

单词 declaration
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MEANING〕The declaration was ambiguously worded. 声明中的措辞模棱两可。朗文写作活用〔QUIET〕A hushed congress heard the official declaration of war. 整个国会鸦雀无声地听着正式的宣战声明。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕On the 19th of July a declaration of war was delivered in Berlin. 7月19日,柏林下了宣战书。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕They issued a declaration that it will be attempting to take over another three British companies. 他们发表声明说,将试图收购另外三家英国公司。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕A grim-faced diplomat read out the declaration of war. 一位神情严肃的外交官宣读了宣战书。朗文写作活用〔acknowledgment〕A formal declaration made to authoritative witnesses to ensure legal validity.正式确认:向有权威的证人正式确认以保证法律上的有效性美国传统〔affidavit〕A written declaration made under oath before a notary public or other authorized officer.宣誓书:在公证人或其他裁判官员面前经宣誓而立下的书面声明美国传统〔affirmation〕Law A solemn declaration given in place of a sworn statement by a person who conscientiously objects to taking an oath.【法律】 证词:代替宣誓证词的庄严声明,由从良心上反对宣誓的人做出美国传统〔aforementioned〕A declaration will be issued at the end of the aforementioned UN conference.前面提到的那次联合国会议将于闭幕之际发表一份宣言。柯林斯高阶〔antipathy〕Declarations of racial antipathy against ethnic minorities will not be tolerated.公开声明对于少数民族的仇视是不可容忍的。剑桥高阶〔back up〕The Secretary General says the declaration must now be backed up by concrete and effective actions.秘书长说现在必须将宣言付诸具体有效的行动。柯林斯高阶〔beatitude〕Beatitude Any of the declarations of blessedness made by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. Beatitude 八福词:基督登山训众时宣布的任何祝福美国传统〔breach〕Their declaration of independence is a breach of the constitution.他们宣布独立是违背宪法的行为。外研社新世纪〔call for〕The declaration called for an immediate ceasefire.声明要求立即停火。外研社新世纪〔chair〕The declaration was drafted by a committee chaired by Dr Robert Song.宣言由罗伯特·桑博士领导的委员会起草。柯林斯高阶〔chair〕The declaration was drafted by a committee chaired by Dr Robert Song.宣言由罗伯特•桑博士领导的委员会起草。外研社新世纪〔condolence〕A formal declaration of condolence.吊唁:正式慰问的声明美国传统〔consign〕The far-reaching pact has also made sure the Cold War is consigned to history with a joint peace declaration.随着和平联合声明的发表,这个意义深远的条约也确保冷战成为了历史。柯林斯高阶〔crowd〕The president read a declaration to a vast assembled crowd.总统向大批聚在一起的人宣读了声明。牛津搭配〔de jure〕The Synod's declarations prevailed de jure but not de facto in the Roman Catholic Church down to the Reformation era.直到宗教改革时期, 教会会议的声明在天主教会中都只是在法律上被普遍认可, 而事实上并没有通行。外研社新世纪〔de jure〕The Synod's declarations prevailed de jure but not de facto in the Roman Catholic Church down to the Reformation era.直到宗教改革时期,教会会议的声明在天主教会中都仍然只是法律上认可,而非事实上通行。柯林斯高阶〔declarant〕One that makes a declaration, especially a person who has signed a declaration of intent to become a U.S. citizen.入籍申请者:指作出正式申请的人,尤指在入籍申请书上签字有意成为美国公民的人美国传统〔declaration〕All four countries have adopted the declaration against hunting these rare animals.四国都通过了反对捕猎这些珍稀动物的宣言。牛津搭配〔declaration〕As witnesses to the accident, we were asked to make written declarations of what we had seen.作为事故的目击者,我们被要求以书面的形式陈述看到的一切。剑桥高阶〔declaration〕He seemed embarrassed by her declaration of love.他似乎对她爱的告白感到很尴尬。外研社新世纪〔declaration〕Members of Congress have to make a declaration of their business interests.议员们必须将自己的商业股权公诸于众。剑桥高阶〔declaration〕On the customs declaration, the sender labeled the freight as agricultural machinery.在报关单上,寄货人将货物列为农用机械。柯林斯高阶〔declaration〕On the customs declaration, the sender labelled the freight as agricultural machinery.在海关报税单上, 这批货物被发货人列为农业机械。外研社新世纪〔declaration〕She needed time to adjust to Clive's declaration.