学生荣获奖学金深感自豪。朗文写作活用〔Orlon〕A trademark used for an acrylic fiber or yarns made from this fiber.奥纶:一种聚丙烯酸纤维或该种纤维制成的纱线的商标名称美国传统〔Tudor〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of an architectural style derived from this period, having exposed beams as a typical feature.都铎式的:都铎王朝式建筑风格的,典型特征是外露的横梁美国传统〔apiece〕In good condition, dolls from this period sell for £500 apiece.这个时期的玩偶,如果保存完好的话,每个可以卖到500英镑。剑桥高阶〔arise from〕It is difficult to foresee the consequences that may arise from this action.预见这一行动可能产生的后果是困难的。21世纪英汉〔belladonna〕An alkaloidal extract or tincture derived from this plant and used in medicine.颠茄碱:从此种植物中提取的一种生物碱提取物或酊剂,用在药物中美国传统〔bouclé〕Fabric woven or knitted from this yarn.纱布:用这种纱线编织或针织的布美国传统〔bounce back〕He is young enough to bounce back from this disappointment.他还年轻,会很快从失望沮丧中恢复过来的。柯林斯高阶〔calculate〕From this you can calculate the total mass in the Galaxy.由此即可算出银河系的总质量。外研社新世纪〔conclude〕So what can we conclude from this debate?那么我们从这次辩论中可以得出什么结论?外研社新世纪〔cowhide〕The leather made from this hide.牛皮革:用牛皮制成的皮革美国传统〔disentangle〕They are looking at ways to disentangle him from this major policy decision.他们正在想办法撇清他同这项重大决策的关系。外研社新世纪〔edition〕A single copy from this group.该版中的一本美国传统〔exclusively〕Our fabrics are exclusively available from this store.我们的织品只在这家商店有售。外研社新世纪〔exemption〕The regulations provide an exemption from this law.规定中有不受此法约束的一项豁免条文。牛津搭配〔exempt〕Goods exempt from this tax include books and children's clothes.免征这项税收的商品包括书籍和儿童服装。剑桥高阶〔exit strategy〕The fear is that we have no exit strategy from this conflict.可怕的是对于这场冲突我们没有撤军计划。外研社新世纪〔exit〕To exit from this page, press the return key.退出本页面按返回键。牛津高阶〔flanken〕A dish prepared from this cut of beef by boiling or stewing, often served with horseradish.后肋牛排:一道用牛肋肉煮或炖制而成的菜,常拌以辣根美国传统〔follow〕The discussion sessions are supposed to follow on from this morning's lecture.讨论课应该是对今天早上这个讲座的继续。朗文当代〔footage〕They are planning to show exclusive footage from this summer's festivals.他们准备播放今年夏天节日庆典的独家镜头。柯林斯高阶〔graciously〕May Almighty God graciously vouchsafe to hear the prayers of his people and turn away his judgment from this sinful land!愿全能的上帝仁慈惠赐, 应允听取他的臣民的祷告, 收回他对这片罪孽之地的审判!外研社新世纪〔henceforth〕From this time forth; from now on.从此以后;今后美国传统〔learn〕The company failed to learn any lessons from this experience.公司未能从这次经历中吸取任何教训。柯林斯高阶〔lesson〕I hope you've learnt a lesson from this, young man! 年轻人,我希望你已经从中吸取了教训!麦克米伦高阶〔lesson〕We can learn important lessons (= gain new understanding) from this disaster.从这次灾难中我们可以汲取重要教训。剑桥高阶〔mankind〕All of mankind will benefit from this new technology.全人类都将从这项新技术中获益。韦氏高阶〔minority〕Only a small minority of children get a chance to benefit from this.只有一小部分孩子有机会受益于此。外研社新世纪〔nauseate〕It nauseates me to think that he has profited from this.想到他从中谋取利益我就感到厌恶。麦克米伦高阶〔on〕We can expect trouble from this moment on.从此刻起,我们将会麻烦缠身。柯林斯高阶〔phenothiazine〕Any of a group of drugs derived from this compound and used as major tranquilizers in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia.吩噻嗪:从这种化合物中提炼出的药物,在神经错乱病的治疗中,如精神分裂症,用作主要的镇静剂美国传统〔positive〕We'll earn from this deal – I'm positive of that.我们会从这笔交易中赚到钱的,对此我有把握。麦克米伦高阶〔quercitron〕The dye obtained from this bark.栎皮粉:从这种树皮内提取的染料美国传统〔see〕From this graph, it can be seen that some people are more susceptible to the disease.从这张图表可以看出,有些人更容易得这种疾病。朗文当代〔several〕I had lived two doors away from this family for several years.我和这家人是好几年的邻居了,中间就隔着两家。柯林斯高阶〔shield〕She intended to shield the child from this bad news.她想不让孩子知道这个坏消息。英汉大词典〔silk〕Thread or fabric made from this fiber.丝织品,丝绸:由这种丝制成的线或织物美国传统〔sprue〕The waste material filling or protruding from this hole after hardening.熔渣:硬化后塞满开孔或从此开孔中凸出的废料美国传统〔suffer〕It is obvious that Syria will suffer most from this change of heart.很明显,这一态度的转变对叙利亚的影响最大。柯林斯高阶〔sympathy〕Mutual understanding or affection arising from this relationship or affinity.同情:因这种关系或共同点而产生的互相理解或感情美国传统〔wintergreen〕An oil or a flavoring obtained from this plant.冬青油:从这种植物中提取的油或调味香料美国传统Any departure from this order is considered a violation of the laws. 任何背弃这个命令的行为都被认为是违法行为。译典通Everyone must keep to/stick to/ not depart from this schedule.每个人都必须遵守/坚持/不违背这一计划。剑桥国际I'd like to have a few links removed from this necklace.我想请人把项链去掉几节。剑桥国际The new treatment could dramatically (= very noticeably) alter the life of people suffering from this disease.新的治疗方法能显著改变该病患者的生活。剑桥国际There have been some deletions (= words have been removed) from this text.这篇课文已有所删改。剑桥国际There is a page missing from this book. 这本书缺掉一页。译典通These books are for reference purposes only and must not be removed from this room.这些书仅供查阅,不可带出房间。剑桥国际




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