

单词 不得已
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕You shouldn't blame your father -- the decision was forced on him by his situation. 你不应该怪你父亲—他处在这种境况下,作出这个决定是迫不得已的。朗文写作活用〔UNFORTUNATELY〕It was decided by the authorities that the building of the dam across the valley was a ‘regrettable necessity’. 当局认为,修建横跨山谷的大坝是“令人遗憾的不得已之举”。朗文写作活用〔VERY〕Don't call me unless it's absolutely necessary. 除非迫不得已,否则不要打电话给我。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕The police do not use force when arresting people unless it's absolutely necessary. 除非迫不得已,否则警方不会使用武力逮捕人。朗文写作活用〔WILLING〕According to his lawyer, Stuart was an unwilling participant in the shooting. 按他律师的说法,斯图尔特是不得已参与这次枪击事件的。朗文写作活用〔act〕She claims that she acted out of necessity(=because she had to).她声称自己是迫不得已而为之。麦克米伦高阶〔as a last resort〕British police are supposed to use guns only as a last resort.英国警方只有在万不得已的时候才能开枪。剑桥高阶〔as necessary〕She took the medicine only when absolutely necessary.只有万不得已时她才服药。韦氏高阶〔beat in〕The policemen had to beat the door in.警察迫不得已破门而入。21世纪英汉〔break into〕I don't want to break into a $100 note unless I really have to.除非万不得已,我不想兑开一张100美元的钞票。21世纪英汉〔break〕I don't want to break into my savings unless I have to.除非迫不得已,我不想动用自己的积蓄。朗文当代〔car pool〕It wasn't her regular car; she'd had to borrow another car from the municipal car pool.这不是她平时开的那辆车;她不得已向市政车队借了一辆车。外研社新世纪〔catch〕It was an enforced absence from work, but at least it gave me a little time to catch my breath before the final push.我是迫不得已休息的,不过这次休息至少让我在最后冲刺之前有一个喘息的机会。朗文当代〔cough ... up〕He could not but cough up his political scandal.他迫不得已只好吐露出他的政治丑闻。21世纪英汉〔country〕No one would come all this way up country unless they had to.除非迫不得已, 否则没有人会愿意跑这么老远来到内地。外研社新世纪〔crunch〕If it comes to the crunch I'll resign.迫不得已的时候我会辞职。外研社新世纪〔defeat〕The most important thing is not to admit defeat until you really have to.最重要的是, 不到万不得已, 不要认输。外研社新世纪〔defeat〕The most important thing is not to admit defeat until you really have to.最重要的是不到万不得已绝不要认输。柯林斯高阶〔dig into〕I don't want to have to dig into my deposit account unless I have to.除非万不得已, 我不想动用我的定期存款。外研社新世纪〔dish out〕He's a big man and he's prepared to dish it out if he has to.他是个大人物,迫不得已的话,他也会站出来谴责一番的。柯林斯高阶〔ease up〕The government shows no sign of easing up, even though the Children Act 1989 states that depriving children of their liberty must be a last resort.尽管1989年《儿童法》规定不到万不得已不可剥夺儿童自由, 然而政府并没有从轻处理的迹象。外研社新世纪〔expedience〕As a matter of expedience, we will not be taking on any new staff this year.迫不得已,我们公司今年将不招新员工。剑桥高阶〔expedient〕It might be expedient not to pay him until the work is finished.要到工作完成才付他薪水,这或许也是不得已而为之。剑桥高阶〔fight〕The soldiers were prepared to fight to the death if they had to.士兵们做好了在不得已的情况下战斗到死的准备。牛津搭配〔fund〕They don't want to draw on the fund unless they have to.除非不得已,否则他们不想动用基金。牛津搭配〔gallery〕They had been forced to find cheap tickets in the gallery.他们不得已买了顶层楼座的廉价票。柯林斯高阶〔given〕Usually, I am sensible with money, as I have to be, given that I don't earn that much.考虑到自己挣得不多,我用钱通常比较精打细算,这也是迫不得已。柯林斯高阶〔heck〕It was a heck of a decision to have to make.这是个不得已的糟糕的决定。麦克米伦高阶〔hound〕The family were hounded out of their home by 18 months of abuse.遭受了十八个月的骚扰之后,那家人不得已搬家了。朗文当代〔if push comes to shove〕He'll surrender if push comes to shove.在迫不得已的时候,他会投降的。韦氏高阶〔in a pinch〕In a pinch, you can substitute another ingredient in the recipe.在不得已的情况下,你可以用另一种原料来代替菜谱的原料。韦氏高阶〔in extremis〕The use of antibiotics is permitted only in extremis.只有在万不得已的情况下才允许使用抗生素。外研社新世纪〔in extremis〕The use of antibiotics is permitted only in extremis.只有在万不得已的情况下才允许使用抗生素。柯林斯高阶〔litigate〕If we have to litigate, we will.迫不得已的话,我们会提起诉讼。柯林斯高阶〔money〕I don't want to borrow money from the bank unless I really have to.除非迫不得已,我不想向银行借钱。朗文当代〔necessary evil〕I think he regards work as a necessary evil.我想他把工作看成是迫不得已的事。剑桥高阶〔necessary〕Mr Hurst regarded work as a necessary evil.赫斯特先生把工作看成是一件不得已的事情。朗文当代〔necessary〕The police are advising motorists to travel only if their journey is absolutely necessary.