她需要时间来适应克莱夫的表白。柯林斯高阶〔declaration〕Somaliland's declaration of independence索马里的独立宣言外研社新世纪〔declaration〕The Russian leader received a ringing declaration of support yesterday.俄罗斯领导人昨天收到了给予强有力支持的声明。牛津搭配〔declaration〕The case was ended by declaration of a mistrial.这起案件以宣告无效审理而告终。韦氏高阶〔declaration〕The company made a declaration of intent to follow an equal opportunities policy.公司宣称愿意遵守机会均等原则。剑桥高阶〔declaration〕The government has made/issued a declaration of war on/against its enemies.政府向敌方宣战。韦氏高阶〔declaration〕The government will issue a formal declaration tomorrow.政府将于明天发布正式声明。牛津搭配〔declaration〕The museum has a copy of the country's declaration of independence/sovereignty.这家博物馆珍藏着该国的一份独立/主权宣言。韦氏高阶〔declaration〕The opening speeches sounded more like declarations of war than offerings of peace.开场的几段讲话听上去更像是战争宣言而不是和平倡议。柯林斯高阶〔declaration〕They will ask you to sign a declaration allowing your doctor to disclose your medical details.他们将要求你签署一份允许医生透露你的身体健康状况的书面声明。柯林斯高阶〔declaration〕They will sign the declaration tomorrow.他们将于明天签署宣言。外研社新世纪〔declaration〕They will sign the declaration tomorrow.他们明天将签署这份公告。柯林斯高阶〔declaration〕Under Islamic law it was possible to divorce by simple declaration.从前按照伊斯兰法律,作简单的声明就可以离婚。朗文当代〔declaration〕United Nations Declaration of Human Rights 联合国人权宣言朗文当代〔declaration〕We read the declaration posted on the bulletin board.我们读了贴在布告板上的通告。英汉大词典〔declaration〕You will need to make a declaration of your income.你需要申报你的收入。韦氏高阶〔declare〕To make a declaration.公告:发表宣言,声明美国传统〔decree〕The decree stopped short of a full declaration of independence.这项法令差一点就宣布完全独立了。剑桥高阶〔disaster〕This morning I signed a disaster declaration for the state.今天上午我签署了宣布该州进入灾难状态的公告。牛津搭配〔draw〕Hitler wanted to beat Roosevelt to the draw with his declaration of war.希特勒想赶在罗斯福的前面宣战。英汉大词典〔enshrine〕These fundamental freedoms are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.这些基本自由被载入了《世界人权宣言》。麦克米伦高阶〔epoch-making〕It was meant to sound like an epoch-making declaration.有意让它听起来像是一个划时代的宣言。柯林斯高阶〔hand ... down〕Another war declaration was handed down by the government.政府又颁布了另一项战争宣言。21世纪英汉〔intent〕Their decision to begin bombing was, to all intents and purposes, a declaration of war.他们决定开始轰炸,实际上等于宣战。韦氏高阶〔manifesto〕A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature.宣言:对理论、政策或动机的公开宣言,尤指具有政治性质的美国传统〔manifesto〕To issue such a declaration.发表宣言:发表一项这样的宣言美国传统〔miscegenation〕Anti-miscegenation laws prohibiting interracial sex and marriage predate the Declaration of Independence by more than a century.在独立宣言发表一个世纪前,就有反异族性关系和通婚的法律。剑桥高阶〔no-trump〕A declaration to play a hand without a trump suit in bridge and other card games.叫无将牌:桥牌和其它牌戏的叫牌,不提任何花色当王美国传统〔nolle prosequi〕A declaration that the plaintiff in a civil case or the prosecutor in a criminal case will drop prosecution of all or part of a suit or an indictment.撤消告诉:民事讼案中原告或刑事讼案中的检举人撤回全部或部分诉讼或诉状的起诉的宣告美国传统〔non-proliferation〕The declaration deals with disarmament and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.该声明涉及裁军和防止核武器扩散问题。柯林斯高阶〔non-proliferation〕The declaration deals with disarmament and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.该声明涉及裁减军备和防止核武器扩散问题。外研社新世纪〔nullity〕The Declaration was, in the eye of the law, a nullity.这宣言从法律观点看是无效的文件。英汉大词典〔null〕The declaration was null and void as it was proclaimed in completely illegal circumstances.该声明无效, 因为它是在完全非法的情况下宣布的。外研社新世纪〔null〕The declaration was null and void as it was proclaimed in completely illegal circumstances.该声明无效,因为它是在完全非法的情况下宣布的。柯林斯高阶〔oath〕A solemn, formal declaration or promise to fulfill a pledge, often calling on God or a sacred object as witness.