

单词 confinement
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KEEP〕He was sentenced to 5 months of home confinement for the crime. 他因犯了这项罪行而被判处在家监禁五个月。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕Prisoners are punished by being put in solitary confinement. 囚犯被罚单独监禁。朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕Many women spent a lifetime of virtual confinement in the home. 许多女性事实上一辈子被关在家里。朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕Pratt spent the first eight years of his prison sentence in solitary confinement. 头八年普拉特被单独禁闭。朗文写作活用〔accouchement〕A confinement during childbirth; lying-in.分娩;生产美国传统〔administrative segregation〕Solitary confinement.单独拘禁美国传统〔aviary〕A large enclosure for holding birds in confinement.鸟舍:将鸟关起来的大房舍美国传统〔barracoon〕A barracks in which slaves or convicts were formerly held in temporary confinement.临时禁闭营:以前奴隶或罪犯的临时禁闭房美国传统〔bond〕Often bonds Confinement in prison; captivity. 常作 bonds 被禁状态:被拘禁在监狱;被俘虏美国传统〔close〕The horses are always eager for exercise after the close confinement of the stables.马匹被挤在一起关在马厩里,出来之后总是急不可待地想活动一下。朗文当代〔committal〕The act or an instance of committing to confinement.拘留:委托限制的行动或实例美国传统〔commit〕To place officially in confinement or custody, as in a mental health facility.收监,收押:置于官方限制或保护,如在精神健康设施美国传统〔confined〕Mothers today are not confined for long but soon after confinement are up and about.现在妈妈们坐月子的时间不长,而是产后很快就起床走动。英汉大词典〔confinement〕Doctor Smith has attended six confinements this week.史密斯医生这星期已接生6次。英汉大词典〔confinement〕He remained with his wife during her confinement.妻子分娩时有他陪伴在身边。韦氏高阶〔confinement〕He spent eleven years in solitary confinement.他度过了 11 年的单独监禁生涯。牛津搭配〔confinement〕He visited prisoners at their place of confinement.他到犯人关押处访问了犯人。朗文当代〔confinement〕He was in solitary confinement.他被单独监禁。英汉大词典〔confinement〕He was sentenced to six months of home confinement.他被判处 6 个月软禁。牛津搭配〔confinement〕He'd obviously kept himself fit despite his years of confinement.显然,尽管监禁多年,他依旧保持着身体健康。柯林斯高阶〔confinement〕She expects her confinement next month.她预期下个月分娩。英汉大词典〔confinement〕She had been held in solitary confinement for four months.她被单独关押了4个月。柯林斯高阶〔confinement〕She had been held in solitary confinement for four months.她被单独拘禁了四个月。外研社新世纪〔confinement〕She spent most of those years under house arrest or close confinement.那些年她大部分时间都处于软禁或严密监禁之中。剑桥高阶〔confinement〕She strongly resisted confinement to the domestic sphere.她强烈反对被局限在家庭圈子里。英汉大词典〔confinement〕The animals are kept in close confinement.动物被关起来并受到严密看管。牛津搭配〔confinement〕The dog was kept in confinement until it was determined to be healthy.这条狗在被确认健康之前一直被关着。韦氏高阶〔confinement〕The dog was put in confinement in the bathroom.狗被关在洗澡间里。英汉大词典〔confinement〕There has been a movement to support women seeking home confinement.一场支持女性在家分娩的运动一直在进行。柯林斯高阶〔confinement〕There has been a movement to support women seeking home confinement.曾有一场支持女性在家分娩的运动。外研社新世纪〔confinement〕They were held in confinement for three weeks.他们被关押了三个星期。朗文当代〔discharge〕Dismissal or release from employment, service, care, or confinement.解雇,释放,自理,免职,退伍:解除或免除雇佣、服役、照管或拘禁美国传统〔duress〕Forcible confinement.监禁美国传统〔escape artist〕A performer who entertains by escaping from confinement.表演脱身术的杂技演员:以逃脱束缚限制来娱乐大众的表演者美国传统〔expostulate〕The prisoner expostulated with the governor about his unjust confinement.那名囚犯就遭不公正囚禁一事与总督理论。