

单词 seclude
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAR〕They drove to a secluded spot in the country to have their picnic. 他们开车到乡下一个僻静的地方去野餐。朗文写作活用〔FAR〕We rented a little cabin on the edge of a secluded lake. 我们在一个幽静的湖边租了间小木屋。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕Lake Powell's irregular coastline has many unspoiled beaches and secluded inlets. 在鲍威尔湖曲折的湖岸线上,有许多原始的沙滩和僻静的小港。朗文写作活用〔Shangri-la〕A distant and secluded hideaway, usually of great beauty and peacefulness.世外桃源:一个遥远的、幽僻的隐匿之处,通常是非常美丽与和平的美国传统〔alcove〕A secluded structure, such as a bower, in a garden.凉亭:一种在花园中建造的隐蔽性建筑物,如凉亭美国传统〔altogether〕Altogether, it was a delightful town garden, peaceful and secluded.总体上说,这是个令人愉快的城市花园,宁静而偏僻。柯林斯高阶〔anchor〕The ship dropped anchor in a secluded harbor.那艘船在一个僻静的港口抛锚停泊。韦氏高阶〔area〕We were in a secluded area far away from the rest of the school.我们所在的地方是学校僻静的一隅,离学校的其他地方很远。牛津搭配〔ashram〕A usually secluded residence of a religious community and its guru.静修处:一个通常是隐蔽的宗教社区及其上师的静修处美国传统〔bay〕We sailed into a beautiful, secluded bay.我们驶进了一个美丽、僻静的海湾。剑桥高阶〔beaten〕Tiny secluded beaches can be found off the beaten track.在人迹罕至的地方可以找到一些隐蔽的小海滩。柯林斯高阶〔beaten〕Tiny secluded beaches can be found off the beaten track.隐蔽的小海滩鲜有人至。外研社新世纪〔cloister〕A secluded, quiet place.隐居地:隐避的安静处所美国传统〔cloister〕To shut away from the world in or as if in a cloister; seclude.远离尘世,隐居:与世隔绝地处于或好象处于修道院中;隔离美国传统〔cloistral〕Of, relating to, or suggesting a cloister; secluded.修道院的:修道院的、与之相关的或指修道院的;隔离的美国传统〔close〕Hidden from view; secluded.隐退的:隐藏不让看见的;隐退的美国传统〔dell〕A small, secluded, wooded valley.小山谷:有树林的小而幽隐的谷地美国传统〔den〕A secluded room for study or relaxation.书斋:一个用于学习或放松的僻静房间美国传统〔hideaway〕A secluded or isolated place.僻静的或幽静的地方美国传统〔hidey-hole〕A secluded or isolated place; a hideaway.躲藏处:偏僻幽静与世隔绝的地方;隐藏处美国传统〔hollow〕The village lay secluded in a hollow of the hills(= a small valley).村子坐落在一个幽静的小山谷中。牛津高阶〔incommunicado〕He is incommunicado in a secluded cottage in Wales.他隐居在威尔士一个偏僻的小村舍里。柯林斯高阶〔incommunicado〕He is incommunicado in a secluded cottage in Wales.他隐居在威尔士一处僻静的小屋里。外研社新世纪〔mews〕The house is in a secluded mews.这座房子坐落在一个偏僻的院子里。柯林斯高阶〔mews〕The house is in a secluded mews.这座房子坐落在一个偏僻的马厩房院子里。外研社新世纪〔monastic〕Secluded and contemplative.隐居的和沉思默想的美国传统〔nook〕A hidden or secluded spot.偏僻或隐蔽的地方美国传统〔nudism〕The belief in or practice of going nude, especially in secluded, sexually mixed groups for reasons of health.裸体主义:信仰或实行裸体,尤指在隐蔽的两性混杂的群体中为了健康的原因美国传统〔off〕Tiny secluded beaches can be found off the beaten track.在人迹罕至的地方能找到僻静的小海滩。柯林斯高阶〔parking〕Slang Kissing or caressing in a vehicle stopped in a secluded spot.【俚语】 停车亲热:把车停在僻静处并在车里亲吻或爱抚美国传统〔park〕Slang To engage in kissing and caressing in a vehicle stopped in a secluded spot.