誓约,宣誓:庄严正式地宣布或许诺履行某一誓言,通常以上帝或圣物为见证者美国传统〔oath〕The words or formula of such a declaration or promise.誓言:这种宣布或承诺的言辞或语言形式美国传统〔phrase〕The declaration was carefully/cleverly/tactfully, etc. phrased.宣言措词谨慎/巧妙/圆滑等。剑桥高阶〔platform〕A formal declaration of the principles on which a group, such as a political party, makes its appeal to the public.政纲:向公众发表的正式的原则的宣言的一个团体,如一个政党美国传统〔plead〕To present as an answer to a charge, an indictment, or a declaration made against one.以…为答辩:作为对某人做出的指控、起诉或宣判的答辩提出美国传统〔plea〕A defendant's answer to the declaration made by the plaintiff in a civil action.申诉:民事诉讼中被告对原告所做的陈述状的回答美国传统〔police action〕A localized military action undertaken without a formal declaration of war.警察行动:未经正式宣战而采取的局部军事行动美国传统〔profession〕An act or instance of professing; a declaration.宣称,宣布:宣称的行为或事实;公布美国传统〔promise〕A declaration assuring that one will or will not do something; a vow.发誓:保证某人将做某事或将不会做某事的宣告;誓言美国传统〔promise〕To make a declaration assuring that something will or will not be done.发誓:做一项保证某事将会或将不会被做的宣布美国传统〔protestation〕An emphatic declaration.声明:一个语气强调的宣告美国传统〔protest〕A formal declaration made by a taxpayer stating that the tax demanded is illegal or excessive and reserving the right to contest it.抗议书:纳税人所作的正式声明,指出他所要缴纳的税为非法或超出正常标准,并保留对此提出质疑的权利美国传统〔protest〕A formal declaration of disapproval or objection issued by a concerned person, group, or organization.抗议:由有关人员,团体或组织发布的表示不赞成或反对的正式声明美国传统〔reckon〕The existence of the U.S. is reckoned from the Declaration of Independence.美国立国是从发表《独立宣言》之日算起的。英汉大词典〔record〕Given the patchy track record of previous international declarations, is it worthwhile to have such ambitious goals? 鉴于以前的国际宣言良莠不齐,树立这么崇高的目标值得吗?牛津搭配〔renunciation〕A declaration in which something is renounced.放弃声明书:某物被放弃的声明书美国传统〔ringing〕So far we have had ringing declarations, but only limited action.目前, 我们已经发表了一些有力的声明, 但只采取了有限的行动。外研社新世纪〔ringing〕So far we have had ringing declarations, but only limited action.目前,我们已经发表了一些有力的声明,但只采取了有限的行动。柯林斯高阶〔serve〕The Declaration served primarily as a propaganda piece.宣言主要起宣传作用。牛津搭配〔signer〕He was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.他是《独立宣言》的签署人之一。韦氏高阶〔sovereignty〕The declaration proclaimed the full sovereignty of the republic.这份宣言宣告这个共和国完全独立自主。牛津高阶〔stage〕Russian workers have staged a number of strikes in protest at the republic's declaration of independence.俄罗斯工人已经举行了数次罢工,抗议该共和国宣布独立。柯林斯高阶〔statement〕Something stated; a declaration.宣言:陈述的事;宣言美国传统〔subscribe to〕Who's the first man to subscribe to the Declaration of Independence?谁是第一个在“独立宣言”上签名的人?21世纪英汉〔swear〕To make a solemn declaration, invoking a deity or a sacred person or thing, in confirmation of and witness to the honesty or truth of such a declaration.宣誓:作庄严的声明以唤起神灵、神圣的人或事来证明或证实该声明的诚实或真实美国传统〔tantamount〕He considered the note tantamount to a declaration of war.他认为这份照会等于宣战。英汉大词典〔testify〕To express or declare a strong belief, especially to make a declaration of faith.声明:表达或宣布一种强烈的信仰,尤指信仰的表白美国传统〔testimony〕A declaration by a witness under oath, as that given before a court or deliberative body.证词:证人在誓言下所做的陈述,如在法庭或审议机构前做的证词美国传统〔testimony〕A public declaration regarding a religious experience.(信仰的)声明:对一种宗教经验的公开表白美国传统〔testimony〕All such declarations, spoken or written, offered in a legal case or deliberative hearing.证词:此种口头或书面的、在一起案件或听证会中提出的陈述美国传统〔timorous〕Some delegates believe the final declaration is likely to be too timorous.一些代表认为最后的声明可能不够强硬。柯林斯高阶〔timorous〕Some delegates believe the final declaration is likely to be too timorous.一些代表认为最后的宣言可能会不够强硬。