

单词 employment
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ILLEGAL〕unlawful employment practices 非法的雇用行为朗文写作活用〔Secretary of State〕the Secretary of State for Education and Employment 教育与就业大臣麦克米伦高阶〔agency〕an employment agency.职业介绍所美国传统〔casual〕casual employment 临时就业麦克米伦高阶〔continuous〕all employees who had a record of five years' continuous employment with the firm在该公司连续工作五年的所有员工外研社新世纪〔degenderize〕to degenderize employment policies使雇用政策不与性别有联系21世纪英汉〔drastic〕a drastic reduction in employment 大量的裁员英汉大词典〔employment〕a contract of employment 劳动合同麦克米伦高阶〔employment〕conditions/terms of employment 雇佣条件╱条款牛津高阶〔employment〕full-time/part-time employment 全职/兼职工作韦氏高阶〔employment〕graduates entering the employment market 进入就业市场的毕业生牛津搭配〔employment〕increase employment 增加就业人数英汉大词典〔employment〕my employment history 我的工作经历韦氏高阶〔employment〕policies aimed at maintaining a high level of employment 旨在保持高就业率的政策牛津搭配〔employment〕policies designed to stimulate employment 旨在促进就业的政策牛津搭配〔employment〕recent graduates seeking employment 找工作的应届毕业生牛津搭配〔employment〕retired workers coming back into employment 重新就业的退休工人麦克米伦高阶〔employment〕terms and conditions of employment 雇用条款和条件朗文当代〔employment〕the employment of a pen in sketching 写生时笔的运用英汉大词典〔employment〕the needs of women who combine paid employment and care for their families 兼顾有薪工作和照料家庭的妇女的需要朗文当代〔employment〕to be in paid employment 有拿工资的工作牛津高阶〔equality〕equality in employment 雇用平等文馨英汉〔full〕measures to achieve full employment 力求充分就业的措施牛津高阶〔gainful〕gainful employment 有报酬的工作英汉大词典〔guideline〕guidelines on the employment of children 雇用童工的指导方针朗文当代〔guide〕the ways in which young people are guided into employment 引导年轻人就业的途径牛津搭配〔hard〕plans to create employment in areas hard hit by the economic depression在受到经济萧条重创的地区提供就业机会的计划外研社新世纪〔intermittence〕intermittence of employment and uncertainty of wages 工作的时有时无及工资的无保障文馨英汉〔ladder〕a first rung/step on the employment ladder 职场的第一个台阶剑桥高阶〔large-scale〕the large-scale employment of women 对女性大批的雇用牛津高阶〔macroeconomic〕the attempt to substitute low inflation for full employment as a goal of macro-economic policy.尝试以低通货膨胀率取代充分就业作为宏观经济政策的目标柯林斯高阶〔maximal〕the right conditions for a maximal increase in employment 最大限度增加就业的合适条件朗文当代〔memorandum〕a detailed memorandum to the commission on employment policy 呈交委员会的有关就业政策的详细报告牛津高阶〔nondiscrimination〕nondiscrimination in employment 雇用上的一视同仁英汉大词典〔obligate〕given the diverse employment opportunities that are present and the obligate requirement for relevant experience考虑到现在就业机会多样化和相关工作经验的必要性外研社新世纪〔obligation〕obligations arising from your contract of employment 根据雇佣合同你须履行的义务牛津搭配〔procure〕cannot procure employment 找不到工作英汉大词典〔programme〕an employment programme 就业计划英汉大词典〔proof〕was asked for proof of his identity; an employment history that was proof of her dependability.要求证实他的身份;工作经历便可证实她的可靠性美国传统〔reconciliation〕the reconciliation of full employment with low economic growth充分就业和低速经济增长之间的协调外研社新世纪〔right〕legislation providing equal employment rights for women (某人的)平等权利麦克米伦高阶〔scarcity〕the scarcity of employment opportunities 就业机会的短缺朗文当代〔seek〕new graduates seeking employment 正在求职的刚毕业的大学生朗文当代〔select committee〕the Select Committee on Employment 就业特别委员会麦克米伦高阶〔severance〕a severance of employment 解聘韦氏高阶〔sheltered〕sheltered employment for people with severe disabilities为身体严重残疾的人提供的福利性工作外研社新世纪〔spatial〕the spatial distribution of black employment and population in South Africa南非黑人就业与人口的空间分布外研社新世纪〔term〕your terms and conditions of employment 你的雇用条款和工作条件朗文当代〔trend〕future trends in the volume of employment 就业量的未来趋势牛津搭配〔unadjusted〕seasonally unadjusted employment figures未经季节性调整的就业数据外研社新世纪employment in the service economy 服务经济领域的就业牛津商务a broadly-based training and employment programme 一个具有广泛基础的培训和就业计划牛津商务a reduction in the number of contract and agency workers (= employees provided by an employment agency) 合约员工的数目及职业介绍所提供员工的数目均减少牛津商务an employment bureau 职业介绍所牛津商务guidance on employment rights 就业权利指南牛津商务reasons to terminate an employment relationship 终止劳资关系的理由牛津商务the 1999 Employment Relations Act 1999 年雇用关系法牛津商务the terms and conditions of employment 雇用条款牛津商务to be in paid employment 拿工资的工作牛津商务women returning to employment after a career break 离职后重新就业的妇女牛津商务




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