

单词 embryo
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔APPROVE〕Do you approve of doctors using human embryos for research? 你赞成医生用人类胚胎作研究吗?朗文写作活用〔BABY〕The government has banned all scientific research using human embryos. 该政府已禁止所有使用人类胚胎的科学研究。朗文写作活用〔BABY〕When first formed, the embryo is only half a millimetre long. 胚胎最初形成时仅半毫米长。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Congress banned federal funding of embryo research in 1995. 1995年国会禁止联邦政府拨款进行胚胎研究。朗文写作活用〔PART〕We saw a video showing the second stage in the development of a human embryo. 我们看了一部人类胚胎发育第二阶段的录像片。朗文写作活用〔abortion〕Induced termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or fetus that is incapable of survival.堕胎:促使怀孕的停止和无法存活的胚胎或胎儿排出美国传统〔abort〕To cause the expulsion of (an embryo or fetus) before it is viable.使堕胎:在(胚胎或胎儿)能够成活之前导致其排出美国传统〔abort〕To cause to terminate pregnancy prematurely, before the embryo or fetus is viable.使败育:在胚胎或胎儿成活之前导致其过早停止怀孕美国传统〔abort〕To give birth before the embryo or fetus is capable of surviving on its own; miscarry.流产,早产:在胚胎或婴儿能独自存活之前就出生了;流产美国传统〔agamospermy〕The asexual formation of embryos and seeds without the occurrence of fertilization.不完全无配生殖:胚胎和种子在未经过授精情况下而进行的无性生殖美国传统〔anonymous〕An attempt to implant an embryo using an egg from an anonymous woman donor was unsuccessful.用一位匿名女性捐献的卵子来植入胚胎的尝试未获成功。剑桥高阶〔aortic arch〕One of a series of paired arteries in a vertebrate embryo that connects the ventral arterial system to the dorsal arterial system.主动脉弓:脊椎动物胚胎内一系列成对的动脉之一,它将腹动脉系统与背动脉系统连结起来美国传统〔apogamy〕The development of an embryo without the occurrence of fertilization.无配子生殖:无需授精的胚胎发育美国传统〔blastocyte〕An undifferentiated blastomere of the morula or the blastula stage of an embryo.胚细胞:桑椹胚或囊胚期胚胎的未分化分裂球美国传统〔blastoderm〕The layer of cells formed by the cleavage of a fertilized mammalian egg. It later divides into the three germ layers from which the embryo develops.胚盘:由哺乳动物受精卵分裂而形成的细胞层。后期分裂为三层,胚胎由此发育美国传统〔blastoderm〕The layer of cells that develops on the surface of the yolk in an avian or reptilian egg and gives rise to the germinal disk from which the embryo develops.胚盘:鸟蛋或爬行动物卵的蛋黄表面的细胞层,胚盘由此形成,胚胎从胚盘发育美国传统〔cell〕Embryos grow by cell division (=the splitting of cells) .胚胎通过细胞分裂而成长。朗文当代〔chondrocranium〕The cartilaginous cranium of an embryo before ossification.软骨颅:胚胎在骨化作用之前的软骨性头颅美国传统〔chorion〕The outer membrane enclosing the embryo in reptiles, birds, and mammals. In placental mammals it contributes to the development of the placenta.绒毛膜:在爬行类动物、鸟类及哺乳类动物中包含胚胎的外膜,在有胎盘哺乳动物中与胎盘的发育有关美国传统〔clone〕Experiments to try to clone human embryos have met with hostility from some sections of the public.尝试克隆人类胚胎的实验遭到了部分公众的强烈反对。剑桥高阶〔conception〕The entity formed by the union of the male sperm and the female ovum; an embryo or a zygote.