外研社新世纪〔title〕A division of a law book, declaration, or bill, generally larger than a section or article.章节:法律书籍、宣言或法案的划分单位,一般要比节或条款大美国传统〔tract〕A leaflet or pamphlet containing a declaration or an appeal, especially one put out by a religious or political group.传单,小册子:含有宣言或呼吁的传单或宣传小册,尤指由宗教或政治团体散发的美国传统〔venue〕The clause within a declaration naming the locality in which a trial will be held.审判地条款:法律述状中指定举行审判的地点的条款美国传统〔vote〕The parliament has voted by an overwhelming majority to suspend its declaration of independence.绝大多数选票支持议会暂缓宣布其独立。外研社新世纪〔vote〕The parliament has voted by an overwhelming majority to suspend its declaration of independence.议会以压倒性的多数票决定推迟宣布独立。柯林斯高阶〔vouch〕A declaration of opinion; an assertion.证实,断言:意见的宣布;断言美国传统〔vow〕A declaration or an assertion.宣言或断言美国传统〔war〕Congress has made a formal declaration of war.国会已经正式宣战。牛津搭配〔way〕As is the way with these gatherings, the declarations were largely drafted before the delegations arrived.就像通常的这种集会一样,宣言内容在代表团到达之前就差不多拟好了。柯林斯高阶〔way〕As is the way with these gatherings, the declarations were largely drafted before the delegations arrived.这些集会就是这样, 宣言大部分在各代表团抵达之前就起草完毕了。外研社新世纪〔will〕A legal declaration of how a person wishes his or her possessions to be disposed of after death.遗嘱:一种关于死后自己的财产如何处理、分配的法律声明美国传统〔will〕A legally executed document containing this declaration.遗嘱文:含这种遗嘱的合法实施的文件美国传统Declarations of racial antipathy against ethnic minorities will not be tolerated.对少数民族公然表示种族偏见是不会被容忍的。剑桥国际A John Hancock is named after the man who was the first person to sign the American Declaration of Independence.约翰·汉考克指亲笔签名,源于第一个在《美国独立宣言》上签名的人。剑桥国际A fully completed customs declaration must be attached to the package.填写妥当的报关单必须贴在包装上。牛津商务A thousand eminent scientists have signed the declaration supporting responsible experiments on animals in medical research.一千名著名科学家签署了一份宣言,支持医学研究中在动物身上做负责任的实验。剑桥国际As witnesses to the accident, we were asked to make written declarations of what we had seen.作为事故的目击者,我们被要求把所看到的写成一份陈述。剑桥国际He made a declaration to the effect that he would soon resign. 他发表一项声明,大意是他将很快辞职。译典通In a little-publicised addendum to the treaty the 12 EU leaders made a declaration on racism and xenophobia.在条约的一个鲜为人知的附录中,12位欧洲联盟领导人就种族歧视和恐外症发表了宣言。剑桥国际In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson said that human rights included the preservation of life, liberty and the pursuit of (= the activity of trying to achieve) happiness.在《独立宣言》中,托马斯·杰斐逊提出人权包括保护生命,自由和追求幸福。剑桥国际Insurers traditionally make their annual bonus declarations in the first three months of the year.保险公司历来是在每年的前 3 个月公布其年度分红。牛津商务Members of Parliament must make a declaration of their business interests.下院议员必须宣布他们的商业利益。剑桥国际On entering the country, all tourists must fill in a customs declaration form.进入这国的旅客都必须填写海关申报表。牛津商务The American declaration of war in 1917 tipped the scales against Germany. 一九一七年美国宣战,扭转了对德之战的形势。译典通The American declaration of war in 1917 turned the scales against Germany. 一九一七年美国宣战,扭转了对德之战的形势。译典通The company made a declaration of intent to follow an equal opportunities policy.公司声明了采用均等机会政策的意图。剑桥国际The decree stopped short of a full declaration of independence.这条法令几乎就是一个彻头彻尾的独立宣言。剑桥国际The joint declaration was issued as the Archbishop of Canterbury ended a four-day visit to the Vatican/the Vatican City.联合声明是在坎特伯雷大主教结束对梵地冈/梵蒂冈城为期四天的访问时签署的。剑桥国际They are seeking a court declaration that the contract no longer applies.他们正设法由法院判定这份合同已不再适用。牛津商务You will need to sign a declaration that you are an EU resident.你必须签署一份声明表示你是欧盟居民。牛津商务




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