【俚语】 停车亲热:把车停在僻静处并在车里亲吻抚爱美国传统〔pleasance〕A secluded garden or landscaped area.庭院:被隔开的花园或经过美化的场地美国传统〔privacy〕The quality or condition of being secluded from the presence or view of others.隐退,隐居:脱离人群或不见他人的性质或状态美国传统〔recess〕Often recesses A remote, secret, or secluded place. 常作 recesses 幽深处:某个偏远、隐秘或与世隔绝的地方美国传统〔retired〕Withdrawn; secluded.遁世的;隐居的美国传统〔secluded〕He's 80 years old now and lives a very secluded life.他现在 80 岁了,过着非常安静的生活。朗文当代〔secluded〕The hotel has its own secluded beach.该酒店有专属于自己的僻静海滩。麦克米伦高阶〔secluded〕This is the quietest and most secluded area of the city.这儿是全城最安静最偏僻的地区。英汉大词典〔secluded〕We found a secluded beach a few miles further on.我们又前行了几英里, 发现了一处僻静的海滩。外研社新世纪〔secluded〕We found a secluded beach a few miles further on.我们又前行了几英里,发现了一处僻静的海滩。柯林斯高阶〔secluded〕We looked for a secluded spot in the park to have our picnic.我们在公园里寻找一个僻静的地方野餐。韦氏高阶〔secluded〕We managed to find a fairly secluded spot for our picnic.我们找到了一处相当幽静的地方野餐。牛津搭配〔secluded〕We sunbathed on a small secluded beach.我们在一个僻静的小海滩上沐日光浴。朗文当代〔secluded〕We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room.我们被藏匿到房间里一个隐蔽的角落。柯林斯高阶〔seclude〕He secluded himself in his room to study for the exam.他把自己关在房间里准备考试。韦氏高阶〔seclude〕He secluded himself in his room to write his report.他把自己关在房间里写报告。英汉大词典〔seclude〕The rich secluded themselves from contact with the poor.富人拒绝与穷人接触。英汉大词典〔seclude〕Typically, the bride would seclude herself in another room.一般来说,新娘会把自己关在另一个房间里。剑桥高阶〔seclusion〕A secluded place or abode.偏僻的地方或住所美国传统〔solitude〕A lonely or secluded place.偏僻处,隐居处美国传统〔solitudinarian〕One leading a solitary or secluded life.遁世者:过独自一人或隐居生活的人美国传统〔threat〕Because of death threats he moved to a secluded spot.由于受到被杀的威胁,他搬到了一个隐蔽的地方。英汉大词典〔tuck away〕We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room.我们安全地藏在房间一个隐蔽的角落里。柯林斯高阶〔tuck away〕We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room.我们藏在房间一个隐蔽的角落里。外研社新世纪〔villa〕He lives in a secluded five-bedroom luxury villa.他住在一个位置偏远、有5个卧室的豪华乡间别墅里。柯林斯高阶〔villa〕He lives in a secluded five-bedroom luxury villa.他住在一座僻静的豪华乡间别墅里, 卧室就有五间。外研社新世纪The children collected faggots for the fire while their parents set up tables and chairs in a secluded spot.孩子们去拾柴生火,而父母在一个幽僻的地方摆桌椅准备吃饭。剑桥国际The rich secluded themselves from contact with the poor. 富人不肯同穷人接触。译典通They have their own helicopter to take them to their secluded house in the forest.他们有自己的直升飞机把他们带到隐藏在森林中的僻静房屋。剑桥国际This is the quietest and most secluded area of the city. 这是全城最安静最僻静的地区。译典通We sailed into a beautiful, secluded bay.我们驶进一个美丽而僻静的海湾。剑桥国际We used to sunbathe on a secluded beach that was completely cut off when the tide came in.我们过去常在僻静的海滩边晒日光浴,这个地方涨潮时完全与外界隔绝。剑桥国际




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