警方建议汽车驾驶员只在不得已的情况下才驾车出行。朗文当代〔necessity〕He is changing jobs out of necessity, not because he particularly wants to.他不得已才换工作,并非是自己特别愿意。牛津搭配〔necessity〕Necessity often drives people to do disagreeable things.人在不得已的时候常常会去做不合意的事。英汉大词典〔necessity〕She went to work not through choice but out of necessity.她不是自愿去上班的, 而是不得已而为之。外研社新世纪〔nuclear option〕Currency controls would be the nuclear option.货币管制将是不得已而为之的选择。牛津高阶〔oblige〕He suffered a serious injury that obliged him to give up work.他受伤严重,不得已只好辞掉工作。牛津高阶〔only〕Violence should be used only as a last resort. = Violence should only be used as a last resort.暴力只能作为不得已的手段。韦氏高阶〔out of〕I took the job out of necessity because we had no money left.我不得已接受了这份工作,因为我们没钱了。剑桥高阶〔overdrawn〕I never like to go overdrawn if I can help it.不到迫不得已我绝不愿意透支。牛津搭配〔phantom〕Although she had to have her leg amputated, she still feels as though she's got a phantom limb.尽管不得已把一条腿截去了,但她仍觉得自己仿佛有条虚幻的腿。剑桥高阶〔pinch〕You should preferably serve the drink in a silver cup, but pewter will do in a pinch.你最好用银杯子上酒水, 不得已的话也可以用白镴杯子。外研社新世纪〔pis aller〕The final recourse or expedient; the last resort.万不得已的做法;权宜之计美国传统〔play〕Avoid using straight faced clubs, and in severe circumstances be content to keep the ball in play.避免使用直面杆, 迫不得已的情况下保持活球就行。外研社新世纪〔position〕Nakata had to play out of position when the defender was injured.后卫队员受伤,中田不得已变换了自己的位置。牛津搭配〔protest〕Lawyers claim that it was signed under protest.律师声称那是在不得已的情况下签署的。外研社新世纪〔push〕If push came to shove, I would be willing to try.迫不得已时,我愿意试一试。麦克米伦高阶〔push〕We can sleep seven or eight people in the house at a push.不得已时,我们这间屋子可以睡上七八个人。英汉大词典〔push〕We have room for five people, maybe six at a push.我们有够五个人呆的地方,不得已时也许可以挤下六个人。朗文当代〔railroad〕The bill was railroaded through the House.议院不得已草率通过了这项提案。牛津高阶〔resolutely〕He resolutely refused to speak English unless forced to.除非迫不得已,否则他坚决不说英语。柯林斯高阶〔resort〕As a last resort you may have to accept their point of view.万不得已之下, 你可能得接受他们的观点。外研社新世纪〔resort〕Nuclear weapons should be used only as a last resort.不到万不得已时不能选择使用核武器。柯林斯高阶〔resort〕Use violence only as a last resort.不得已才用暴力。牛津同义词〔resort〕Vets have had to resort to killing the animals.兽医不得已只好弄死这些动物。朗文当代〔sacrifice〕She's had to sacrifice a lot for her family.为了家庭,她不得已做出很多牺牲。韦氏高阶〔scratch together〕He could still scratch together a thousand pounds if he had to.如果万不得已, 他还能凑出1,000英镑。外研社新世纪〔sic sth on sb〕The police will sic their dogs on you if they have to.在不得已的情况下,警察会放狗咬你。剑桥高阶〔siege〕This fortress could withstand a siege for years if necessary.在不得已的时候,这座堡垒能抵挡住多年的围攻。牛津搭配〔silver〕They've had to sell the family silver to pay the bills.他们不得已卖掉家传的银器去支付账单。牛津高阶〔stuck〕You can sleep here if you're stuck for a place to stay.如果你不得已要找个地方住,你可以睡在这儿。麦克米伦高阶〔suitcase〕We had to lug our suitcases around for a week.我们不得已拖着行李箱到处跑了一个星期。牛津搭配〔tag on〕She was reduced to tagging on at the back of the queue.她不得已跟在了队尾。外研社新世纪〔travel〕Joe recently had to travel to Australia on business.乔最近不得已出差去了澳大利亚。麦克米伦高阶〔unwilling〕He finds himself an unwilling participant in school politics.他发现自己成了学校的权力争斗中迫不得已的参与者。外研社新世纪〔unwilling〕She always claimed she was an unwilling participant in the incident.她总是声称她参与该事件是迫不得已。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕There is no easy way to say this: you have to leave.说这话是不得已的:你得离开了。韦氏高阶〔wonderful〕It's wonderful what you can do when you have to.在迫不得已时,人的潜能令人惊叹。牛津高阶Amputation of the limb is really a last resort.截肢实在是一种不得已而为之的办法。剑桥国际At last there is some hope for those left clinging to the wreckage of small businesses.最后,那些不得已坚守小企业残骸的人们有了一些希望。剑桥国际He was driven by necessity to steal. 他迫不得已而偷窃。译典通I don't think I can get to the meeting at 7.00, but at a push I could make 7.30.我想我7点赶不上开会,但万不得已的话,我能在7点半赶到。剑桥国际I need £2000 to set up the project, but I suppose £1500 would do at a pinch.我需要2000英镑建立这个项目,不得已时1500英镑也可以。剑桥国际Of course I'll visit her, but (out) of my own volition and not because I've been forced.当然我会去看望她的,但这是出于我自愿,而不是因为迫不得已。剑桥国际




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