

单词 eurasia
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Arctic Ocean〕The waters surrounding the North Pole between North America and Eurasia. The smallest ocean in the world, it is covered by pack ice throughout the year.北冰洋:在北美与欧亚大陆之间的环绕北极的水域。是世界上最小的大洋,终年覆盖着浮冰美国传统〔Arctic〕A region between the North Pole and the northern timberlines of North America and Eurasia.北极地区:在北极与北美洲和欧亚大陆北部林木线之间区域美国传统〔Eurasian〕Eurasian languages 欧亚语言剑桥高阶〔Eurasian〕Of or relating to Eurasia.欧亚(大陆)的美国传统〔Eurasian〕She married into a leading Eurasian family in Hong Kong.她嫁入了香港的一个地位显赫的欧亚混血家族。柯林斯高阶〔Europe〕The sixth-largest continent, extending west from the Dardanelles, Black Sea, and Ural Mountains. It is technically a vast peninsula of the Eurasian land mass.欧洲:世界第六大洲,位于达达尼尔海峡、黑海和乌拉尔山脉以西,严格意义上说它是亚欧大陆板块延伸出的一巨大的半岛美国传统〔Samoyed〕Any of a breed of medium-sized dog originally developed in northern Eurasia, having a thick, long, white or cream-colored coat.萨莫耶德狗:最早生长于欧亚大陆的一种混血狗,有厚而长,白色或奶油色的皮毛美国传统〔buran〕A violent windstorm of the Eurasian steppes, accompanied in summer by dust and in winter by snow.布冷风:来自欧亚大陆平原的猛烈的风暴,夏天伴有尘土,冬天伴有雪美国传统〔circumboreal〕Distributed or occurring chiefly throughout the boreal regions of North America and Eurasia. Used especially of plants.遍及北部地区的:主要分布或发生在北美和欧亚北部地区的。尤指植物美国传统〔descend〕The breed is almost directly descended from the Eurasian wild boar.这一品种几乎是欧亚野猪的直系后代。牛津搭配〔flycatcher〕Any of various Eurasian birds of the family Muscicapidae that feed on insects, usually catching the insects in flight.鹟:一种以昆虫为食的欧亚大陆鹟科鸟类,通常捕捉飞虫美国传统〔jumping mouse〕Any of various small Eurasian and North American rodents of the family Zapodidae, having a very long tail and long hind legs.林跳鼠:林跳鼠科的各种体小的欧亚和北美啮齿目动物中的任何一种,有一条长尾和长的后腿美国传统〔loach〕Any of various Eurasian and African freshwater fishes of the family Cobitidae, having barbels around the mouth.鳅,泥鳅:鳅科的各种亚欧和非洲淡水鱼,嘴四周有触须美国传统〔straddle〕This bridge straddles the Eurasia.这座桥横跨欧亚大陆。21世纪英汉〔taiga〕A subarctic, evergreen coniferous forest of northern Eurasia located just south of the tundra and dominated by firs and spruces.泰加群落, 西伯利亚针叶林:欧亚大陆北部冻土地带以南的亚寒带常绿针叶林,主要树种为杉树和柏树美国传统Eurasian languages 欧亚语言剑桥国际




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