

单词 elections
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕The one thing all the parties agreed on was the need for fair elections. 各党派唯—一致的地方是要公平竞选。朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕Nationalist candidates managed to win only one seat in the elections. 民族主义候选人仅在大选中获得一个席位。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕The military government has agreed to hold open elections next year. 军政府同意明年举行公开大选。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕It has been difficult for the central government to conduct elections in remote areas. 中央政府在偏远地区难以实行选举。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕Open, free, and fair elections are the most basic element of the democratic process. 公开、自由和公平的选举是民主进程中最基本的要素。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕The Communist Party was voted out of power in the nation's first democratic elections in decades. 在这个国家数十年以来的第一次民主选举中,该党落选下了台。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕The military regime refused to recognize the elections. 军政府拒绝承认这些选举。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕The revolutionary council ran the country until democratic elections were held. 举行民主选举之前革命委员会控制着这个国家。朗文写作活用〔IMPRESS〕UN observers said that they were very favorably impressed by the fairness of the elections. 联合国观察员说他们对选举的公正性留下了愉快的印象。朗文写作活用〔LEGAL〕The National Salvation Front took power, later trying to legitimize its position with elections. 民族拯救阵线夺取了政权,后来他们企图通过选举使他们的地位合法化。朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕When they called for free elections, the government threw them all in jail. 他们要求自由选举,政府便将他们都投入监狱。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕The coup leaders have ignored their pledges to hold democratic elections. 政变领导人背弃了他们进行民主选举的诺言。朗文写作活用〔PR〕Do you think a system of PR makes elections fairer? 你认为比例代表制会使选举更公正吗?剑桥高阶〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕If all goes smoothly, elections are expected in May. 如果一切顺利,选举可望于5月份进行。朗文写作活用〔Super Tuesday〕The day on which, in a presidential election year, a number of states hold their primary presidential elections.总统选举日,超级星期二:总统选举年中某些州举行初步总统选举的那一天美国传统〔TIME〕June 9th is the date of the European elections. 6月9日是欧洲大选的日子。朗文写作活用〔VOTE〕America is preparing for the presidential elections, which will take place in two weeks’ time. 美国正准备两周后举行的总统选举。朗文写作活用〔VOTE〕South Africa held its first multi-racial elections in 1994. 1994年南非首次进行多种族选举。朗文写作活用〔VOTE〕Whoever is nominated today will go forward to the leadership elections. 今天被提名的人都将参加领导人竞选。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕He insists that he is not worried about the poor showing his party made in the recent local elections. 他坚称他并不担心自己的政党在近期地方选举中表现欠佳。朗文写作活用〔abstention〕There were high levels of abstention (from voting) in the last elections.上几次选举中都有很多人放弃了投票权。剑桥高阶〔agree〕It was agreed that elections would be held in May.选举定于五月份举行。朗文当代〔amend〕The president agreed to amend the constitution and allow multi-party elections.总统同意修订宪法,允许多党选举。柯林斯高阶〔announce〕Presidential candidates announce two years in advance of the elections.在总统选举前两年宣布竞选者美国传统〔attention〕Attention has now shifted to the presidential elections.注意力现已转向总统大选。牛津搭配〔authority〕This provided a pretext for the authorities to cancel the elections.这给当局取消此次选举提供了借口。柯林斯高阶〔background〕The elections are taking place against a background of violence.选举正在暴乱的情况下进行。牛津高阶〔boycott〕He called for a boycott of the elections.他呼吁大家抵制选举。朗文当代〔boycott〕Opposition groups declared a boycott of the elections.