

单词 erection
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔erection〕Local people opposed the erection of a memorial.当地人反对修建纪念馆。麦克米伦高阶〔erection〕The erection of the new hospital is already completed.新医院的建造已经完工。英汉大词典〔erection〕The Great Hall of the People is an imposing erection.人民大会堂是一座雄伟的建筑物。英汉大词典〔erection〕They approved the erection of an electric fence around the prison.他们准许在监狱周围架设电铁丝网。剑桥高阶〔erection〕This splendid if extraordinary erection from the last century is a local landmark.这座上世纪的建筑物尽管有些古怪却很壮观,是当地的一个标志性建筑。剑桥高阶〔erector〕Anatomy A muscle that causes or maintains the erection of a body part.【解剖学】 竖立肌:使身体某一部分竖立或维持这种状态的肌肉美国传统〔hard-on〕An erection of the penis.勃起:指阴茎的一次勃起美国传统〔impotent〕Incapable of sexual intercourse, often because of an inability to achieve or sustain an erection.阳萎的:不能进行性交的,经常是因为不能达到或维持勃起美国传统〔priapism〕Persistent, usually painful erection of the penis, especially as a consequence of disease and not related to sexual arousal.阴茎异常勃起:阴茎长期并且通常很痛苦的勃起,尤指和性欲无关的,是病的结果美国传统The erection of the new hospital took several years. 这家新医院的建造花了好几年。译典通The city council has now approved the scheme for the erection of a new public library. 市议会业已核准建造一座新的公共图书馆的计划。译典通The mass exodus of East Germans to the West led to the erection of the Berlin Wall in 1961.从东德至西德的大量人口迁移导致了1961年柏林墙的修筑。剑桥国际They approved the erection of an electrified fence around the prison.他们同意在监狱四周建一道电网。剑桥国际This splendid if extraordinary erection from the last century is a local landmark.这座上个世纪遗留下来的虽然很特别但很辉煌的建筑是当地的标志。剑桥国际




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