

单词 factories
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-lined〕reorganising old factories to work along Japanese lines.重组旧工厂使其按日本模式生产柯林斯高阶〔bang out〕factories that banged out the same product year after year.年复一年滥造同样产品的工厂柯林斯高阶〔boarded up〕the boarded-up houses and the derelict factories of Merseyside.默西赛德郡封上门窗的房屋和废弃的工厂柯林斯高阶〔capacity〕factories operating below capacity.未满负荷运转的工厂美国传统〔congeries〕a sprawling congeries of factories 散乱的工厂群英汉大词典〔contrivance〕a steam-driven contrivance used in 19th century factories 19 世纪的工厂使用的蒸汽动力装置朗文当代〔convert〕a sofa that converts into a bed; arms factories converting to peacetime production.可改换为床的沙发;兵工厂改为平时的生产线美国传统〔creaky〕creaky state-owned factories 老掉牙的国有工厂朗文当代〔curb〕a new law designed to curb harmful emissions from factories 旨在控制工厂排放有害物质的一部新法牛津搭配〔defile〕rivers defiled by waste from factories 被工厂废水污染的河流英汉大词典〔disgorge〕factories disgorging effluent into the river向河流排放污水的工厂外研社新世纪〔dismantle〕the dismantling of old factories 旧工厂的拆除韦氏高阶〔distribution〕the rational distribution of factories throughout a country 一国工厂的合理分布英汉大词典〔down-at-heel〕warehouses and dress factories in down-at-heel inner city破旧的内城区的仓库和制衣厂外研社新世纪〔down-river〕downriver factories dispensing billows of smoke.冒出滚滚浓烟的下游的各个工厂柯林斯高阶〔down-river〕downriver factories dispensing billows of smoke排放滚滚浓烟的下游工厂外研社新世纪〔employ〕factories that employ thousands.雇佣几千人的工厂美国传统〔exploit〕factories which exploit women剥削妇女的工厂外研社新世纪〔factory〕the Hollywood studios that were the dream factories of the American film industry 过去是美国电影业梦工厂的好莱坞制片厂韦氏高阶〔goods〕factories which produce luxury goods for the export market 生产外销奢侈品的工厂牛津搭配〔greenness〕sending teams round factories to ascertain their greenness派小组巡视工厂以查明他们的环保情况外研社新世纪〔harsh〕the harsh outline of the factories against the sky 在天空映衬下工厂丑陋的轮廓线朗文当代〔idleness〕factories that had been idle for years.已经闲置多年的工厂柯林斯高阶〔idle〕factories that had been idle for years已经闲置了多年的工厂外研社新世纪〔landscape〕an urban landscape of factories and skyscrapers 由工厂和摩天大楼构成的城市景象牛津搭配〔module〕factories that build engines, transmissions, brakes, and other modules for cars 生产引擎、变速器、刹车和其他汽车组件的工厂韦氏高阶〔obsolete〕obsolete mills and factories 被淘汰的磨坊和工厂韦氏高阶〔produce〕factories that produce cars and trucks.生产汽车和卡车的工厂美国传统〔push〕factories pushing out cheap cotton shirts 大量生产廉价棉衬衣的工厂牛津高阶〔reservation〕plants and factories on government reservations 政府专用地上的大小工厂 英汉大词典〔scatter〕scatter the factories instead of concentrating them in a single area 把工厂分建在各地而不是集中在一个地区英汉大词典〔shuttered〕old, shuttered factories 倒闭的旧工厂韦氏高阶〔silent〕factories silent for months 停工了好几个月的工厂英汉大词典〔smokeless〕a smokeless zone(= where smoke from factories or houses is not allowed) 无烟区(禁止工厂或家庭使用有烟燃料的地区)牛津高阶〔stepped-up〕the stepped-up attacks on factories and defence installations对工厂和防御设施愈演愈烈的攻击外研社新世纪〔toil〕factories where men toiled all through the night 工人们彻夜辛勤劳动着的工厂英汉大词典〔widget〕widget factories 生产小玩意儿的工厂英汉大词典factories earmarked for closure 被指定关闭的工厂牛津商务rebuilding run-down factories 重建失修的工厂牛津商务




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