反对派宣布抵制选举。牛津搭配〔boycott〕The opposition parties are boycotting the elections.反对派政党都在抵制选举。外研社新世纪〔break〕The country is heading towards elections which may break the party's long hold on power.这个国家正在朝着举行选举的目标迈进,选举可能会打破该党对政权的长期垄断。柯林斯高阶〔buildup〕Tension is mounting in the build-up to the elections.备选期间气氛越来越紧张。牛津搭配〔by-election〕A special election held between general elections to fill a vacancy, as for a parliamentary seat.补缺选举,特别选举:在常规选举间隙为填补空缺而进行的特别的选举,如在竞选议会席位时美国传统〔cancellation〕Outbursts of violence forced the cancellation of Haiti's first free elections in 1987.由于爆发多起暴力冲突,海地被迫取消了1987年的首次自由选举。柯林斯高阶〔candidate〕He stood as a candidate in the local elections.他作为候选人参加地方选举。牛津高阶〔candidate〕Our organization is putting up five candidates in the elections.我们这个组织推荐 5 个候选人参加选举。牛津搭配〔caretaker〕The military intends to hand over power to a caretaker government and hold elections within six months.军方打算将政权移交给临时政府,并在6个月内举行选举。柯林斯高阶〔caretaker〕The military intends to hand over power to a caretaker government and hold elections within six months.军方打算将权力移交给临时政府, 然后在6个月内举行选举。外研社新世纪〔cart〕This puts the cart before the horse; elections should follow, not precede, agreement on a constitution.这是本末倒置, 选举应该在对宪法达成一致之后进行, 而不是之前。外研社新世纪〔cart〕This puts the cart before the horse; elections should follow, not precede, agreement on a constitution.这样做是本末倒置;选举应该在宪法确定之后举行,而不是之前。柯林斯高阶〔chance〕Ryan will be a candidate in next month's elections, but his chances are not good.瑞安将是下个月大选的候选人,但他成功的机会不大。朗文当代〔claim〕All parties have claimed success in yesterday's elections.所有党派都声称在昨天的选举中取得了胜利。剑桥高阶〔coloured〕In the recent elections, the National Party was given a lot of support from the coloured population.在最近的选举中,(南非)国民党得到了混血人种的大力支持。剑桥高阶〔come up〕We do have elections coming up.我们的确将要进行选举。柯林斯高阶〔comeback〕Both parties made a comeback in recent elections.两党在近期选举中均呈现出卷土重来的态势。外研社新世纪〔commit〕The company wants to do a deal but is unwilling to commit until after the elections.这家公司倒是想做一笔交易, 但不愿在选举之前便作出承诺。外研社新世纪〔conclusive〕The party has won a conclusive victory in elections.该党在选举中赢得了决定性的胜利。外研社新世纪〔constitute〕The recently constituted government will hold elections in May.新成立的政府将于五月举行选举。韦氏高阶〔contest〕He quickly won his party's nomination to contest the elections.他很快获得了本党提名,角逐大选。柯林斯高阶〔creation〕Job creation will be an important issue in next year's elections.创造就业岗位将是下一年选举中的重要议题。韦氏高阶〔diplomatic〕According to diplomatic sources, elections there have been cancelled.外交官员麦克米伦高阶〔double-barrel(l)ed〕Despite their double-barrel(l)ed campaign in the district elections, they did not get a double-barrel(l)ed vote.尽管在地区选举中进行了双管齐下的竞选,他们并未得到强有力的选票支持。英汉大词典〔draw〕And all the time next spring's elections are drawing closer.明年春天的选举即将来临。柯林斯高阶〔dress rehearsal〕These elections, you could almost say, are a dress rehearsal for the real elections.你几乎可以说,这些选举是真正选举前的一次彩排。柯林斯高阶〔dustbin〕The politicians who lost the elections will be consigned to the dustbin of history.落选的政客将被抛进历史的垃圾堆。牛津搭配〔election〕Elections are scheduled for November.选举定于 11 月举行。牛津搭配〔election〕Elections to the European parliament are due in May.欧洲议会的选举定在5月。麦克米伦高阶〔election〕The violence in the country will not derail the elections.该国的暴力事件不会影响选举的进程。牛津搭配〔election〕Under the constitution, the President must call (for) elections within the next year.根据宪法总统必须在第二年内宣布进行选举。英汉大词典〔end〕A loss in the primary elections will mean the end of the road for his campaign.在初选中败北将意味着他竞选道路的终结。韦氏高阶〔farce〕The elections have been reduced to a farce.竞选演变为一场闹剧。柯林斯高阶〔favourable〕It's believed the conditions in which the elections are being held are too favourable to the government.