

单词 并为
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANTAGE〕German negotiators denied that economic circumstances had favored their companies and given them an export advantage. 德国的谈判人员否认经济形势对他们公司有利并为他们创造了出口优势。朗文写作活用〔BETTER〕Garrett believes the new system will allow him to lower prices and provide improved service to customers. 加勒特相信这个新系统将帮助他降低价格并为客户提供更好的服务。朗文写作活用〔DESIGN〕We planned the building very carefully with special facilities for the disabled. 我们精心设计这幢建筑,并为残疾人士添置特殊的设施。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕The department is very well equipped and provides a stimulating environment for postgraduate research. 该系设备精良,并为研究生的研究提供启发思想的环境。朗文写作活用〔MISTAKE〕The police have now returned Mr Sullivan's car and apologized for the mix-up. 现在警察已经把沙利文先生的汽车归还给他,并为他们的失误表示道歉。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZATION〕The Mental Health Trust works to raise awareness of mental illness and help people suffering from mental problems. 精神健康基金会致力于提高人们对精神病的关注,并为精神病患者提供帮助。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕Her main job is to do general cleaning and get the rooms ready for guests. 她主要是做一般清理工作,并为客人准备好房间。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕Young people still need to learn how to commit to a job and have goals for themselves. 年轻人仍然得学会如何尽职尽责并为自己设立目标。朗文写作活用〔SPACE〕We help corporations to relocate, and give them advice on how to maximize office space. 我们帮助公司搬迁,并为他们如何最有效地利用办公室空间提供咨询。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕You have my deepest sympathy, and my thoughts are with you. 我向你深表同情,并为你感到担心。朗文写作活用〔UNITE〕Women from the different organizations have been able to come together and agree on certain basic principles about what they, as women, are fighting for. 不同组织的妇女已联合起来,并为女性要竭力争取的事定下了一些基本原则。朗文写作活用〔VOTE〕The group works in developing countries to increase literacy and enfranchise women. 该组织在发展中国家开展工作,提高当地的文化水平,并为妇女争取选举权。朗文写作活用〔added value〕The additional features will increase the appeal of these vehicles and provide added value.这些附加特色会增加这些车辆的吸引力并为其增值。外研社新世纪〔arbitrate〕He acts as the referee: setting the rules and arbitrating between opposing parties.他充当裁判:设定规则并为对立双方进行仲裁。外研社新世纪〔archetypal〕The stories of the Grail are timeless and archetypal.圣杯的故事永不过时, 并为后世创作提供原型。外研社新世纪〔base community〕A lay group, especially in South America, practicing nonliturgical religious devotions and striving for socioeconomic improvement in the community.社区基础成员:一个凡俗的团体,尤指在南美从事非礼拜式宗教祈祷并为该社区社会经济的发展努力的那些人美国传统〔battle over〕He divorced his wife and battled over the boy.他同妻子离了婚并为男孩而争执。21世纪英汉〔bid〕He attacked his guards in a desperate bid for freedom.他不顾一切地想获得自由,并为此袭击了看守。牛津搭配〔big data〕Supermarkets make use of big data to track user behaviour and target consumers with things they like. 超级市场利用大数据追踪用户行为并为之量身提供喜欢的货物。剑桥高阶〔chin〕When the police arrived he took it on the chin and apologised for the trouble he'd caused them.警察过来后, 他勇敢地面对, 并为给他们带来的麻烦道歉。外研社新世纪〔chuck〕Then I met my husband, and I chucked it all up for him.后来我就认识了我现在的丈夫,并为了他辞掉了工作。柯林斯高阶〔clean up after〕At the end, he nursed Lilly and cleaned up after her without minding.最后,他毫无怨言地照料莉莉并为她打理收拾。柯林斯高阶〔coalesce〕Eleven cities coalesced into one megalopolis.11个城市合并为一特大的都会。英汉大词典〔cocktail〕They lionized and cocktailed the young author.他们给那青年作家捧场,并为他举行鸡尾酒会。英汉大词典〔crook〕They intend to get their way, by hook or by crook.他们打算自行其是, 并为此不择手段。外研社新世纪〔direct〕We were asked to direct our thoughts and prayers to the people who survived the disaster.我们被要求关注那些灾难中的幸存者,并为他们祈祷。