

单词 expecting
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANSWER〕We've written to the bank requesting a loan, and we're expecting an answer in this morning's mail. 我们写信给银行要求贷款,期望今天早上能收到书面回复。朗文写作活用〔BABY〕They'd only been married a couple of months and already Rebecca was expecting. 他们结婚刚几个月,丽贝卡便有了身孕。朗文写作活用〔BALANCE〕She moved unsteadily towards the table, everyone expecting her to fall into a drunken heap. 她跌跌撞撞地朝桌子走去,大家都以为她要醉倒地上。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕We were not expecting a public response on such a scale. 我们没料到公众的反应会达到这种程度。朗文写作活用〔BORING/BORED〕I was expecting an interesting interview but he only asked a few banal questions about the weather. 我原以为会是一次有趣的访谈,可他只问了几个有关天气的无关重要的问题。朗文写作活用〔EXPECT〕I'm expecting a fax from Korea. Has anything arrived yet? 我在等韩国来的一份传真。收到什么了没有?朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕I heard on the grapevine that Josie and Tom are expecting a baby. 我从小道消息听说乔茜和汤姆要有孩子了。朗文写作活用〔GET〕Most government employees had become parasites, expecting to retain their positions through friendship or political favor. 大多数政府雇员成了寄生虫,都指望通过朋友关系或政治上的好处来保住自己的职位。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Stores are expecting a surge in demand as Christmas approaches. 随着圣诞节的临近,商店期待着需求量的激增。朗文写作活用〔Lady Muck〕Look at Lady Muck over there, expecting everyone to wait on her! 瞧那边那位自命不凡的女人,她想让大家都围着她转。剑桥高阶〔Ladyship〕Her Ladyship's expecting you, sir.夫人阁下正等着您呢,先生。柯林斯高阶〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕Everyone will be expecting me so I have to go. 大家都会在等我,所以我只得去。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕They seem to be expecting everyone over 50 to step aside and make way for new blood. 他们好像是希望超过50岁的人都靠边去让位给新人。朗文写作活用〔PRIVATE〕Her husband's colleagues kept coming to the house, invading her privacy, and expecting food and drinks. 她丈夫的同事老是来家里,侵犯她的私生活,还要吃要喝的。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕Mary's spent at least three days cleaning up and preparing the meal -- anyone would think she was expecting royalty! 玛丽至少花了三天时间打扫和准备食物,谁都会以为是皇室的人要来呢!朗文写作活用〔SHOCKED/SHOCKING〕I was expecting the oral exam to be easy, but I was in for a rude awakening. 我以为口试会很简单,但是太出乎我意料了。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕I'm really busy - I'm expecting guests this weekend. 我真的很忙—这个周末有客人要来。朗文写作活用〔VISIT〕The girls were quite excited because they were expecting a visit from their parents. 女孩们非常兴奋,因为她们正期待着父母来看望她们。朗文写作活用〔addition〕I hear you're expecting a small addition to the family (= you are going to have a baby)! 我听说你家里要添一名小成员了!剑桥高阶〔after〕I waited for news, day after day, expecting to hear.我日复一日地等着,期待能听到消息。柯林斯高阶〔after〕She was going to arrive tomorrow but I'm now expecting her the day after tomorrow instead.她打算明天到,但是我现在希望她后天来。韦氏高阶〔approach〕This weekend we're expecting temperatures approaching 100 degrees.这个周末我们预计气温会接近100华氏度。韦氏高阶〔arrival〕We're expecting a new arrival (= a baby) in the family soon.我们家不久将添一个宝宝。牛津搭配〔arrival〕We're expecting a new arrival(= a baby)in the family soon.我们家很快就会添一个新生婴儿。牛津高阶〔ask〕Expecting the children to do an hour's homework after school is asking a lot of them.要小孩子放学后做一小时功课是对他们要求过高了。朗文当代〔ask〕Greg's asking (= expecting to be paid) £250,000 for his house.格雷格的房子要价25万英镑。