人们认为举行选举的条件对政府过于有利。柯林斯高阶〔fever pitch〕Campaigning is reaching fever pitch for elections on November 6.为11月6日选举进行的竞选活动逐渐达到白热化。外研社新世纪〔field〕There are signs that the new party aims to field candidates in elections scheduled for February next year.有迹象表明这个新政党意欲推举候选人参加定于明年2月举行的选举。外研社新世纪〔force〕Voters turned out in force for their first taste of multi-party elections.大批选民前来参加他们的第一次多党选举。柯林斯高阶〔free press〕How can there be democratic elections without a free press? 没有自由的新闻报道,怎么可能有民主选举呢?剑桥高阶〔free〕The elections were free and fair.选举是自由公正的。柯林斯高阶〔gain〕The Green Party made big gains in the local elections.绿党在地方选举中取得很大进展。麦克米伦高阶〔gain〕The party made considerable gains at local elections.该党在地方选举中优势明显。朗文当代〔gear〕His political opponents are gearing themselves for national elections in October.他的政敌们正在为10月份大选作准备。英汉大词典〔gear〕The island gears for parliamentary elections before the end of February.该岛在2月底以前筹备议会选举。英汉大词典〔generally〕Elections are held generally every other year.选举通常隔年举行。英汉大词典〔gerrymander〕To divide (a geographic area) into voting districts so as to give unfair advantage to one party in elections.不公正划分选区:在选举中为让某党派有不公正的好处而(把一个地理区域)划分成选区美国传统〔guarantee〕The demonstrators were demanding guarantees for fair elections.示威者要求确保选举公正。牛津搭配〔handsome〕They won a handsome victory in the elections.他们在选举中取得了极大的胜利。朗文当代〔hold〕Free elections will be held next month.自由选举将于下月举行。韦氏高阶〔hot up〕A few days before the elections, the pace began to hot up.选举前几天,节奏开始加快。剑桥高阶〔hustings〕With only days to go before elections in Pakistan, candidates are battling it out at the hustings.离巴基斯坦大选仅剩几天时间了, 候选人正在竞选活动上决一胜负。外研社新世纪〔hustings〕With only days to go before elections in Pakistan, candidates are battling it out at the hustings.离巴基斯坦大选只有几天的时间了,各候选人正在竞选活动上一决胜负。柯林斯高阶〔impartiality〕He has vowed to oversee the elections impartially.他已宣誓公平公正地监督竞选。柯林斯高阶〔impressively〕The Socialists performed impressively in the elections.社会党人在选举中的表现尤为出色。外研社新世纪〔impressively〕The socialists performed impressively in the legislative elections.社会主义者在立法机构选举中表现不俗。柯林斯高阶〔inaugurate〕The elections were over and the first native Governor was inaugurated.选举结束,第一个土生土长的州长走马上任了。英汉大词典〔inconclusive〕The past two elections were inconclusive.之前的两次选举都没有结果。柯林斯高阶〔inconclusive〕The past two elections were inconclusive.过去的两次选举都无果而终。外研社新世纪〔incumbent〕In the June elections, Morris easily defeated the incumbent, Tom Smith.在 6 月的大选中,莫里斯轻松击败了现任者 — 汤姆‧史密斯。朗文当代〔independence〕A month after independence, elections were held.独立一个月后,举行了选举。韦氏高阶〔kind〕Elections of a kind are held, but there is only one party to vote for.举行了所谓的选举,但只有一个政党可选。朗文当代〔last〕He did badly in last year's elections.他在去年的选举中表现很差。外研社新世纪〔lead with sth〕The Times leads with the coming mayoral elections.《泰晤士报》以即将开始的市长选举作为头条新闻。剑桥高阶〔less〕In some areas there is a less than 30% turnout in local elections.在一些地区,参加地方选举的人还不到30%。麦克米伦高阶〔lie〕Mr Heseltine had planned to lie low until after the European elections.赫赛尔廷先生计划在欧洲选举后再伺机而动。外研社新世纪〔mandate〕At the forthcoming elections, the government will be seeking a fresh mandate from the people.在即将到来的选举中,政府将向人民寻求新的支持。剑桥高阶〔mandate〕The elections are mandated by a peace accord signed by the government last May.选举是由政府去年5月签署的一项和平协议所授权进行的。外研社新世纪〔march〕We marched for/against new elections.我们游行示威支持/反对新的选举。韦氏高阶〔meantime〕It now hopes to hold elections in February. Meantime, the state will continue to be run from Delhi.现在有望在2月进行选举。在此期间,该邦继续由德里政府管理。柯林斯高阶〔midterm〕The party in power usually does badly in midterm elections.执政党通常在中期选举中表现很差。