

单词 disturbing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISTURB〕Loud frogs are disturbing the sleep of local home owners. 高声鸣叫的青蛙妨碍了当地居民的睡眠。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕The chairman's decision is disturbing, and smacks of dishonesty. 主席的决定令人不安,有点不诚实的味道。朗文写作活用〔WAKE UP/GET UP〕I got undressed in the bathroom to avoid disturbing her. 我在浴室里脱衣服,以免吵醒她。朗文写作活用〔behind〕Parents are demanding to know the truth behind these disturbing rumours.家长们要求知道隐藏在这些令人不安的谣传背后的真相。麦克米伦高阶〔by turns〕The stories in the collection are, by turns, curious, tragic, disturbing, and heartening.这本文集里的故事有的离奇,有的悲情,有的令人不安,有的令人振奋。韦氏高阶〔censorship〕Psychology Prevention of disturbing or painful thoughts or feelings from reaching consciousness except in a disguised form.【心理学】 潜意识压抑力:阻止困扰或痛苦的思想或以非伪装的形式达到意识的感情美国传统〔concentration〕All that noise is disturbing my concentration.所有那些噪声都在分散我的注意力。韦氏高阶〔dark comedy〕A comedy having gloomy or disturbing elements, especially one in which a character suffers an irreparable loss.黑色喜剧:有忧郁或有令人不安的元素的喜剧,特别是一出其中角色会遭遇无法挽回的丧失的戏剧美国传统〔decant〕To pour off (wine, for example) without disturbing the sediment.轻轻倒出(例如,酒)而不搅动沉淀物美国传统〔defendant〕The defendant was charged with disturbing the peace.被告被控扰乱治安。牛津搭配〔defend〕Guy Powell, defending, told magistrates: 'It's a sad and disturbing case.' 盖伊·鲍威尔在进行辩护时对地方法官说道:“这是一件非常不幸、令人不安的案子。”柯林斯高阶〔deification〕What is disturbing is the uncritical deification that surrounds her book.对她的书的盲目神化令人不安。外研社新世纪〔depopulation〕The rate of rural depopulation is disturbing.农村人口下降的速度令人担忧。外研社新世纪〔detail〕The report uncovers disturbing details of abuse.这篇报道揭露了种种让人不安的虐待事件的细节。牛津搭配〔disorderly〕Law Disturbing the public peace or decorum.【法律】 妨害治安或礼仪的美国传统〔disturbance〕The act of disturbing.扰乱,骚乱:扰乱的行为美国传统〔disturbingly〕There are disturbing reports of killings at the two centres.对这两个中心发生的谋杀的报道令人不安。柯林斯高阶〔disturbingly〕There was something about him she found disturbing.他身上有某种东西使她不安。柯林斯高阶〔disturbing〕I found the book deeply disturbing.我觉得这本书十分乱人心智。麦克米伦高阶〔disturbing〕I thought the movie was very disturbing.我觉得那部电影让人震惊。韦氏高阶〔disturbing〕It was a disturbing experience.那是一次令人不安的经历。外研社新世纪〔disturbing〕It was a deeply disturbing sight.那场面让人感到深深不安。韦氏高阶〔disturbing〕It's very disturbing that there has been an increase in crime in the last six months.过去六个月犯罪案件增加令人非常不安。文馨英汉〔disturbing〕The following programme contains scenes that may be disturbing to some viewers.以下节目可能会有一些使某些观众感到不适的场景。剑桥高阶〔disturbing〕The news from the front is very disturbing.来自前线的消息令人极为不安。英汉大词典〔disturbing〕There was something about him she found disturbing.他身上有一种让她觉得不安的东西。外研社新世纪〔disturb〕I hope I'm not disturbing you.我希望没有打扰到你。柯林斯高阶〔disturb〕Several fans were arrested and charged with disturbing the peace after the game.几名球迷被捕,他们被指控在赛后扰乱治安。剑桥高阶〔disturb〕You could bring a countersuit against her for defamation of character and disturbing the peace.你可以反诉她诽谤名誉和扰乱治安。外研社新世纪〔dream〕I had a very disturbing dream last night.昨晚我做了个很令人不安的梦。牛津搭配〔equilibrium〕The disease destroys much of the inner ear, disturbing the animal's equilibrium.这种疾病破坏动物内耳的大部分组织,妨碍其保持均衡。剑桥高阶〔fear〕He did not dare move his feet for fear of disturbing anything.他不敢移动脚步, 怕动了什么东西。外研社新世纪〔footage〕Some disturbing footage of the war was shown on the evening news.晚间新闻播放了那场战争中令人恐慌的场景。韦氏高阶〔futuristic〕Orwell's disturbing futuristic novel, '1984' 奥威尔的那部令人不安的幻想小说《一九八四》朗文当代〔give〕He gave a disturbing account of the murder.他讲述了凶案的发生经过,令人大为不安。朗文当代〔imagine〕The sight was disturbing as you can quite imagine.正如你所能想象的那样,那景象令人不安。牛津搭配〔instance〕The study cites disturbing instances of water pollution in this neighbourhood.这项研究援引了该地区令人震惊的水污染为证。麦克米伦高阶〔interest〕Our survey reveals a disturbing lack of interest in teacher training.我们的调查显示人们对教师培训失去了兴趣,这很令人不安。朗文当代〔leave〕To refrain from disturbing or interfering.不打扰:防止打搅或干扰美国传统〔less〕It's a common problem but this doesn't make it any the less disturbing.