韦氏高阶〔edit〕Letters are subject to editing for reasons of space and clarity.由于篇幅所限并为简明计,信件刊登时容有删节。英汉大词典〔entity〕The two companies will combine to form a new entity.这两个公司将合并为一个新的实体。牛津搭配〔environmentalism〕Advocacy for or work toward protecting the natural environment from destruction or pollution.环境保护主义:宣扬对自然环境进行保护使之不受污染和破坏并为此工作美国传统〔foot〕It's time to find some direction and to put your best foot forward.你该确立目标并为之奋斗了。外研社新世纪〔goal〕It's a matter of setting your own goals and following them.这就需要设立自己的目标并为之努力。柯林斯高阶〔goal〕Visconti scored one goal himself and made two for Lupo.维斯孔蒂自己打入一球并为卢波助攻两球。牛津搭配〔green〕The Chancellor proposed a crackdown on car and plane emissions, and the introduction of tax incentives to go green.总理提议打击汽车及飞机的尾气排放,并为保护环境设立激励性税收。剑桥高阶〔guts〕She had the guts to decide what she wanted and go for it.她有勇气确定目标并为之奋斗。麦克米伦高阶〔heat〕These industries provide heat for our homes and fuel for our cars.这些产业为我们的家庭供热,并为我们的汽车提供燃料。牛津搭配〔heddle〕One of a set of parallel cords or wires in a loom used to separate and guide the warp threads and make a path for the shuttle.综片,综线,综丝:织布机上一组平行的线或金属线,用于分开和引导纱线并为梭子开道美国传统〔heir〕He planned to marry and produce an heir for his estate.他计划结婚并为自己的财产生一名继承人。牛津搭配〔horizontal〕If two video rental firms merge, that is horizontal integration.两个录像带租借商号合并为一家, 称作横向合并。外研社新世纪〔hunger striker〕The five hunger strikers in London called off their strike and celebrated the good news.伦敦的五名绝食抗议者取消了抗议活动, 并为那个好消息举行庆祝。外研社新世纪〔hydrate〕After-sun products will cool and hydrate your skin.晒后护肤品会清凉肌肤并为其补水。外研社新世纪〔hydrate〕After-sun products will cool and hydrate your skin.晒后护肤品会清凉肌肤并为其补水。柯林斯高阶〔incorporate〕I incorporated the new plans with the old.我把新老计划合并为一。英汉大词典〔integrate〕Integrating the kids with the community, finding them a role, is essential.使孩子们融入社区并为他们找到自己的角色是非常必要的。外研社新世纪〔integrate〕Integrating the kids with the community, finding them a role, is essential.使孩子融入社区并为他们找到某个角色非常必要。柯林斯高阶〔lapse〕The man admitted driving over the speed limit and apologized for the lapse.这位男子承认自己超速驾驶并为自己的过失道了歉。麦克米伦高阶〔merge〕The two banks merged to form one large institution.两家银行合并为一家大型的金融机构。韦氏高阶〔merge〕They decided to merge the two companies into one.他们决定将两家公司合并为一家。剑桥高阶〔merge〕We can merge our two small businesses into a larger one.我们可以把我们的两家小商店合并为一家大商行。21世纪英汉〔modelling〕The artist recorded interviews on a variety of topics and modelled an appropriate animal for each voice.这位艺术家把关于各种话题的访谈录了下来,并为每种声音塑造了一个贴切的动物模型。柯林斯高阶〔niggling〕This causes a constant niggling dissatisfaction with our lives.这让我们对生活产生不满, 并为之烦恼不已。外研社新世纪〔operation〕The two parent groups now run their business as a single combined operation.这两个母公司现在合并为一家企业经营业务。外研社新世纪〔operation〕The two parent groups now run their business as a single combined operation.这两个母公司现在合并为一家企业经营业务。柯林斯高阶〔overflow〕The joyous guests overflowed his house, smoked his cigars and drank his health.兴高采烈的宾客挤满了他的屋子,抽他的雪茄烟并为他的健康干杯。英汉大词典〔penance〕Father Rowan gave her penance and absolution.罗恩神父让她进行了告解并为她赦罪。外研社新世纪〔photofinishing〕The act or business of developing camera films and printing photographs for customers.照相洗印加工,照相洗印服务:冲洗照相机胶卷并为顾客洗印照片的活动或商业美国传统〔planetarium〕A building or room containing a planetarium, with seats for an audience.天文馆,天象放映馆:装设天象仪并为观众准备椅子的建筑物或房间美国传统〔post on〕They set up an access register and posted it on the Internet.他们设置了一个访问注册簿并为其在网上发了帖子。外研社新世纪〔pray〕I feel for him and I'm praying for him.我同情他并为他祈祷。外研社新世纪〔press for〕The labourers formed a union to press for higher wages.劳动者强烈要求涨薪并为此成立了工会。