

单词 doll
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔PRESS〕a horrible doll that cried when you squeezed it 捏压时会发出哭声的恐怖娃娃朗文写作活用〔anatomically correct〕an anatomically correct doll 生理结构上准确的仿真人剑桥高阶〔animated〕an animated doll working on batteries 靠电池运转的活动玩偶英汉大词典〔bendy〕a bendy rubber doll 易弯曲的橡皮娃娃朗文当代〔craft〕craft a doll 精心制作一个玩偶英汉大词典〔cut〕a doll that was cut from paper.用纸裁成的玩偶美国传统〔doll〕a doll of a house 一幢漂亮的房子英汉大词典〔doll〕a child playing with a rag doll 正在玩布娃娃的小孩牛津搭配〔doll〕a small wooden doll 一个小木玩偶朗文当代〔fashion〕to fashion a doll from a piece of wood用木块制成玩具娃娃21世纪英汉〔from〕a doll made from cloth 布做的娃娃韦氏高阶〔hospital〕a doll hospital.洋娃娃修理店美国传统〔jointed〕a doll with jointed arms and legs 手脚关节可活动的玩具娃娃韦氏高阶〔jointed〕a doll with jointed arms/legs 手臂╱腿关节活动的洋娃娃牛津高阶〔lifelike〕a very lifelike doll 非常逼真的洋娃娃韦氏高阶〔manufacturer〕the world's largest doll manufacturer.全球最大的玩偶生产商柯林斯高阶〔manufacturer〕the world's largest doll manufacturer世界上最大的玩偶生产商外研社新世纪〔movable〕a doll with a movable head 头可活动的洋娃娃牛津高阶〔play〕play with a doll 玩玩偶 英汉大词典〔porcelain〕porcelain teacups; a doll with a porcelain face.瓷茶杯;瓷脸娃娃美国传统〔raggedy〕a raggedy old doll 破旧的洋娃娃韦氏高阶〔sawdust〕a sawdust doll 木屑芯的玩偶英汉大词典〔self-righting〕a self-righting doll 不倒翁英汉大词典〔talking〕a talking doll 会叫的洋娃娃文馨英汉〔wax〕a wax doll 蜡制玩偶;漂亮而无情的女子文馨英汉




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