合子:精子与卵子结合成的物体;胚胎或合子美国传统〔conceptus〕The product of conception at any point between fertilization and birth. It includes the embryo or the fetus as well as the extraembryonic membranes.胚胎:从受精到出生期间任一阶段产物的通称,它包括了合子或胎儿甚至胚胎膜美国传统〔corn oil〕A pale yellow liquid obtained from the embryos of corn grains, used especially as a cooking and salad oil and in the manufacture of margarines.玉米油:从玉米胚芽中提取的一种浅黄色液体,主要用于烹制油,色拉油,并用于制造人造黄油美国传统〔develop〕The cell then develops into an embryo.细胞然后发育成胚胎。麦克米伦高阶〔ectoderm〕The outermost of the three primary germ layers of an embryo, from which the epidermis, nervous tissue, and, in vertebrates, sense organs develop.外胚层:胚胎最初三层胚层中的最外一层,由此发育成为表皮、神经组织和脊椎动物的感觉器官美国传统〔embryectomy〕Surgical removal of an embryo, especially one implanted outside of the uterus.胚胎切除术:胚胎的外科切除,尤指植于子宫外的胚胎美国传统〔embryo sac〕The female gametophyte of a seed plant, within which the embryo develops.胚囊:种子植物的雌性配偶体,胚胎在其中发育美国传统〔embryo transfer〕A technique used in animal breeding in which an embryo from a superovulated female animal is transferred to the uterus of a recipient female animal.胚胎植入法:将经超促排卵母体的胚胎移植到孕母子宫的动物繁殖法美国传统〔embryogenesis〕The development and growth of an embryo.胚胎发生:胚胎的发展与生长美国传统〔embryoid〕A minute plant or animal form that resembles an embryo.胚状体:象胚胎的小的植物或动物的形状美国传统〔embryoid〕Resembling an embryo.胚胎状:象胚胎的美国传统〔embryonic membrane〕Any of the membranous structures closely associated with or surrounding a developing vertebrate embryo, including the amnion, chorion, allantois, and yolk sac.胚膜:任何与发育中的胚胎相关或包围胚胎的膜状结构,包括衣胞、绒膜胚囊、尿膜和卵黄囊美国传统〔embryonic〕Of, relating to, or being an embryo.胚胎的:胚胎的、与胚胎有关的或形成胚胎的美国传统〔embryopathy〕A developmental disorder in an embryo.胚胎病:胚胎发育的紊乱美国传统〔embryo〕Between the eighth week of development and birth a human embryo is called a foetus.从发育第8周到出生这段时间,人类的胚胎被称作胎儿。剑桥高阶〔embryo〕He had a faculty for detecting the embryo of future danger.他有察知尚处萌芽阶段的潜在危险的本领。外研社新世纪〔embryo〕It was an embryo idea rather than a fully worked proposal.这只是初步的想法, 并非成形的提案。外研社新世纪〔embryo〕It was an embryo idea rather than a fully worked proposal.这只是初步的想法,并非成形的提议。柯林斯高阶〔embryo〕Planning is still in its embryo stages.计划仍处在萌芽期。麦克米伦高阶〔embryo〕Some people believe that destroying an embryo is murder.一些人认为,杀死胚胎是谋杀。牛津搭配〔embryo〕The embryo lives in the amniotic cavity.胚胎在羊膜腔中发育。柯林斯高阶〔embryo〕The couple has produced three embryos for implantation.这对夫妻培育了三个胚胎以供移植。牛津搭配〔embryo〕The department's plans for enlargement are still in embryo.这个系的扩建计划仍在酝酿之中。剑桥高阶〔embryo〕The idea already existed in embryo in his earlier novels.这个想法在他早期的小说中已初见端倪。牛津高阶〔embryo〕The ideas he explored fully in his later work can be seen in embryo in his early books.他在后期作品中充分探讨的那些观点可以在他早期的作品中看到雏形。韦氏高阶〔embryo〕The new foreign-policy unit will be an EU foreign ministry in embryo.这个新成立的外交政策部门将成为欧盟外交部的雏形。外研社新世纪〔embryo〕The system already exists in embryo.该体系已具雏形。