

单词 ethnic group
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔European〕Europeans make up the biggest ethnic group in Australia.欧洲裔人构成了澳大利亚最大的种族群体。外研社新世纪〔Farsi〕A member of the predominant ethnic group of Iran.法尔西人:伊朗主要种族的一员美国传统〔Great Russian〕A member of the Russian-speaking people inhabiting the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic and constituting the largest ethnic group in the U.S.S.R.大俄罗斯人:居住在俄罗斯苏维埃社会主义联邦共和国,讲俄语的人。其构成苏联最大的族群美国传统〔Gurkha〕A member of a Rajput ethnic group predominant in Nepal.廓尔喀人:在尼泊尔占大多数的拉其普特人中的一支美国传统〔HAPPEN〕The conflict arose from tensions between the different ethnic groups. 这次冲突是不同种族群体之间关系紧张造成的。朗文写作活用〔Javanese〕The Austronesian language of the principal ethnic group of Java.爪哇语:爪哇主要少数民族所用的奥斯特罗尼西亚语言美国传统〔KILL〕There was an attempt to exterminate ethnic groups in the north of the country. 有人企图要将该国北方的族群斩尽杀绝。朗文写作活用〔Magyar〕A member of the principal ethnic group of Hungary.马札尔人:匈牙利一个主要的少数民族美国传统〔RACE〕In the large cities of Africa, where different ethnic groups with many different languages are thrown together, people communicate in English or Swahili. 非洲的大城市里居住着不同的民族,说着许多不同的语言,大家就用英语或斯瓦希里语沟通。朗文写作活用〔RACE〕The Indonesians of the city form a distinct ethnic group. 城里的印度尼西亚人形成一个截然不同的族群。朗文写作活用〔Scytho-Dravidian〕Of or relating to an ethnic group of northwest India having mixed Iranian and Dravidian characteristics.锡西厄-达罗毗荼人的:印度西北部的融合了伊朗人和达罗毗荼人特征的一个少数民族的,或与其有关的美国传统〔Serb〕A member of a southern Slavic people that is the principal ethnic group of Serbia and adjacent regions of Yugoslavia.塞尔维亚人:南部斯拉夫民族的一支,它是塞尔维亚和南斯拉夫相邻地区的主要民族美国传统〔Singaporean〕All Singaporeans have to pass exams in the official language of their ethnic group as well as English.所有新加坡人都必须通过他们自己民族的官方语言及英语的考试。柯林斯高阶〔Thai〕A member of a Tai-speaking people who constitute the predominant ethnic group of Thailand.操泰语者:说泰语的人,构成泰国中主要的民族团体美国传统〔Vietnamese〕The language of the largest ethnic group in Vietnam and the official language of the nation.越南话:越南中最大民族的语言和越南的官方语言美国传统〔assimilate〕They promote social integration and assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture.他们提倡社会融合,促进少数民族群体融入社会文化。柯林斯高阶〔assimilation〕They promote assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture.他们推动少数民族融入这里的文化。外研社新世纪〔build bridges〕A local charity is working to build bridges between different ethnic groups in the area.一家地方慈善机构正努力在这一地区不同的族群间架设友谊的桥梁。剑桥高阶〔communalism〕Strong devotion to the interests of one's own minority or ethnic group rather than those of society as a whole.集团主义:对自己的少数民族或种族群体而不是对整体社会的强烈热爱美国传统〔communalist〕One who is more interested in one's own minority or ethnic group than in society as a whole.地方自治主义者:更加有兴趣于自己的少数民族或种族群体而不是整个社会的人美国传统〔communal〕Communal riots/disturbances have once again broken out between the two ethnic groups.两个种族之间再次爆发了群体骚乱。剑桥高阶〔consistent〕These findings appear consistent across racial and ethnic groups.这些发现看上去具有超越种族和民族的一致性。牛津搭配〔desegregate〕To become open to members of all races or ethnic groups.开放,废除种族隔离:向所有种族开放美国传统〔desegregate〕To open (a school or workplace, for example) to members of all races or ethnic groups, especially by force of law.