外研社新世纪〔privilege〕They expect us to live in a smaller house and pay more money for the privilege.他们指望我们住更小的房子并为这样的优待付更多的钱。麦克米伦高阶〔program〕This program allows you to edit and catalogue digital photographs.运用这一程序能编辑数码照片并为其编目分类。牛津搭配〔put〕It's time to put our differences by and work together for a common purpose.现在已是抛弃我们之间的分歧并为一个共同目的而工作的时候了。英汉大词典〔read the runes〕He was the first of the Eastern leaders to read the runes and make political changes to stay in power.他是第一个看清了未来发展趋势并为继续掌权进行政治改革的东欧国家领导人。剑桥高阶〔responsibility〕Someone had to give orders and take responsibility for mistakes.必须得有人下令,并为错误负责。柯林斯高阶〔self-standing〕Five separate companies, all operating as self-standing units, are now one.5 个独立经营的不同公司如今已合并为一家公司。柯林斯高阶〔serous membrane〕A thin membrane lining a closed body cavity and moistened with a serous fluid.浆膜:紧贴在体腔内并为浆液润湿的一层薄膜美国传统〔sign〕She met with fans and signed autographs.她遇到了粉丝,并为他们亲笔签名。韦氏高阶〔socage〕Feudal tenure of land by a tenant, in return for agricultural or other nonmilitary services or for payment of rent in money.农役租佃:封建社会佃农使用土地并为之付出农业或其他非军事的劳役或用钱支付地租美国传统〔special〕Eric Sykes returned with this one-off special for ITV.埃里克・赛克斯又回来了,并为独立电视公司录制了一次性特别节目。牛津搭配〔structured〕The course provides hands-on experience within a structured programme of study.该专业课程结构清晰,并为学生提供动手体验的机会。剑桥高阶〔submerge〕She has submerged her identity in the role of photographer's wife and muse.她完全湮没了自我,全心全意地做摄影师的妻子并为他提供艺术灵感。剑桥高阶〔undine〕According to Paracelsus, a female water spirit who could earn a soul by marrying a mortal and bearing his child.水中女神:根据帕拉切尔苏斯,一位女水神,她能通过与凡人结婚并为他生育小孩而获得灵魂美国传统〔wanted〕Children should be wanted and planned.应当好好照看孩子,并为他们规划一生。柯林斯高阶〔wanted〕She couldn't lift a spoon without a servant anticipating her wants and getting it for her.要是没有仆人事先想她所想并为她准备妥当,她连汤匙也举不起来。柯林斯高阶〔want〕Children should be wanted and planned.应当好好照看孩子, 并为他们规划一生。外研社新世纪〔whipping boy〕A boy formerly raised with a prince or other young nobleman and whipped for the latter's misdeeds.代人受过者:旧时原先与王子或其它贵族之子同时抚养并为后者错误行为替代受罚的人美国传统A parent is legally bound to feed, clothe and arrange education for his or her own children.法律上,父母必须抚养子女,并为他们提供教育。牛津商务He brought/(esp. Am) filed a $12 million libel suit against the newspaper, claiming his professional reputation had been damaged by the paper's stories.他以诽谤罪控告报社,声称该报的报道破坏了他的职业名誉,并为此索赔1 200万美元。剑桥国际He's fashion mad, spends every penny on clothes.他热衷于服饰,并为此花费了所有的钱。剑桥国际Industry after industry is being rolled up into just a few giant companies.一个又一个行业被合并为几家巨头公司。牛津商务It has been suggested that all housing subsidies should be subsumed into a single housing allowance.人们建议将各种不同类型的住房补贴合并为单一的住房津贴。剑桥国际It has been very difficult to integrate all of the local agencies into the national organization. 将所有的地方机构合并为全国性的机构一直非常困难。译典通She says she is a feminist and proud of it.她声称她是个女权主义者并为此感到自豪。剑桥国际She was headhunted by a rival firm who offered her a company directorship.对方公司看中了她并为她提供了公司董事的职务。剑桥国际The Liberals and the Social Democrats merged in 1987 to form the Liberal Democrats.自由党与社会民主党于1987年合并为自由民主党。剑桥国际The company recently did a 1-for-20 reverse split (= twenty old shares have become one new share). 这家公司最近做了一次并股,20 股旧股票合并为 1 股新股票。牛津商务The hotel porter opened the door for me and then called a taxi for me.旅馆门厅服务员为我开了门,并为我叫了一辆出租车。剑桥国际The program offers long-term care for the elderly and intermediate care for the mentally retarded.这一计划为年老者提供长期照顾,并为智力迟钝者提供一定时期的照顾。剑桥国际They decided to merge the two companies into one.他们决定将两家公司合并为一家。剑桥国际




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