朗文当代〔embryo〕The war was in embryo.战争在酝酿中。英汉大词典〔embryo〕These developments were foreseen in embryo more than a decade ago.这些发展早在十多年前的萌芽阶段就已被预见到。外研社新世纪〔embryo〕These developments were foreseen in embryo more than a decade ago.这些发展早在十多年前的萌芽阶段就已预见到。柯林斯高阶〔embryo〕They are an embryo party of government.他们这个政党有望组建政府,但目前还不成熟。柯林斯高阶〔embryo〕Two or three embryos are implanted into the woman's body.这个妇人体内已经移植了两三个胚胎。牛津搭配〔emotive〕Embryo research is an emotive issue.胚胎研究是个容易引起激烈争论的问题。外研社新世纪〔emotive〕Embryo research is an emotive issue.胚胎研究是个容易引起激烈争论的问题。柯林斯高阶〔endosperm〕The nutritive tissue within seeds of flowering plants, surrounding and absorbed by the embryo.胚乳:开发植物种子内部的营养组织,围在胚胎周围并被胚胎吸收美国传统〔entoblast〕Any of the blastomeres of an embryo from which the endoderm develops.内胚层:指任何可生长成内胚层的胚胎分裂球美国传统〔epicotyl〕The stem of a seedling or an embryo located between the cotyledons and the first true leaves.上胚轴:位于子叶和最早的真叶之间的籽苗或胚芽的茎美国传统〔experimentation〕Many people object to experimentation on embryos.许多人反对用胚胎做实验。牛津高阶〔fertilize〕Once an egg is fertilized by the sperm, it becomes an embryo.卵子受精后即成胚胎。剑桥高阶〔fetus〕In human beings, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.胎儿:人类从开始怀孕的第八个星期到出生这一期间的有别于更早期的胚胎的幼儿美国传统〔freeze〕The embryos are frozen at minus 20 degrees and stored.胚胎用零下20度的温度冷冻储存。麦克米伦高阶〔gene〕Genes control the development of an embryo.基因控制胚胎发育。牛津搭配〔hypocotyl〕The part of the axis of a plant embryo or seedling plant that is below the cotyledons.(下)胚轴:低于胚轴的一个植物胚胎或根的轴的一部分美国传统〔implantation〕The embryos were tested to determine their sex prior to implantation.在植入之前对胚胎进行了检验,以确定其性别。柯林斯高阶〔implantation〕The embryos were tested to determine their sex prior to implantation.在移植前对胚胎作了检测以确定其性别。外研社新世纪〔implant〕The embryo is implanted in the surrogate mother's womb.胚胎被移植到代孕母亲的子宫中。外研社新世纪〔inducer〕A part or structure in an embryo that influences the differentiation of another part.诱引部分:胚胎中影响其它部分分化的部分或组织结构美国传统〔long〕An eight-week-old embryo is only an inch long.8星期大的胚胎只有1英寸长。外研社新世纪〔malformation〕Exposure to radiation can lead to malformation of the embryo.接触射线会导致胎儿畸形。剑桥高阶〔mesoblast〕The middle germinal layer of an early embryo, consisting of undifferentiated cells destined to become the mesoderm.中胚层:早期胚的中间胚芽层,由最终将发育成中胚层的未分化细胞组成美国传统〔mesomere〕The middle zone of the mesoderm of a chordate vertebrate embryo, from which excretory tissue develops.中胚叶节:脊索类脊椎动物胚胎的中胚层的中间部分,最终会发育成排泄组织美国传统〔microscopic〕At this point, the embryo is a microscopic clump of only 100 cells.此时的胚胎是一个仅有100个细胞的微组织。韦氏高阶〔myoblast〕An undifferentiated cell in the mesoderm of the vertebrate embryo that is a precursor of a muscle cell.成肌细胞:未分化细胞,在作为肌细胞前体的脊椎动物胚胎的中胚层内美国传统〔myotome〕The segment of a somite in a vertebrate embryo that differentiates into skeletal muscle.肌节:在脊椎动物的胚胎中,分成骨胳肌的部分体节美国传统〔nephridium〕The excretory organ of a vertebrate embryo from which the kidney develops.