

单词 facts
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔DEPEND/IT DEPENDS〕when what happens is influenced by other facts or events 需要某人朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕facts and information that you know 你所知道的事实和信息朗文写作活用〔TRUE〕when facts are shown to be true after being examined 经过检查后证明情况属实朗文写作活用〔accommodate〕accommodate a statement to facts 使陈述与事实相符英汉大词典〔accord〕scientific evidence that did not fully accord with the facts uncovered by the police.与警方所掌握的情况不完全一致的科学证据柯林斯高阶〔airing〕an inquiry just to clear the air and settle the facts of the case.一项只为消除疑团并弄清案件事实而进行的调查柯林斯高阶〔arrange〕marshal all the relevant facts for the presentation; 整理叙述时要用的全部有关事实;美国传统〔base〕base one's conclusions on facts 把结论建立在事实的基础上英汉大词典〔bewildering〕the bewildering world of millions of facts and details让人晕头转向的数以百万计的事实和细节外研社新世纪〔brute〕the brute facts of inequality 赤裸裸的不平等事实牛津高阶〔certain〕make certain that the facts are all correct 查明所有事实都正确无误英汉大词典〔check〕checked her facts before speaking; check a spelling in the dictionary.在演讲之前核查她的事实;翻看字典检查一个词的拼写美国传统〔concrete〕concrete facts 具体的事实韦氏高阶〔confuse〕a head that was muddled by endless facts and figures; 大脑被没完没了的数字和事实搞得乱七八糟;美国传统〔confute〕confute one's opponent by facts 用事实驳倒对方英汉大词典〔course〕facts discovered in the course of research 在研究过程中发现的事实韦氏高阶〔crude〕the crude facts 赤裸裸的事实英汉大词典〔dig ... up〕to dig up some facts about the old family查出那老家庭的一些事实21世纪英汉〔distinguish〕distinguish facts from rumours 辨别事实和传闻英汉大词典〔distortion〕a total distortion of the facts 对事实的完全歪曲英汉大词典〔distort〕a distortion of the facts 对事实的歪曲牛津高阶〔empty〕a bare head) or detail (just the bare facts ); the word also denotes the condition of being stripped of contents or furnishings: 光头) 或细节(只有空洞的事实 ); 这个单词也用来表示被剥去了内容或装备的状态: 美国传统〔envisage〕envisage facts 正视事实英汉大词典〔establish〕to establish the facts of the matter查明事实真相21世纪英汉〔extract〕extract a principle from a collection of facts 从已收集到的事实中推导出一条原理英汉大词典〔fact〕the bare facts of war 战争的真相牛津搭配〔fact〕the best way of establishing the facts 确定事实的最好方法牛津搭配〔finite〕a finite number of facts 为数有限的事实英汉大词典〔floodgate〕a floodgate of facts 大量事实英汉大词典〔goulash〕a goulash of facts and figures 事实与数据的组合韦氏高阶〔inability〕the government's chronic inability to face facts 政府长期不能面对事实的状态牛津搭配〔incommensurable〕an explanation incommensurable with the facts 与事实大有出入的说明文馨英汉〔intimate〕an intimate acquaintance with the facts 对事实的详尽了解英汉大词典〔knowledge〕facts which came officially to his knowledge while acting as secretary of state他担任国务大臣时通过官方渠道知悉的事情外研社新世纪〔landslide〕a landslide of facts and figures emitted by tireless computers 从不知疲倦的计算机涌出的大批资料英汉大词典〔legalistic〕a legalistic interpretation of the facts 对于事物过于拘泥法律条文的解释剑桥高阶〔light on〕an essay that is light on facts but heavy on speculation 轻事实重推断的论文韦氏高阶〔line〕bring a theory into line with the facts 使理论符合实际英汉大词典〔man-to-man〕had a man-to-man talk about the facts of life.对于人生进行了坦率的交谈美国传统〔marshal〕facts marshaling as research progressed.随着研究工作的不断进展而不断出现的问题美国传统〔marshal〕marshal facts in preparation for an exam.See Synonyms at arrange 为准备考试而列举实例 参见 arrange美国传统〔material〕facts material to the investigation 与调查有关的事实英汉大词典〔material〕material facts 重大事实韦氏高阶〔misapprehension〕an error caused by misapprehension of the facts 由于对事实的误解而造成的过错韦氏高阶〔mountain〕a mountain of facts 大量的事实英汉大词典〔only〕facts known only to us.这些事只有我们才知道美国传统〔pertinent〕pertinent facts 有关的事实英汉大词典〔recording〕a detailed recording of facts 对事实的详细记录牛津搭配〔relative〕the facts relative to the case 与这个案件有关的事实牛津高阶〔relief〕bring out the facts in full relief 使一应事实昭然显露英汉大词典〔report〕if the facts that have been reported publicly are true 如果公开报道的情况属实牛津搭配〔rote〕the rote learning of facts 对事实的死记硬背朗文当代〔salient〕the salient facts 明显的事实韦氏高阶〔sort〕a debate to sort the facts from the fiction 分清事实和谎言的一场辩论英汉大词典〔straight〕made sure the facts were straight in the report.保证报告里的事实正确美国传统〔tell〕tell the facts 讲述事实英汉大词典〔thereto〕any facts relevant thereto任何与之相关的事实外研社新世纪〔universal〕universal facts about human nature 人性的普遍现象牛津高阶〔voracious〕a boy with a voracious and undiscriminating appetite for facts 一个如饥似渴地寻求事实的男孩牛津高阶〔well documented〕well-documented facts 证据充分的事实牛津高阶




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