剑桥高阶〔as〕He was expecting to have completed his training by now. As it is, he's only halfway through it.他本指望现在完成培训。实际情况是他只完成了一半。麦克米伦高阶〔axe〕We were expecting bad news but had no idea where the axe would fall (= where the loss would be).我们预料到有坏消息,却不知道遭殃的会是什么。牛津搭配〔baby〕It's hard work moving house when you're expecting a baby .怀孕的时候搬家很辛苦。朗文当代〔baby〕My sister's expecting a baby(= she is pregnant).我姐姐怀孕了。牛津高阶〔baby〕She's expecting a baby in July.她的预产期在 7 月。牛津搭配〔baby〕She's expecting a baby in November.怀孕;怀胎麦克米伦高阶〔bearish〕Causing, expecting, or characterized by falling stock-market prices.倾向下跌的:引起、期盼或表现为股市价格下跌的美国传统〔beating-up〕Kate Jackson is expecting her first child at 43—two years after beating breast cancer.凯特·杰克逊在43岁的时候怀上了第一个孩子——那时她战胜乳腺癌已经有两年了。柯林斯高阶〔believe〕I can't believe he's expecting us to work on Sunday! 我真不敢相信,他竟然要我们星期天上班!朗文当代〔bit〕It's a bit much expecting me to dump your boyfriend for you.指望我替你甩掉你的男朋友,有点儿过分了吧?柯林斯高阶〔catch sb on the hop〕I'm afraid you've caught me on the hop - I wasn't expecting you until next week.恐怕你让我有点措手不及——我以为你到下周才会来。剑桥高阶〔child〕They are expecting a child in June.他们的孩子将在 6 月份出生。牛津搭配〔chip〕He has had a chip on his shoulder ever since he didn't get the promotion he was expecting.自从未能如愿升职以来,他就憋着一肚子的怨气。韦氏高阶〔clean〕Paul had arrested countless men like this one before and was expecting a clean, quick job.保罗在此之前曾逮捕过无数个这样的家伙, 他估计这次能手到擒来。外研社新世纪〔clearly〕Whoever owned the house was clearly not expecting us.不论这房子的主人是谁, 他显然没有料到我们要来。外研社新世纪〔clear〕We're expecting this weather to clear any moment.我们预计天气随时都会放晴。外研社新世纪〔cold call〕A telephone call or visit made to someone who is not known or not expecting contact, often in order to sell something.陌生电话,推销电话:打给陌生人或不希望被联络的人的一通电话或是拜访,常常是为了推销东西美国传统〔come〕Most of her problems come from expecting too much of people.她的大多数问题都始于对别人要求过高。朗文当代〔company〕We're expecting company this evening.今晚我们有客人要来。朗文当代〔contain〕He was expecting an important letter containing further details of the contract.他在等一封重要的来信, 信里会写明合同的更多细节。外研社新世纪〔crack〕None of them is expecting any favours, just a fair crack of the whip.他们谁也不期望受到偏爱, 只是想获得一个公道的机会。外研社新世纪〔day〕Kelly's expecting the baby any day now (=very soon).凯莉很快就要生孩子了。朗文当代〔demanding〕Their boss was really demanding, often expecting them to work long into the night.他们的老板十分苛刻,经常要求他们工作至深夜。韦氏高阶〔dicker〕He may be expecting us to dicker. Don't.他可能认为我们会争执起来。我们偏不。外研社新世纪〔disabuse〕Anyone expecting a romantic story will be quickly disabused of that notion by the opening chapter.那些原以为是一个浪漫爱情故事的读者在读了开头一章以后,很快就打消了这个想法。韦氏高阶〔disappointed〕If you're expecting Dad to let you borrow his car, you're going to be sorely disappointed.如果你指望爸爸能把汽车借给你,那你会失望透顶的。剑桥高阶〔dock〕James arrived at the docks expecting to see a luxury liner.詹姆斯来到码头区,以为会看到豪华邮轮。朗文当代〔dream〕My sons would never dream of expecting their clothes to be ironed.我的几个儿子从不指望别人帮他们熨好衣服。柯林斯高阶〔drop/fall into your lap〕This wonderful new job just fell into my lap when I was least expecting it! 我当时完全没抱希望,但这份极好的新工作居然落到了我头上。韦氏高阶〔early〕You're early! I wasn't expecting you till seven.你来得真早!我还以为你七点钟才能到呢。牛津高阶〔earnings〕Sun Microsystems reported earnings that were slightly better than the market had been expecting.太阳微系统公司报告显示其利润比市场预期略好一些。剑桥高阶〔expect〕Ann's expecting a baby in June.安六月份要生孩子。牛津高阶〔expect〕Are you expecting a parcel? 你是不是在等包裹?