

单词 dissidents
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GET RID OF〕At that time, a secret branch of the National Police was involved in rooting out dissidents. 那个时候,国民警察的一个秘密分支参与了铲除持不同政见者的行动。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕A rebel army of political dissidents had staged a rebellion in December 1989. 1989年12月,一支持不同政见的军队发起了暴动。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕He categorically denied that he had ever informed on dissidents. 他断然否认自己告发过持不同政见者。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Political dissidents are sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. 持不同政见者被处以长期监禁。朗文写作活用〔dissident〕Many political dissidents were arrested.很多不同政见者被逮捕了。韦氏高阶〔dregs〕He sees dissidents as the dregs of society.他把和他政见相左的人看作是社会渣滓。柯林斯高阶〔dregs〕He sees dissidents as the dregs of society.他把持不同政见者看成社会的渣滓。外研社新世纪〔emasculate〕Left-wing dissidents have been emasculated and marginalised.左派持不同政见者已经遭到削弱和排挤。柯林斯高阶〔emasculate〕Left-wing dissidents have been emasculated and marginalised.左翼持不同政见者被削弱和边缘化了。外研社新世纪〔gulag〕A forced labor camp or prison, especially for political dissidents.政治犯集中营:劳改集中营或监狱,尤指关押政治上持不同政见者美国传统〔harassment〕Political parties are banned, and harassment of dissidents is commonplace.政党被取缔,而持不同政见者受到骚扰也是司空见惯的事。朗文当代〔heel〕Would the dissidents come to heel if they were threatened with dismissal from the party?如果拿开除党籍威胁这些持不同政见者, 他们会不会乖乖听话呢?外研社新世纪〔hem out〕It is not wise to hem out the dissidents.排斥异己者并不是明智的做法。21世纪英汉〔incarcerate〕Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or incarcerated.成千上万持不同政见者被审问或关押。剑桥高阶〔interrogate〕Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or imprisoned in recent weeks.数千名持不同政见者在最近几周遭到审问或拘禁。剑桥高阶〔intimidate〕Dissidents were physically intimidated, threatened, and harshly interrogated.持不同政见者受到了人身恐吓和威胁,并遭受了粗暴的审讯。牛津搭配〔labour〕Dissidents were forced to work in labour camps.持不同政见者在劳改营被强制劳动。牛津搭配〔persecute〕They have denied persecuting or killing political dissidents.他们不承认迫害或杀害了持不同政见的人。麦克米伦高阶〔pre-emptive〕In a pre-emptive move the Interior Ministry arrested a number of suspected dissidents.内政部抢先行动,逮捕了许多持不同政见的嫌疑人。柯林斯高阶〔restrict〕The government imprisoned dissidents, forbade travel, and restricted the press.政府囚禁了持不同政见者,禁止出游,并且限制了新闻自由。柯林斯高阶〔seek〕Hundreds of dissidents are seeking refuge/asylum in the US embassy.数百名持不同政见者到美国大使馆寻求庇护。剑桥高阶〔travel〕The dissidents were unable to hold meetings or travel freely.持不同政见者不能随意集会或旅行。牛津搭配〔trump〕Dissidents were routinely arrested on trumped-up charges .持不同政见者经常被套上一个莫须有的罪名逮捕起来。朗文当代A group of dissidents have been demanding the right to engage in politics.一群持不同政见者要求有权参与政治。剑桥国际The dissidents went abroad to escape political persecution. 持异议者去了海外以逃避政治迫害。译典通The dictator butchered dissidents. 那个独裁者大肆屠杀持异议的人。译典通The ostracism of political dissidents is totally unheard of in democratic countries. 对政治异议份子的流放在民主国家里是不曾听闻的。译典通There exist two clearly defined political groupings in the country, the establishment and the dissidents.在这个国家存在着两个分明的政治派别,当权派和反对派。剑桥国际Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or imprisoned in recent weeks.在最近的几周内审问或拘禁了成千的持不同政见者。剑桥国际Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or incarcerated in recent weeks.成千上万的持不同政见者在最近几星期被审问或被关押。剑桥国际




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