这是一个普遍问题,但同样令人担忧。朗文当代〔neither〕The play is neither as funny nor as disturbing as Tabori thinks it is.这部戏既不像塔博里想象的那么滑稽,也不像他想象的那么让人讨厌。柯林斯高阶〔nest〕You should avoid disturbing the nest until after the eggs are hatched.卵孵出之前,你不应该惊扰鸟巢。牛津搭配〔oddly〕He looked at her in a way she found oddly disturbing.他异样地望着她,令她局促不安。牛津高阶〔on one level...on another level〕On one level I quite like the attention but on another level, I suppose I find it a little disturbing.一方面我很喜欢这种关注,但另一方面我又觉得这种关注对我有些干扰。剑桥高阶〔paint/draw a picture of〕The author paints a disturbing picture of life in the camp.作者展现了营地里令人烦恼的生活。韦氏高阶〔peace〕He was arrested for disturbing the peace.他因扰乱治安而被逮捕。文馨英汉〔peace〕Macklin was charged with disturbing the peace.麦克林被指控扰乱治安。朗文当代〔picture〕Some people might find these pictures disturbing.有些人可能会觉得这些画面令人不安。外研社新世纪〔picture〕The figures reveal a disturbing picture of the state of our schools.这些数字显示了我们学校令人担忧的现状。牛津搭配〔precedent〕This is disturbing news and totally without precedent.这是令人震惊的消息,完全没有前例。麦克米伦高阶〔present〕The film presents a disturbing image of youth culture.电影展现了青年文化令人堪忧的景象。麦克米伦高阶〔rest〕I apologize for disturbing your rest.抱歉打扰你休息了。牛津搭配〔shocking〕Highly disturbing emotionally.令人震惊的:在情感上令人极度不安的美国传统〔sinister〕There was something sinister about him that she found disturbing.他给人一种危险的感觉, 这让她内心不安。外研社新世纪〔sinister〕There was something sinister about him that she found disturbing.他身上有种邪恶的东西让她很不安。柯林斯高阶〔spank〕If you don't stop disturbing,your buttocks would be spanked.如果你还不停止捣乱的话,你的屁股就该挨打了。21世纪英汉〔subject matter〕I found the film's subject matter to be quite disturbing.我发现这部电影的主题颇令人不安。韦氏高阶〔thought〕A disturbing thought suddenly struck me.我的脑中突然冒出了一个令人不安的念头。牛津搭配〔train〕Brett's phone call set in motion a disturbing train of events.布雷特的电话引发了一系列令人不安的事件。麦克米伦高阶〔trend〕A disturbing trend is that victims of violence are getting younger.暴力行为的受害者越来越年轻,这是令人担忧的一种趋势。朗文当代〔unearth〕The inquiry unearthed some disturbing evidence.那次调查发现了一些令人震惊的证据。朗文当代〔unearth〕The newspaper has unearthed some disturbing facts.报纸揭发了一些令人不安的真相。牛津高阶〔unresolved〕We consider the role of stress and unresolved tensions in creating disturbing dreams.我们认为压力与未消除的紧张情绪都会致人做恶梦。外研社新世纪〔witness〕Too often children are witness to a disturbing amount of violence.孩子们经常会目睹暴力事件,其数量之多令人不安。柯林斯高阶His film contains a disturbing and highly unlikely scene in which dozens of young Lolitas throw themselves at the leading male character.他的影片中有一个难以置信且有伤风化的场面----几十个怀春的少女蜂涌向男主人公。剑桥国际I can call back later if I'm disturbing you.如果现在打搅你了,我可以回头再打电话。剑桥国际I found his letter very disturbing to read.我发现他的信读来叫人担心。剑桥国际It is disturbing that the recommendations of the committee have not been acted upon.还没按委员会的建议行事是令人焦虑的。剑桥国际Several England supporters were arrested and charged with disturbing the peace after the match.几个英国队的支持者被逮捕了,罪名是赛后扰乱治安。剑桥国际She had that dumb (=silent) insolence that teachers find so disturbing.她那种不发一言的傲慢令老师们很不安。剑桥国际She was strangely calm--I found it quite disturbing.她冷静得不可思议----我觉得这令人不安。剑桥国际The censors felt that the movie was too disturbing for general viewing.审查员觉得那部电影扰乱人心,不宜公开放映。剑桥国际The commander was said to be unavailable --it turned out that the real problem was that none of his men wanted to risk disturbing him.据说指挥官找不着----实际上真正的问题是他的手下没一个想冒险打搅他。剑桥国际The disease destroys much of the inner-ear, disturbing the animal's equilibrium.疾病毁坏了大部分内耳,影响了动物的平衡能力。剑桥国际The following programme contains scenes that may be disturbing to some viewers.下面的节目中有些场景可能叫一些观看者不安。剑桥国际The revelation about the government's involvement in phone-tapping is an extremely disturbing development.政府卷入电话窃听案一事被揭露,是让人极为担忧的一步。剑桥国际They were charged with disturbing the public peace. 他们被指控扰乱公共治安。译典通We would like to warn viewers of a nervous disposition (= who are easily upset) that the following programme contains scenes which they may find disturbing.我们要告诫容易激动的观众,下面的节目中有些场面可能会使他们感到不安。剑桥国际




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