剑桥高阶〔modest〕The party made modest gains in the elections, but nothing like the huge gains that were predicted.这一党派在选举中取得一定成绩,但和预期的巨大收获相差甚远。剑桥高阶〔monitor〕UN monitors will remain in the country to supervise the elections.联合国监督员将留在该国监督选举。朗文当代〔multiracial〕South Africa's first multiracial elections took place in 1994.南非第一次多种族选举于1994年举行。剑桥高阶〔nationally〕Ruling parties have lost ground in national and local elections.执政党在全国和地区选举中均败北。柯林斯高阶〔national〕There are strong indications that the Prime Minister will call national elections in May.有明显迹象表明首相将于 5 月宣布举行全国大选。朗文当代〔negate〕To negate the results of elections would only make things worse.否定选举的结果只会使事情变得更糟。外研社新世纪〔next〕The Scottish Parliament elections take place next May.苏格兰议会大选在明年5月进行。麦克米伦高阶〔nonsense〕Having the army still in power makes a nonsense of last year's elections.让军队继续掌权使得去年的选举失去了意义。朗文当代〔normalcy〕He said that the government was committed to restore normalcy and hold elections in the Punjab.他说政府会致力于恢复正常秩序,并在旁遮普省进行选举。柯林斯高阶〔observer〕Foreign observers declared the elections fair.外国观察员声称选举是公正的。麦克米伦高阶〔observer〕Independent observers monitored the elections.独立观察员对大选进行监督。朗文当代〔observer〕Independent observers will monitor the elections.独立观察员将监督选举。牛津搭配〔observer〕Observers were sent to check the conduct of the elections.已经派出观察员检查选举工作。牛津搭配〔occasion〕There was a great sense of occasion when the first ever free elections were held.当举行第一次自由选举的时候, 气氛特别隆重。外研社新世纪〔odd〕Azerbaijan has been the odd man out, the one republic not to hold democratic elections.阿塞拜疆没有举行民主选举,是这些共和国中的异类。柯林斯高阶〔on〕He made no comment on the upcoming elections.他没有对即将到来的选举发表评论。外研社新世纪〔operate〕Very different factors were operating in the local and national elections.各种迥然不同的因素在地方性和全国性的选举中起着作用。麦克米伦高阶〔orderliness〕Despite the violence that preceded the elections, reports say that polling was orderly and peaceful.尽管选举前发生了暴力事件,报道说投票得以和平有序地进行。柯林斯高阶〔orderly〕Despite the violence that preceded the elections, polling was orderly and peaceful.尽管选举前发生了暴力事件, 投票进程仍然是和平有序的。外研社新世纪〔organization〕Officials have asked for help with the organization of the local elections.官员们就当地选举的组织工作提出需要帮助。麦克米伦高阶〔overspend〕He argued that local councils which overspend should be forced to face fresh elections.他主张应当迫使财政超支的地方政务委员会重新进行选举。柯林斯高阶〔part〕Elections were held, but the KLA refused to take part.选举是举行了,但是科索沃解放军拒绝参加。麦克米伦高阶〔part〕She talked about television's part in modern elections.她谈论了电视对现代选举的影响。韦氏高阶〔peak〕The trick about winning elections is not to peak too early in the campaign.在竞选中获胜的技巧是不要在竞选活动中过早达到最佳状态。麦克米伦高阶〔pivotal〕The elections may prove to be pivotal in Colombia's political history.这次选举可能在哥伦比亚政治史上至关重要。外研社新世纪〔place〕Elections will now take place on November the twenty-fifth.选举现定于11月25号举行。柯林斯高阶〔pointer〕Sunday's elections should be a pointer to the public mood.从周日的选举可以看出公众的情绪。柯林斯高阶〔polling〕There has been a busy start to polling in today's local elections.今天地方选举的投票一开始就人头攒动。柯林斯高阶〔poll〕The Republicans have polled well(= received many votes)in recent elections.共和党在最近的选举中得票数都很高。牛津高阶〔poll〕The Socialist Party, which won a convincing victory in elections in June, has been losing support in the polls recently.最近的民意测验表明,6月份在选举中大胜的社会党的支持率一直在下滑。柯林斯高阶〔poll〕The polls have closed in the Pakistan parliamentary elections.巴基斯坦议会选举投票已结束。柯林斯高阶〔power broker〕Jackson had been a major power-broker in the 1988 Presidential elections.杰克逊是1988年总统选举中举足轻重的权力经纪人。柯林斯高阶〔prepare〕The people are preparing to vote in the elections.人们正在为参加选举投票做准备。外研社新世纪〔prepone〕The government might prepone these elections so we'd better be prepared.政府可能提前选举,我们最好做好准备。