

单词 environmental condition
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔biotic potential〕An estimate of the maximum capacity of living things to survive and reproduce under optimal environmental conditions.生物潜能:生物在最佳环境条件下生存和繁殖的最大能力的估测美国传统〔biotope〕An area that is uniform in environmental conditions and in its distribution of animal and plant life.群落生境:环境条件和其动植物分布一致的地区美国传统〔biotron〕A climate-control chamber used for studying a living organism's response to specific environmental conditions.生物人工气候室:用于研究生物对具体环境条件的反应的气候控制室美国传统〔blight〕An extremely adverse environmental condition, such as air pollution.恶劣环境条件:一种极端不利的环境条件,如空气污染美国传统〔community〕A group of plants and animals living and interacting with one another in a specific region under relatively similar environmental conditions.共生动物群:一群植物和动物,在有比较相似的环境条件的特定区域生活和相互影响美国传统〔condition〕Animals adapt to changing environmental conditions.动物会适应不断变化的环境状况。牛津搭配〔environmental〕Examples of unsafe environmental conditions are noise, radiation, dust.不安全的环境条件, 例如噪音、放射线和粉尘。外研社新世纪〔express〕The gene expressed itself under specific environmental conditions.基因在特殊的环境会表现显性美国传统〔facultative〕Biology Capable of functioning under varying environmental conditions. Used of certain organisms, such as bacteria that can live with or without oxygen.【生物学】 兼性寄生的:能在不同环境条件下活动的。用于某些生物,如细菌在有氧或无氧条件下都能生存美国传统〔incubate〕To maintain (eggs, organisms, or living tissue) at optimal environmental conditions for growth and development.培育:使(蛋、器官或生长组织)保持在一种适宜的环境条件下,以便生长和发育美国传统〔organism〕All living organisms have to adapt to changes in environmental conditions.一切生物都要适应环境条件的变化。朗文当代〔penetrance〕The frequency, under given environmental conditions, with which a specific genotype is expressed by those individuals that possess it.外显率(基因):具有特定遗传基因的个体在一定环境下表现其遗传基因的概率美国传统〔sanitary engineer〕An engineer specializing in the maintenance of urban environmental conditions conducive to the preservation of public health.公共卫生工程师:维护城市环境条件以保持居民健康的专职人员美国传统〔spore〕A dormant, nonreproductive body formed by certain bacteria in response to adverse environmental conditions.种胚:一种由特定的细菌在不利的环境条件下反应而成的休眠的非再生体美国传统〔stenotopic〕Able to adapt only to a narrow range of environmental conditions. Used of a plant or an animal.狭幅的:只能适应于一定范围内的自然环境条件下的。用于动物或植物美国传统




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