

单词 expend
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔USE〕The final result hardly justifies the amount of time and energy that has been expended. 最后的结果难以证明所花费的时间和精力是合理的。朗文写作活用〔USE〕We expend a lot of effort every day upon quite pointless activities. 我们每天都在完全无意义的事情上耗费不少精力。朗文写作活用〔black dwarf star〕The remains of a white dwarf star after it has expended all of its energy and is no longer emitting detectable radiation.黑矮星:白矮星消耗掉所有能量并且不再放射可测辐射能后的残留物美国传统〔consume〕To be destroyed, expended, or wasted.被毁灭、耗尽或浪费美国传统〔dissipate〕To spend or expend intemperately or wastefully; squander.浪费,挥霍:无节制地或浪费地消费或支出;挥霍美国传统〔dog〕To fail to expend the required effort to do or accomplish something.拈轻怕重,逃避工作:不花费必要的力气去做或者完成某事美国传统〔effort〕We need to expend more/extra effort.我们需要付出更多努力。韦氏高阶〔expenditure〕An amount expended.支出额美国传统〔expend〕A great deal of time and money has been expended on creating a pleasant office atmosphere.为创造舒心的办公环境已花费了大量的时间和金钱。朗文当代〔expend〕Are we willing to expend the time and resources required to solve the problem? 我们愿意花费所需的时间和资源来解决这个问题吗?韦氏高阶〔expend〕Children expend a lot of energy and may need more high-energy food than adults.孩子们消耗很多能量, 可能比成年人需要更多高能量的食物。外研社新世纪〔expend〕Children expend a lot of energy and may need more high-energy food than adults.孩子们消耗很多能量,可能比成年人需要更多高能量的食物。柯林斯高阶〔expend〕Few people expend time and effort to monitor and assess the value of their promotional efforts.很少有人会花时间和精力去监督和评估他们在促销上下的功夫发挥了多少价值。外研社新世纪〔expend〕Governments expend a lot of resources on war.各国政府在战争上消耗了大量资源。剑桥高阶〔expend〕He expended largely.他挥金如土。21世纪英汉〔expend〕His grief expended itself in emptiness.他的悲伤在无聊空虚中消失了。英汉大词典〔expend〕I expended energy,time,and care on my work.我把精力、时间和心血花在工作上。21世纪英汉〔expend〕Manufacturers have expended a lot of time and effort trying to improve computer security.制造商花费了大量的时间和精力试图提高计算机的安全性。朗文当代〔expend〕Much thought had been expended, but little accomplished.脑筋费了不少,但成就无几。英汉大词典〔expend〕People of different ages expend different amounts of energy.不同年龄的人花费的精力就不一样大。朗文当代〔expend〕She expended all her efforts on the care of home and children.她把所有精力都花在照顾家庭和孩子上。牛津高阶〔expend〕They expended all their strength in (或 on) trying to climb out.他们竭尽全力试图爬出去。英汉大词典〔expend〕We need to expend more time and resources in finding a solution to the problem.我们需要花更多时间和资源来找出这个问题的解决方法。韦氏高阶〔expend〕We need to expend more time and resources on solving the problem.我们需要花更多时间和资源来解决这个问题。韦氏高阶〔expend〕We've already expended too much energy on this project.我们在这个项目上已经耗费了太多精力。麦克米伦高阶〔expend〕You expend so much effort for so little return.你费了那么大劲儿,回报却如此微不足道。剑桥高阶〔expense〕Archaic The act of expending.【古语】 花费:花费的行为美国传统〔go〕To expend all one's strength and resources toward achievement of an end or purpose.大胆尝试:全力以赴且竭尽全力以达到某一目标或目的美国传统〔lost cause〕They do not want to expend energy in what, to them, is a lost cause.他们不想在他们看来毫无希望的事情上花费力气。外研社新世纪〔lost cause〕They do not want to expend energy in what, to them, is a lost cause.他们不想把精力投到他们认为注定不会成功的事中去。柯林斯高阶〔narrow〕He didn't want to narrow the expending from the beginning.他从一开始就没打算减少开支。21世纪英汉〔postulate〕He postulates that energy is expended within the plant.他认定能量是在植物内部耗尽的。英汉大词典〔push〕To expend great or vigorous effort.努力:耗费巨大的或充满活力的努力美国传统〔safe〕I think it is safe to say that very few students expend the effort to do quality work in school.我认为可以肯定地说学校里很少有学生肯为学好功课下功夫。柯林斯高阶〔shoot〕To expend all of one's efforts or capital.不顾一切:投入自己所有的力量或资金美国传统〔spend〕To pay out or expend money.花费,花钱美国传统〔spin〕To expend effort with no result.徒劳无益美国传统〔token〕If you give up exercise, your muscles shrink and fat increases. By the same token, if you expend more energy you will lose fat.停止锻炼会使肌肉萎缩、脂肪增加。同样,如果花更多的精力锻炼,就会减掉脂肪。柯林斯高阶〔token〕If you give up exercise, your muscles shrink and fat increases. By the same token, if you expend more energy you will lose fat.如果你放弃锻炼, 你的肌肉会减少, 脂肪会增加。同样, 如果你消耗更多的热量, 你的脂肪会减少。外研社新世纪〔tread〕To expend effort but make little or no progress to achievement of a goal or an end.白费力气:花了很多力气,但是对达到一个目标或目的起的作用很小美国传统〔waste〕To use, consume, spend, or expend thoughtlessly or carelessly.浪费:不考虑地或不仔细地使用、消费、花费或开销美国传统〔work〕These nouns refer to physical or mental effort expended to produce or accomplish something.这些名词用来指花费体力或脑力的努力来产生或完成某事。美国传统After expending all that effort on training to be a doctor, Chris has decided that she wants to do something else.在投入那么多力气把自己培养成为一个医生后,克丽斯又决定要去做其他工作。剑桥国际He expends largely. 他挥金如土。译典通The council is voting on whether to expend the large amounts of money needed to repair the town hall.议会正投票表决是否投入修缮市政厅所需的大笔资金。剑桥国际They expended large sums of money in maintaining this beach. 他们花去大笔的钱维护这个海滩。译典通We've expended all our resources.我们用完了所有的资源。剑桥国际




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