剑桥高阶〔present〕Foreign observers were present at the elections.有外国观察员出席选举。朗文当代〔prospect〕Greeks face the prospect of new general elections next month.下个月希腊人面临新的大选。朗文当代〔proxy〕My brother's voting for me by proxy in the club elections.在俱乐部选举中,我弟弟代表我投票。剑桥高阶〔psephology〕The study of political elections.选举学:研究政治选举的学科美国传统〔realistic〕Multi-party elections are scheduled for sometime next year but many doubt that this is a realistic goal.多党选举计划在明年某个时间进行,但是许多人怀疑这个目标是否现实。柯林斯高阶〔rerun〕The opposition has demanded a rerun of the elections.反对派要求重新选举。外研社新世纪〔restore〕The former leader was today restored to power in the first free elections for 20 years.今天,在20年来首次举行的自由选举中,这位前领导人又重新当选上台。剑桥高阶〔result〕He aimed at influencing the result of the presidential elections.他的目的在于影响总统选举的结果。牛津搭配〔rig〕The elections must cease to be rigged.选举必须不再受到操纵。英汉大词典〔role〕Supervising elections is a possible role for the UN.监督选举是联合国可能起到的一项作用。牛津搭配〔roll around〕We'll be better prepared the next time the elections roll around.下次再举行选举时,我们会准备得更充分。韦氏高阶〔run-up〕The issue of the monarchy is complicating politics in the run-up to the elections.就在选举拉开序幕前,君主政体的问题使政局变得复杂起来。柯林斯高阶〔sceptic〕Events since the elections have proved the sceptics right.选举后发生的一系列事件证明怀疑派是正确的。牛津搭配〔sham〕The elections were a complete sham.这次大选完全是一场骗局。朗文当代〔signpost〕The outcome of tomorrow's elections will be studied carefully as a signpost of voter intentions on the really big day this year.明天的选举结果会被作为今年大选的选民意愿风向标来仔细研究。柯林斯高阶〔single-party〕Coalitions are more likely—but most recent elections still led to a single-party government.成立联合政府的可能性更大, 但是最近的几次选举却仍然产生了一党制政府。外研社新世纪〔stand aside〕The key question was whether they would stand aside or would disrupt the elections.关键问题是他们会袖手旁观还是会扰乱选举。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕She stood unsuccessfully as a candidate in the local elections.她参加过地方选举,但未能当选。牛津高阶〔state〕Five state elections will be held in March.在3月有5个州将进行选举。麦克米伦高阶〔step〕The elections were a step in the right direction, but there is a lot more to be done.举行选举是迈出了正确的一步,但仍有很多事情要做。柯林斯高阶〔stir〕Approaching elections have stirred hopes of reform.愈来愈临近的选举激起了人们对改革的希望。麦克米伦高阶〔sustenance〕Elections are essential for the sustenance of parliamentary democracy.选举制度是维持议会民主所必不可少的。牛津高阶〔sweep〕The Party swept to power in elections the following year.这个党派在次年的竞选中一举获胜。麦克米伦高阶〔sweep〕The party quickly rose in popularity, sweeping municipal elections the following year.该党的支持率迅速上升, 轻松赢得了第二年的地方政府选举。外研社新世纪〔tainted〕Opposition leaders said that the elections had been tainted by corruption.反对派领导人说,选举中存在舞弊现象。柯林斯高阶〔taint〕Opposition leaders said that the elections had been tainted by corruption.反对派领导人说, 选举中存在舞弊现象。外研社新世纪〔test run〕The vote was seen as a test run for elections to come.这次投票被看作是即将到来的选举的预演。外研社新世纪〔test〕These elections are seen as a test of party strength.这些选举被看作是对政党实力的考验。麦克米伦高阶〔throw〕Elections were held, and the government was thrown out of office.举行了选举,政府被赶下台。朗文当代〔tight〕It was one of the tightest presidential elections in history.这是有史以来竞争最激烈的一次总统大选。韦氏高阶〔time〕Presidential elections are due to be held in ten days' time.总统竞选将在10天后如期举行。柯林斯高阶〔toehold〕The socialist party gained a toehold in the local elections.社会党在地方选举中获得初步的立脚点。英汉大词典〔trace〕The Social Democratic Party has sunk without trace at these elections.社会民主党在这些选举中已销声匿迹。柯林斯高阶〔triumph〕The Democrats once again triumphed in recent elections.民主党人在最近的选举中再次获胜。剑桥高阶〔ultimately〕Elections might ultimately produce a Communist victory.选举的最终结果可能是共产党获胜。外研社新世纪〔unconstitutional〕The Moldavian parliament has declared the elections unconstitutional.