原肾:脊椎动物胚胎的排泄器官,肾由此发展而来美国传统〔neural crest〕The part of the ectoderm in a vertebrate embryo that lies on either side of the neural tube and develops into the cranial, spinal, and autonomic ganglia.神经脊:脊椎动物胚胎外胚层的一部分。位于神经管的两侧,并逐步发展成头颅神经元、脊髓神经元、自主神经系统神经元美国传统〔neural tube defect〕Any of various congenital defects of the brain and spinal cord, such as spina bifida, resulting from incomplete closing of the neural tube in an embryo.神经管缺陷:一种先天性脑和脊髓发育不足,如脊髓二分枝,这是由于胚胎中神经管闭合不严造成的美国传统〔neural tube〕A dorsal tubular structure in the vertebrate embryo formed by longitudinal folding of the neural plate and differentiating into the brain and spinal cord.神经管:脊椎动物胚胎背脊部管状结构,它由神经板纵向折叠形成,并分化为脑神经和脊髓神经美国传统〔neurula〕An embryo at an early stage of development in which neurulation begins.神经轴胚:神经开始发展的早期胚胎美国传统〔notochord〕A similar structure in embryos of higher vertebrates, from which the spinal column develops.脊索:更为高等的脊椎动物胚胎中的类似结构,脊椎骨由此发育美国传统〔nourishment〕The mother provides the embryo with nourishment and a place to grow.母亲为胎儿提供营养和成长的空间。柯林斯高阶〔nourishment〕The mother provides the embryo with nourishment and a place to grow.母亲给胎儿提供营养和发育的空间。外研社新世纪〔nucellus〕The central portion of an ovule in which the embryo sac develops; the megasporangium.珠心:胚珠的中心,胚芽囊在此发育;大孢子囊美国传统〔ovule〕Botany A minute structure in seed plants, containing the embryo sac and surrounded by the nucellus, that develops into a seed after fertilization.【植物学】 胚珠:种子植物的一个小的结构,含有胚囊并被珠心所包围,施肥后长成种子美国传统〔perisperm〕The nutritive tissue that is derived from the nucleus and surrounds the embryo of the seed.外胚乳:包在种子胚芽外,产生于细胞核的营养性组织美国传统〔phallus〕The sexually undifferentiated tissue in an embryo that becomes the penis or clitoris.交接器原基:胚胎中无差别的性组织,它会成长为阴茎或阴蒂美国传统〔plumule〕Botany The rudimentary bud of a plant embryo.【植物学】 胚芽:植物胚胎的基芽美国传统〔polar nucleus〕Either of two nuclei located centrally in a flowering plant embryo sac that eventually fuse to form the endosperm nucleus.极核:位于一株开花植物的胚囊中央的两个细胞核的任一个,这两个细胞核最终融合而形成内胚乳细胞核美国传统〔polyembryony〕Development of more than one embryo from a single egg or ovule.多胚;多胎:从一个单个的卵子或胚珠发展出一个以上的胚胎美国传统〔predetermine〕The sex of the embryo is predetermined at fertilization.胚胎的性别早在受精时就决定了。牛津高阶〔pro-life〕Advocating full legal protection of human embryos or fetuses, especially by opposing legalized abortion.反堕胎的:主张对胚胎或胎儿的全面法律保护的,尤其通过反对堕胎合法化美国传统〔radicle〕Botany The part of a plant embryo that develops into a root.【植物学】 胚根,小根:能长成根部的植物胚部分美国传统〔recognizable〕At seven weeks, an embryo is about three-fourths of an inch long and recognizably human.在第7周的时候,胚胎有3/4英寸长,人形已清晰可辨。柯林斯高阶〔regulation〕Embryology The capacity of an embryo to continue normal development following injury to or alteration of a structure.【胚胎学】 调整:胚胎在结构受伤或化之后继续正常发育的能力美国传统〔seed〕A ripened plant ovule containing an embryo.