开放,废除隔离:(尤指通过法律约束)向所有种族开放(学校、工厂等)美国传统〔ethnic cleansing〕The systematic elimination of an ethnic group or groups from a region or society, as by deportation, forced emigration, or genocide.种族净化,种族清洗:有系统地将某个地区或是社群中的种族团体驱离,其方式可能藉由驱逐出境、强制移民出境或是集体屠杀等美国传统〔ethnic〕A member of a particular ethnic group, especially one who maintains the language or customs of the group.具有该种族语言、风俗的成员:某一特定种族集团中的一员,尤指保持着这一集团的语言或风俗习惯的成员美国传统〔ethnic〕The country's population consists of three main ethnic groups.该国的人口由3个主要民族构成。麦克米伦高阶〔ethnic〕The school teaches pupils from different ethnic groups .该校教授不同种族的小学生。朗文当代〔ethnocentrism〕Belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group.种族(或民族)优越感美国传统〔ethnonym〕The name of a people or ethnic group.依索纳尼安:某一个人种或是种族群体的名称美国传统〔genocide〕The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.种族屠杀:有组织地、蓄意地进行的对整个国家、种族、政治或文化群体的灭绝美国传统〔harmony〕I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony.我确信不同民族的人民可以融洽相处。朗文当代〔hate speech〕Bigoted speech attacking or disparaging a social or ethnic group or a member of such a group.抨击演说:抨击或贬低某些社群或道德团体、或者是此类团体成员的偏执演说美国传统〔hostility〕The last decade has witnessed a serious rise in the levels of racism and hostility to Black and ethnic groups.过去十年里,对黑人及少数族裔的种族歧视和敌对行为变得日益猖獗。柯林斯高阶〔integrate〕To open to people of all races or ethnic groups without restriction; desegregate.使获得平等待遇:面向所有种族或宗教团体而无任何限制;取消种族隔离美国传统〔kinship〕Different ethnic groups have different systems of kinship.不同的民族亲属关系有着不同的体系。剑桥高阶〔mosaic〕The country is now a cultural and social mosaic (= mixture) due to the influx of different ethnic groups.因有不同种族汇入,这个国家呈现出文化与社会的多元化景象。剑桥高阶〔multiethnic〕Of, relating to, or including several ethnic groups.多种族的:多个种族的、含多个种族的或与多种族有关美国传统〔observe〕This ritual is commonly observed among several ethnic groups.这种仪式常常可在几个不同族群中看到。牛津搭配〔peacefully〕They've been living and working peacefully with members of various ethnic groups.他们与不同种族的人们和睦地在一起生活和工作。外研社新世纪〔peaceful〕She hoped the different ethnic groups in the area could live together in peaceful co-existence.她希望该地区不同的种族群体能和平共处。剑桥高阶〔populate〕The country is populated by many ethnic groups.这个国家由许多民族构成。韦氏高阶〔stock〕An ethnic group or other major division of the human race.种族:人种的主要种族或其他主要分支美国传统Cajuns are an ethnic group of people who are descended from the French-speaking peoples of the Maritime Provinces of Canada.卡京人是少数民族,是加拿大沿海省份中讲法语者的后裔。剑桥国际Communal riots/disturbances have once again broken out between the two ethnic groups.集团间的骚乱再次在这两个种族间爆发。剑桥国际Different ethnic groups have different systems of kinship.不同的种族有不同的亲属关系。剑桥国际The government is understandably reluctant to do anything which might spoil the harmonious (=friendly and peaceful) relations between the country's ethnic groups.可以理解政府是不愿做任何可能破坏国家种族间和睦关系的事的。剑桥国际The harmonization of relations between these ethnic groups will be hard to achieve.这些种族之间的和睦关系很难实现。剑桥国际The organization is trying to cater for a wide range of ethnic groups.这个组织试图满足各民族团体的要求。剑桥国际There exists between these two ethnic groups an unreasoning hatred of one another.这两个种族团体之间有一种无理智的仇恨。剑桥国际




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