

单词 脓疱
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MARK〕He had a large red pimple on his nose. 他鼻子上有个很大的红色脓疱。朗文写作活用〔MARK〕I can't go out tonight with this zit on my face! 我脸上有这个小脓疱,今晚不能出去了!朗文写作活用〔acne〕An inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin that is marked by the eruption of pimples or pustules, especially on the face.痤疮,粉刺:皮脂腺或皮肤的毛囊发炎,特别是脸上小脓疱的溃烂美国传统〔bladder〕Pathology A blister, pustule, or cyst filled with fluid or air; a vesicle.【病理学】 水疱,包囊:充气或充水的水疱、脓疱或包囊;水疤美国传统〔blain〕A skin swelling or sore; a blister; a blotch.水疱,脓疱:皮肤肿胀或溃疡;水疱;脓疱美国传统〔bleb〕A small blister or pustule.疮疹,脓疱:一个小的疮疹或脓疱美国传统〔blister〕A local swelling of the skin that contains watery fluid and is caused by burning or irritation.脓疱:因灼烧或发炎引起皮肤局部肿起成疱,内含水质流体美国传统〔fester〕A small festering sore or ulcer; a pustule.脓疤:小的疮痛处、溃疡或脓疱美国传统〔gathering〕A suppurated swelling; a boil or an abscess.脓肿:已化脓的肿块;脓疱或脓肿美国传统〔hickey〕A pimple.丘疹,小脓疱美国传统〔kibe〕A chapped or inflamed area on the skin, especially on the heel, resulting from exposure to cold; an ulcerated chillblain.冻疮:皮肤(尤指踵部)上由于受冻而引起的皲裂或发炎的部分;冻的脓疱溃烂美国传统〔papilla〕A pimple or pustule.粉刺或小脓疱美国传统〔pimple〕A small red swelling of the skin, usually caused by acne; a papule or pustule.丘疹,小脓疱:皮肤上的红色小疱,常由痤疮、丘疹或小脓疱引起美国传统〔pock〕A mark or scar left in the skin by such a pustule; a pockmark.痘痕:由这种脓疱在皮肤上留下的标记或疤痕;痘痕美国传统〔pock〕A pustule caused by smallpox or a similar eruptive disease.痘疱:由天花或类似的发疹性疾病导致的脓疱美国传统〔pustulant〕A pustulant agent.起脓疱剂美国传统〔pustulant〕Causing the formation of pustules.使脓疱形成的美国传统〔pustular〕Of, relating to, or consisting of pustules.脓疱的:脓疮的,与脓疮有关的,或由脓疱组成的美国传统〔pustulate〕Covered with pustules.生小脓疱的:布满小粒点或脓疮的美国传统〔pustulate〕To form pustules.形成脓疱美国传统〔pustulation〕The formation or appearance of pustules.生小脓疱:小脓疮的形成或出现美国传统〔scar〕The pustule healed and scarred.脓疱愈合并结疤了美国传统〔uredinium〕A reddish, pustulelike structure that is formed on the tissue of a plant infected by a rust fungus and produces uredospores.夏孢子堆:一种微红色的脓疱状结构,主要形成于受锈菌感染的植物组织上,并产生夏孢子美国传统〔whelk〕An inflamed swelling, such as a pimple or pustule.酒刺,脓疱:受感染的肿起,如酒刺或脓疱美国传统Constant scratching can weaken the normal defences of the skin, leading to impetigo and other contagious skin diseases.不停地搔皮肤会减弱皮肤的正常抵抗力,导致脓疱病和其它皮肤传染病。剑桥国际I've got a pimple right on the end of my nose.我正好在鼻子尖上长了一个小脓疱。剑桥国际




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