种子:包含有胚的成熟的植物胚珠美国传统〔serosa〕The chorion of a bird or reptile embryo.绒毛膜:鸟或爬行类胚胎的绒毛膜美国传统〔somite〕A segmental mass of mesoderm in the vertebrate embryo, occurring in pairs along the notochord and developing into muscles and vertebrae.体节:脊椎动物胚胎中胚层中的体节物质,沿脊索成对出现,后生长成肌肉或脊椎美国传统〔stomodeum〕The anterior or oral portion of the alimentary canal of an embryo.口道:胚胎的消化道的前端或口部美国传统〔suspensor〕Botany A multicellular filamentous structure developed from a zygote in seed-bearing plants and connecting the embryo to the endosperm.【植物学】 胚柄:以结籽植物的合子发展而来并连结胚和胚乳的多细胞丝状结构美国传统〔synergid〕One of two small cells lying near the egg in the mature embryo sac of a flowering plant.助细胞:位于开花植物成熟胚囊的卵细胞周围的两个小细胞之一美国传统〔teratogenic〕Of, relating to, or causing malformations of an embryo or a fetus.产生畸形的:导致胚胎畸形的或与其有关的美国传统〔teratogen〕An agent, such as a virus, a drug, or radiation, that causes malformation of an embryo or a fetus.致畸剂:导致畸形胎或畸形的制剂,如病毒、药物或辐射美国传统〔triploblastic〕Having three germ layers. Used of the vertebrate embryo.三重胚的:具有三层原胚层的。用于脊椎动物的胚胎美国传统〔troubling〕Some troubling questions remain about the legal status of frozen embryos.关于冷冻胚胎的法律地位,仍然存在一些令人忧虑的问题。剑桥高阶〔union〕An embryo is created through the union of sperm and egg.胚胎是由精子和卵子结合而成的。韦氏高阶〔unite〕The sperm and egg unite to form an embryo.精子和卵子相结合形成胚胎。韦氏高阶〔viable〕From those ten eggs they made three viable embryos.他们从这10个卵子中培育出了3个能自行生长发育的胚胎。外研社新世纪〔wheat germ〕The vitamin-rich embryo of the wheat kernel that is separated before milling for use as a cereal or food supplement.麦芽:小麦颗粒中富含维生素的胚芽,在碾磨之前被剥离开来,以用作麦类或食物添加剂美国传统〔yolk stalk〕A narrow ductlike part that connects the yolk sac to the middle of the digestive tract of an embryo.卵黄柄:连接卵黄囊和胚胎消化道中部的狭窄的管状部分美国传统A human embryo up to the age of 14 days is sometimes called a pre-embryo.十四天之前的人的胚胎有时称做前胎儿。剑桥国际An attempt to implant an embryo using an egg from an anonymous woman donor was unsuccessful.用取自一位匿名女性提供的卵子移植胚胎的尝试未获成功。剑桥国际At seven weeks, an embryo is recognizably human.七周时,胚胎可看出呈人形。剑桥国际Between the eighth week of development and birth a human embryo is called a foetus.在发育八周后和出生之间,人的胚胎叫做胎儿。剑桥国际Experiments to try to clone human embryos have met with hostility from some sections of the public.试图无性繁殖人类胚胎的试验遭到了一部分公众的敌视。剑桥国际Exposure to radiation can lead to malformation of the embryo.辐射会导致胚胎畸形。剑桥国际Some troubling questions remain about the legal status of frozen embryos.仍有一些令人忧虑的关于冷冻胚胎的法律地位的问题。剑桥国际The embryo was implanted successfully, but she miscarried eight weeks into the pregnancy.胚胎被成功地植入,但她怀孕八个星期就流产了。剑桥国际The department's plans for enlargement are still in embryo (= haven't been put into action yet) because of the university's spending cuts.由于大学削减开支,系的扩展计划仍在酝酿之中。剑桥国际They are doing research on the developmental processes in the embryo.他们在研究胚胎内部的发育过程。剑桥国际




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