麦克米伦高阶〔expect〕Are you expecting visitors? 你在等客人吗?牛津高阶〔expect〕He's expecting a letter (a telephone call).他在等待一封来信(一个电话)。英汉大词典〔expect〕His sister is expecting in May.他的姐姐将在五月分娩美国传统〔expect〕His wife is expecting.她太太怀孕了。21世纪英汉〔expect〕I am expecting an important letter.我在等一封重要信件。外研社新世纪〔expect〕I hear Dawn is expecting again.我听说唐又怀孕了。外研社新世纪〔expect〕I hear Dawn's expecting again.我听说唐又怀孕了。柯林斯高阶〔expect〕I was half expecting to see Jim at the concert.我有些期待能在音乐会上见到吉姆。牛津搭配〔expect〕I wasn't expecting you to help.我没指望你帮忙。柯林斯高阶〔expect〕I'm expecting him for dinner.我们正等他吃晚饭。外研社新世纪〔expect〕I'm expecting visitors this evening.我今晚有客人。麦克米伦高阶〔expect〕Kate and Dom are expecting a baby.凯特和多姆就要有孩子了。剑桥高阶〔expect〕Many people were expecting (that) the peace talks would break down.许多人预料和平谈判会破裂。牛津高阶〔expect〕My wife is expecting again.我妻子又怀孕了美国传统〔expect〕She is expecting.她怀孕了。英汉大词典〔expect〕She shouldn't be lifting those boxes if she's expecting.如果有孕在身,她就不该搬这些箱子。剑桥高阶〔expect〕She's expecting a baby.她正怀着孩子。外研社新世纪〔expect〕She's expecting next month. [=she will probably give birth next month; her baby will probably be born next month] 她下个月要生孩子了。韦氏高阶〔expect〕We were expecting him home.我们正等他回家。外研社新世纪〔expect〕We were expecting the letter to arrive by now.我们料想这会儿信已经到了。麦克米伦高阶〔expect〕We're expecting Alison home any minute now.我们想艾利森现在随时会到家。朗文当代〔expect〕We're expecting good weather at the weekend.我们预计本周末会有好天气。麦克米伦高阶〔fall〕Analysts are expecting a fall on Wall Street.分析家们预计华尔街的股票价格会下跌。麦克米伦高阶〔feel〕Her eyes squeezed shut, she felt inside the tin, expecting it to be bare.她双眼紧闭, 用手在罐头里摸索着, 希望里面什么都不要有。外研社新世纪〔firm〕The firm's employees were expecting large bonuses.这家公司的员工期盼着丰厚的奖金。外研社新世纪〔flat〕Analysts are expecting flat sales in the coming months.分析人士预计未来数月销售不景气。朗文当代〔foul〕Deprived of the crushing victory it was confidently expecting, the party cried foul.失去了自以为十拿九稳的压倒性胜利,该政党声称对手违规。柯林斯高阶〔from〕I'm expecting a call from my lawyer.我正在等律师的电话。韦氏高阶〔frontal〕Military leaders are not expecting a frontal assault by the rebels.军队指挥者没有想到会遭到叛军的正面袭击。柯林斯高阶〔frontal〕Military leaders are not expecting a frontal assault by the rebels.军队领导人没有想到会遭到叛军的正面攻击。外研社新世纪〔full house〕We're expecting a full house tonight.今天晚上我们估计会满座。剑桥高阶〔glare〕He glared round the room as if expecting a challenge.他怒目环视房间,那样子就像要找茬儿。朗文当代〔go〕I went off coffee when I was expecting a baby. 我怀孕时不再想喝咖啡。 英汉大词典〔gruff〕He picked up the phone expecting to hear the chairman's gruff voice.他拿起话筒, 心想会听到主席低沉沙哑的声音。外研社新世纪〔half〕I was half expecting her to say 'no'.我有点盼望她会说不。朗文当代〔half〕I was half expecting to see her at the party.我有点盼望在聚会上见到她。剑桥高阶〔half〕You're expecting twins? Well, you never did do anything by halves.你要生对双胞胎?唔,你做事倒从来不会只做一半。牛津高阶〔hardness〕I am expecting a long, hard winter.我估计冬天会漫长而寒冷。柯林斯高阶〔have〕Having spent over £100 on repairs, she wasn't expecting any more problems.花了100多英镑修理费后,她觉得不会再出什么毛病了。麦克米伦高阶〔heavy snowfall〕The area is expecting heavy snowfall this weekend.本周末这一地区将迎来大雪。韦氏高阶〔hiding〕He was expecting a hiding when he got home.他预计回家后会遭到一顿痛打。外研社新世纪〔him〕I'm expecting a call from Jake. That must be him now.我在等杰克的电话。这次肯定是他了。麦克米伦高阶〔imposition〕Expecting employees to work longer hours for the same pay is a huge imposition.希望员工延长工作时间却不加薪是极不合理的要求。麦克米伦高阶〔impossible〕Expecting people to do a good job in such a short time is asking the impossible.