

单词 辗转
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔exotically〕She flits from one exotic location to another.她辗转于异国他乡。柯林斯高阶〔exotic〕She flits from one exotic location to another.她辗转于一个又一个有异国风情的地方。外研社新世纪〔find〕Most of the money finds its way to the people who need it.多数的钱都会辗转传到需要的人的手中。牛津高阶〔flit〕He spends his time flitting between Florence, Rome and Bologna.他辗转于佛罗伦萨、罗马和博洛尼亚三地之间。柯林斯高阶〔flit〕She seemed to spend her life flitting from one country to another.她似乎一生都在各国间辗转。朗文当代〔fretfully〕He was sleeping fretfully.他睡得不好,辗转反侧。韦氏高阶〔jactitation〕Pathology Extreme restlessness or tossing in bed, as can occur with some forms of acute disease.【病理学】 辗转不安:极度疲劳或睡眠不安,如能引发各种急性病症美国传统〔madcap〕The politicians simply flitted from one madcap scheme to another.政客们只是蜻蜓点水般辗转于一个又一个疯狂的计划之间。外研社新世纪〔madcap〕The politicians simply flitted from one madcap scheme to another.政客们只是蜻蜓点水般辗转于一个又一个荒唐的计划之间。柯林斯高阶〔moved〕Jack never wanted to stay in one place for very long, so they were always on the move.杰克从不想在一个地方呆太久,所以他们总在奔波辗转。柯林斯高阶〔relay〕He listened while people relayed stories of local corruption.人们辗转述说当地贪赃枉法的事情,他只是听着。英汉大词典〔restlessly〕He tossed restlessly in bed.他在床上辗转反侧。韦氏高阶〔restlessly〕Hurt had spent a restless few hours on the plane from Paris.赫特在从巴黎起飞的飞机上辗转反侧了几个小时。柯林斯高阶〔restless〕She spent a restless night (= she did not sleep well), tossing and turning.她在床上辗转反侧,一夜无眠。剑桥高阶〔shunt〕He has spent most of his life being shunted between his mother, father and various foster families.他一生中的大部分时间都在他母亲、父亲及各种各样的寄养家庭之间辗转度过。柯林斯高阶〔shunt〕I spent most of my childhood being shunted (about) between my parents who had divorced when I was five.我5岁时父母离异,童年的大部分时间都辗转在离婚的父母之间。剑桥高阶〔stroll〕To travel from place to place seeking work or gain.奔波:为求职或谋生而辗转各地美国传统〔thence〕Their travels took them to the Bahamas, thence south to Venezuela.他们旅行到了巴哈马群岛,从那里辗转南行,去了委内瑞拉。韦氏高阶〔thrash〕I spent most of the night just thrashing around.我有大半夜躺在床上辗转反侧。英汉大词典〔toss ... about〕She tossed about in her bed.她在床上辗转反侧。21世纪英汉〔toss and turn〕She was tossing and turning all night.她整晚辗转反侧。韦氏高阶〔toss〕I couldn't sleep but kept tossing and turning in bed all night.我彻夜在床上辗转反侧不能成眠。牛津高阶〔toss〕I tossed about all night, unable to fall asleep.我彻夜辗转反侧,无法入睡。21世纪英汉〔toss〕I was tossing and turning all night.我整晚辗转反侧,无法入睡。剑桥高阶〔toss〕I've been tossing and turning all night.我一晚上辗转反侧, 无法入睡。外研社新世纪〔toss〕I've been tossing and turning all night.我一晚上辗转反侧。朗文当代〔toss〕She tossed around restlessly all night with a high fever.她发高烧,一夜辗转反侧。牛津搭配〔tumble〕The sick man tossed and tumbled in his bed.那病人在床上辗转反侧。英汉大词典〔turn〕I tossed and turned all night.我整夜辗转反侧美国传统〔twist〕He was twisting and turning all night because he was worried about his job.他担心着工作问题而彻夜辗转不眠。英汉大词典〔whirlwind〕I had been running around southern England in a whirlwind of activity.我一直在英格兰南部地区辗转奔走, 处理应接不暇的事务。外研社新世纪A guilty conscience was preventing her from sleeping at night.负疚感使她晚上辗转难眠。剑桥国际He slept badly, thrashing about/thrashing from side to side all night.他睡得不好,整夜辗转反侧。剑桥国际I spent most of my childhood being shunted between my parents who had divorced when I was five.当我5岁时父母离婚,大部分的童年时间都辗转在离婚的父母间。剑桥国际I was tossing and turning all night.我整夜辗转反侧。剑桥国际She spent a restless night (= She did not sleep well), tossing and turning with worry.她度过了焦躁不安的一夜,因忧虑而辗转反侧。剑桥国际The sick child tumbled restlessly in his bed. 生病的小孩在床上辗转反侧焦躁不安。译典通




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