外研社新世纪〔house of correction〕An institution for the confinement of persons convicted of minor criminal offenses.感化院,管教所:囚禁犯有轻微罪行的犯人的场所美国传统〔internment〕The state of being interned; confinement.拘留:被拘留状态;幽禁美国传统〔jail〕A place for the confinement of persons in lawful detention; a prison.监狱:依法律上的置留而监禁人的地方;监狱美国传统〔liberate〕To set free, as from oppression, confinement, or foreign control.解放:释放,例如从压迫下、囚禁中或外国统治下美国传统〔liberty〕Not in confinement or under constraint; free.自由:不受约束的或不受限制的;自由的美国传统〔lie〕To be in confinement for childbirth.等待分娩美国传统〔limbo〕A state or place of confinement.监狱:监禁的状态或地方美国传统〔lockdown〕The confinement of prison inmates to their cells as a security measure following a disturbance in the prison.一级防范禁闭:监狱发生骚乱后,将同监犯人关押在其监所中的安全措施美国传统〔lying-in〕The confinement of a woman in childbirth.分娩室:妇女生孩子时的隔离处美国传统〔poundage〕Confinement of animals in a pound.监禁:把动物关进栏中美国传统〔pound〕A place of confinement for lawbreakers.监禁所,禁闭所:监禁违法者的地方美国传统〔pound〕A public enclosure for the confinement of stray dogs or livestock.认领栏,动物收容所:收养迷途的狗或家畜的公用牲畜栏美国传统〔prison〕A place or condition of confinement or forcible restraint.监禁室,拘留:监禁或扣留某人的地方或状况美国传统〔punish〕These verbs mean to subject a person to a penalty, such as loss, pain, or confinement, for an offense, a sin, or a fault.这些动词的意思是使某人因为冒犯、罪过或过错而受到如损失、痛苦或监禁等惩罚。美国传统〔recant〕After a year spent in solitary confinement, he publicly recanted (his views).在被单独监禁了一年后,他公开宣布放弃(他的观点)。剑桥高阶〔reclusion〕The state of being in solitary confinement.单独监禁:处于被单独限制起来的状态美国传统〔release〕A deliverance or liberation, as from confinement, restraint, or suffering.赦免,解除:解除或解放,例如从囚禁,约束或痛苦中解放美国传统〔runaway〕Something that has escaped control or proper confinement.失控物:失去控制或脱离局限的东西美国传统〔save〕These verbs are compared in the sense of freeing a person or thing from danger, evil, confinement, or servitude.这些动词意为使人或事物免于危险、邪恶、受困或奴役,其比较如下面所述。美国传统〔solitary confinement〕He spent more than half his time in prison in solitary confinement.他在狱中多半时间是被单独监禁的。朗文当代〔solitary confinement〕He spent three months in solitary confinement.他被单独监禁三个月。韦氏高阶〔solitary confinement〕Last night he was being held in solitary confinement in Douglas jail.昨晚他被单独监禁在道格拉斯的监狱里。柯林斯高阶〔solitary confinement〕The confinement of a prisoner in isolation from all other prisoners.单独监禁:把某个犯人与其他犯人隔绝开来的监禁、禁闭美国传统〔solitary〕Solitary confinement.单独禁闭美国传统〔spring〕Slang To cause to be released from prison or other confinement.【俚语】 监禁中或其他限制被解除美国传统〔state prison〕A prison maintained by a state for the confinement of people convicted of felonies.国家监狱:一种由国家管理的监狱,用来关押重罪犯美国传统〔stifle〕To feel smothered or suffocated by or as if by close confinement in a stuffy room.窒息:感到透不过气来或窒息,象被关在一间不通风的房里一样美国传统〔stir-crazy〕Distraught or restless from long confinement in or as if in prison.精神失常的:由于长期幽闭或如在监狱里一样发狂的或不安的美国传统After a year spent in solitary confinement, he publicly recanted his views.被单独囚禁了一年后,他公开声明放弃他的观点。剑桥国际During a long period of captivity or confinement your biorhythms can re-adjust to a time clock which may not be a 24-hour cycle.经过一段长时间的囚禁或幽禁,你的生物节律可以重新调整到一个可能不是二十四小时一个周期的生物钟上。剑桥国际He was kept in solitary confinement because it was feared he might incite another riot.他被单独监禁因为担心他会煽动起另一次暴动。剑桥国际He was placed in confinement. 他被监禁。译典通The woman was diagnosed as clinically depressed after weeks of being kept in solitary confinement.这个女人在被单独禁闭了几星期后,被临床诊断为抑郁症。剑桥国际




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