

单词 encompass
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INCLUDE/NOT INCLUDE〕It was a fruitful discussion which encompassed several different viewpoints. 那是一次富有成效的讨论,包括了几个不同的观点。朗文写作活用〔INCLUDE/NOT INCLUDE〕The Hindu religion encompasses many widely differing forms of worship. 印度教中包括有许多截然不同的崇拜形式。朗文写作活用〔NOW〕Prussia reached its zenith in 1795, encompassing most of northern Germany and present-day Poland. 1795年普鲁士达到了鼎盛时期,版图覆盖德国北部和今波兰的大部分地区。朗文写作活用〔breadth〕An effect of unified, encompassing vision in an artistic composition.雄浑效果:艺术作品中成为一体的、环绕的视觉效果美国传统〔broaden〕The protest has broadened to encompass other demands.抗议扩大到包括其他要求。麦克米伦高阶〔cincture〕The act of encircling or encompassing.围绕:环绕或围绕的行为美国传统〔cincture〕To gird; encompass.用带子束;环绕美国传统〔circumambient〕Encompassing on all sides; surrounding.围绕的:围住每一边的;包围的美国传统〔clip〕Archaic To embrace or encompass.【古语】 拥抱或围绕美国传统〔deep space〕The regions beyond the gravitational influence of Earth encompassing interplanetary, interstellar, and intergalactic space.太空:超出地球引力影响力的区域,包括行星际空间,星际空间以及星系际空间美国传统〔deep〕The extent of encompassing time or space; firmament.久远,深渊:包括时间或空间的范围;苍穹美国传统〔encompass with〕We encompassed the city with two divisions.我们用两个师包围了这座城市。21世纪英汉〔encompass〕Encompassing over a million square miles, this remote and mountainous domain presides over the rest of Asia.这片偏远多山的疆土位于亚洲大陆,占地超过100万平方英里。柯林斯高阶〔encompass〕A thick fog encompassed the village.浓雾笼罩村庄。英汉大词典〔encompass〕Gammon Ranges National Park encompasses a rugged wilderness of mountains and gorges.盖蒙山脉国家公园范围内是一片高山峡谷遍布的崎岖荒野。外研社新世纪〔encompass〕Her published works on China encompass over half a dozen volumes.她写的有关中国的书已出版的有七八册之多。英汉大词典〔encompass〕His kingdom encompassed 890 square miles.他的王国占地890平方英里。麦克米伦高阶〔encompass〕His repertoire encompassed everything from Bach to Schoenberg.他能演奏从巴赫到勋伯格的所有作品。柯林斯高阶〔encompass〕She is encompassed with doubts.她满腹疑虑。英汉大词典〔encompass〕The district encompasses most of the downtown area.这一地区涵盖了市中心区的大部分。韦氏高阶〔encompass〕The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre, and ballet to literature, cinema, and the visual arts.本届文化节将涵盖从音乐、戏剧、芭蕾到文学、电影、视觉艺术等各种艺术形式。剑桥高阶〔encompass〕The fog soon encompassed the whole valley.大雾很快笼罩了整个山谷。牛津高阶〔encompass〕The folds of a great cloak encompassed her person.大斗篷的褶层包裹着她的身体。21世纪英汉〔encompass〕The fugitives were encompassed by the police.逃犯们被警察包围了。英汉大词典〔encompass〕The group encompasses all ages.这个小组各种年龄的人都有。牛津高阶〔encompass〕The houses encompassed about 100 square metres.房子占地约一百平方米。朗文当代〔encompass〕The job encompasses a wide range of responsibilities.这项工作涉及的职责范围很广。牛津高阶〔encompass〕The map shows the rest of the western region, encompassing nine states.地图上显示了西部地区的其他部分,包括9个州。柯林斯高阶〔encompass〕The map shows the rest of the western region, encompassing nine states.地图显示了西部地区的其余部分, 共包含9个州。外研社新世纪〔encompass〕The student debates will encompass a range of subjects.学生辩论将涉及到许多主题。麦克米伦高阶〔encompass〕The study encompasses the social, political, and economic aspects of the situation.这项研究包含了这一情况的社会、政治和经济三方面。朗文当代〔encompass〕They built a moat to encompass the castle.他们在城堡周围修了一条护城河。21世纪英汉〔fifth〕An interval encompassing five diatonic tones, such as C, D, E, F, and G.五度音程:包含五个全音阶音调如C、D、E、F和G的时间间隔美国传统〔figuratively〕His career spanned some 50 years and encompassed both abstract and figurative painting.他的职业生涯延续了大约50年,作品既有抽象画也有写实画。柯林斯高阶〔figurative〕His career spanned some 50 years and encompassed both abstract and figurative painting.他的职业生涯延续了大约50年, 作品既有抽象画也有写实画。外研社新世纪〔hematology〕The science encompassing the medical study of the blood and blood-producing organs.血液学:包括对血液及造血器官的医学研究的学科美国传统〔medicine〕The branch of this science encompassing treatment by drugs, diet, exercise, and other nonsurgical means.内科学:医学领域中研究药物治疗、饮食治疗、运动治疗及其他非外科治疗的分支美国传统〔metroplex〕A large metropolitan region, especially one encompassing two or more cities and their surrounding suburbs.城市带,大都会带:大都会地区,尤指一个包括两个或两个以上城市及其附近郊区的地区美国传统〔pale〕The park was encompassed by a wooden pale or hedge.这个公园用木篱和树篱围起来了。外研社新世纪〔particular〕Logic Encompassing some but not all of the members of a class or group. Used of a proposition.【逻辑学】 特称的:包含一类或一个群体中的一些而非全体的。用于一个介词中美国传统〔romp〕Lively or frolicsome play that encompasses lovemaking.包含求爱内容的轻快的剧本美国传统〔seventh〕Music An interval encompassing seven diatonic degrees.【音乐】 七度音程:包括七度全音节的音程美国传统〔sphere〕To surround or encompass.包围,围绕美国传统〔tetrachord〕A series of four diatonic tones encompassing the interval of a perfect fourth.四整音阶:包括纯四度音程的一系列四个全音音调美国传统〔umbrella〕Something that encompasses or covers many different elements or groups.总括:包含或覆盖许多成分或种类的事物美国传统〔universal〕Logic Encompassing all of the members of a class or group. Used of a proposition.【逻辑学】 全称的:包括类或群中所有的成员。用于命题美国传统〔womb〕An encompassing, protective hollow or space.容器:一个环绕的、防护的洞或空间美国传统〔wraparound〕Something that encompasses or laps over something else.围绕物:围绕或折叠在其他物体之上的物体美国传统My plan encompasses every possibility. 我的计划包含了各种可能。译典通The US proposed the creation of a free trade zone encompassing the entire Western hemisphere.美国建议建立一个包括整个西半球在内的自由贸易区。剑桥国际The enemy encompassed the city. 敌人包围了这个城市。译典通The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre and ballet to literature, cinema and the visual arts.节日内容从音乐、戏剧、芭蕾到文学、电影和视觉艺术,无所不包。剑桥国际




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