摩尔达维亚议会已宣布选举违宪。柯林斯高阶〔unify〕The plan has been for the rival armies to demobilize, to unify, and then to hold elections to decide who rules.该计划是要让各派敌对武装遣散军队, 联合起来, 然后通过选举决定由谁当政。外研社新世纪〔usual〕As usual there will be the local and regional elections on June the twelfth.照例,6月12日将会进行地方及区域选举。柯林斯高阶〔validity〕Shocked by the results of the elections, they now want to challenge the validity of the vote.选举结果令他们很震惊,他们现在要对选举的可信性提出质疑。柯林斯高阶〔wake-up call〕The success of extremist groups in the elections should be a wake-up call to all decent citizens.极端主义团体在选举中获胜应该成为所有正派公民的一个警示。朗文当代〔way〕These local elections may prove a turning point in more ways than one.这些地方选举可能最终结果并不仅仅是一个转折点。外研社新世纪〔whatever〕Whatever happens in the these elections, things will never be the same again.无论在这些选举中发生什么事,情况都会不同。麦克米伦高阶〔widely〕It is widely expected that the Socialists will call early elections.人们普遍预计社会党将要求提前选举。麦克米伦高阶〔within〕The military government has promised to hold free and fair elections within six months.军政府已经答应在6个月内举行自由公正的选举。麦克米伦高阶〔wrangle〕A group of MPs is still wrangling with the government over the timing of elections.一群下院议员仍在与政府就选举的时间安排争吵个不停。柯林斯高阶A few days before the elections, the pace began to hot up (= to become faster and more exciting).选举前几天,竞争开始加剧。剑桥国际At the forthcoming elections, the government will be seeking a fresh mandate from the people.在即将到来的选举中,政府将向人民寻求新的支持。剑桥国际General elections are often preceded by government largesse in the form of tax cuts.大选经常是在政府慷慨减税之后。剑桥国际He is expected to lose his seat on the council in next month's elections.在下月的大选中他在地方议会内可能会失去议员席位。剑桥国际His mistake was to refuse to hold popular elections.他的错误在于拒绝举行普选。剑桥国际It's only a week till the elections, so the candidates are endeavouring to whip up some support.距选举只有一周了,因此竞选者正在努力激起一些人的支持。剑桥国际Local government elections will take place in May.当地政府选举将在五月举行。剑桥国际My brother's voting for me by proxy in the club elections.在俱乐部选举中我弟弟代表我投票。剑桥国际Our party just walked over the opposition in the elections. 在大选中本党不费力地击败了反对党。译典通Some ruling committees have resigned en bloc to make way for secret elections to choose their successors.一些在朝的委员会集体辞职,为挑选他们继承者的秘密选举让路。剑桥国际South Africa's first multi-racial elections took place in 1994.南非第一次多民族选举1994年举行。剑桥国际The agreement endorses, inter alia, the right to free and fair elections.协议除了其他之外特别批准了自由、公平的选举权。剑桥国际The armed forces see themselves as the guarantors of free elections in the country.武装力量视他们自己是在这个国家进行自由选举的保证人。剑桥国际The council holds its elections on a four-year cycle.市政会四年选举一次。剑桥国际The country is gearing up for elections.这个国家正为选举做准备。牛津商务The former leader was today restored to power in the first free elections for twenty years.今天前领导人在20年来首次自由选举中恢复了权力。剑桥国际The local elections can be seen as a dummy run for the national election next year.地方选举可以被看成是明年全国大选的热身赛。剑桥国际The party's recent trouncing (= serious defeat) in the local elections is likely to result in a re-organisation of its campaigning activities.该党最近在地方选举中的失利可能会导致其调整宣传攻势的策略。剑桥国际The real test of her political mettle will come in the May elections.对她的政治勇气的真正考验会在五月的选举中来临。剑桥国际There were high levels of abstention (from voting) in the last elections.在最后选举中有很多人弃权(投票)。剑桥国际These will be the first genuinely free elections in the country.这些将是该国首次真正的自由选举。剑桥国际These will be the first truly democratic elections in the country's history.这些将是这个国家历史上第一次真正的民主选举。剑桥国际They plan to hold elections in November.他们计划 11 月举行选举。牛津商务We voted tactically in the last three elections.我们在上三次选举中策略性地投了票。剑桥国际




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