指望人们在如此短的时间里把工作做好是不可能的。韦氏高阶〔improvise〕I wasn't expecting guests, so I had to improvise a meal with what I had in my refrigerator.我没料到会来客人,于是只好用冰箱里的东西临时做了顿饭。韦氏高阶〔influx〕Turkey is expecting an influx of several thousand refugees over the next few days.未来几天涌入土耳其的难民预计会达几千人。剑桥高阶〔in〕If he's expecting everyone to support him, he's in for a shock.如果他期待着人人都来支持他,那他将要大失所望。麦克米伦高阶〔jump〕Bookmakers are expecting a huge jump in online betting during the World Cup.赌注登记经纪人正期待在线投注额在世界杯期间会有跃升。外研社新世纪〔know〕You know the woman next door, well, she's expecting a baby.你知道隔壁的那个女人吧,她呀,怀孕了。麦克米伦高阶〔ladyship〕Her Ladyship's expecting you, sir.夫人正在等您, 先生。外研社新世纪〔last〕The last I heard, she was expecting her second child.我最近听到的消息是她怀上了第二个孩子。麦克米伦高阶〔least〕It is quite amazing what turns up when you are least expecting it.事情偏偏就在你最意想不到的时候发生,真是很奇怪。朗文当代〔least〕We are expecting to at least double our money.我们期望着把我们的钱至少翻一番。麦克米伦高阶〔less〕Payments will be a lot less than many people were expecting.报酬要比许多人期望的少得多。麦克米伦高阶〔let up〕The airline authorities are not expecting a let-up in delays (= are not expecting delays to stop) for the rest of the summer.航空公司方面预计今年夏季航班延误的情况依然会出现。剑桥高阶〔life〕We were hanging on for dear life. We were expecting to be closed down any day.我们正拼命地坚持着。我们估计随时有可能会关门大吉。外研社新世纪〔minute〕We're expecting them any minute now.我们在等他们,他们随时会到。朗文当代〔moment〕I'm expecting her to come at any moment (= very soon).我预计她随时会来。剑桥高阶〔most〕Many companies are expecting flat sales or at most a 1 to 2 percent increase over last year.很多公司预计销售不会有大的起色,或者最多比去年增多1%或2%。柯林斯高阶〔much〕It's a bit much expecting you to pay for it all.全部要你来出钱,这有点过分了。朗文当代〔not blink〕When he was told I was expecting twins, Harry didn't even blink.当哈里得知我要生双胞胎时,他一点也不惊讶。剑桥高阶〔not turn a hair〕I was expecting him to be horrified when he heard the cost but he didn't turn a hair.我本以为他听到花费数目后会大为震惊,可他居然毫无反应。剑桥高阶〔number cruncher〕The number crunchers in Washington are expecting a budget surplus by the fall.华盛顿的统计人员预计到秋季时会出现预算盈余。韦氏高阶〔off〕It's a bit off expecting us to work on Sunday.让我们星期天上班工作,那可不太行吧。牛津高阶〔order〕The parts are still on order – we're expecting them any day.订购中麦克米伦高阶〔our〕We're expecting our first baby.我们怀上了第一个孩子。柯林斯高阶〔our〕We're expecting our first baby.我们的第一个孩子快要出生了。外研社新世纪〔oversell〕Hotels routinely oversell their rooms, expecting a small percentage of no-shows.预计有少部分预订但不入住的情况,宾馆一般都会超售客房。韦氏高阶〔overspend〕We're expecting to have a $5 million (budget) overspend this year.今年我们预计会超支500万美元。剑桥高阶〔own〕If she was disappointed, it was her own fault for expecting too much.如果她失望的话,那是她自己期望过高造成的。麦克米伦高阶〔passage〕They are expecting the new legislation to have quite a rough passage (=be discussed and criticized a lot) through parliament.他们预料新的法律在议会通过会遭遇重重困难。朗文当代〔pick up〕Sales slowed down after the winter holidays, but we're expecting things to pick up again this summer.寒假过后,销售放缓,但我们希望今年夏季能再次回升。韦氏高阶〔potluck〕I wasn't expecting you for dinner, so you'll have to take pot luck.我没想到你会过来吃晚饭,所以只好让你随便吃点家常便饭了。韦氏高阶〔prostrate〕He was expecting to find her prostrated by the tragedy.他以为这场悲剧会使她一蹶不振。牛津高阶〔relaxing〕We come here once a year expecting a quiet, relaxing holiday.我们每年来这里一次,期待度过一个安静而放松的假期。柯林斯高阶〔response〕When I told him my plan, I wasn't expecting such an enthusiastic response.我把计划告诉他时,没想到会有如此热烈的响应。韦氏高阶〔restrained〕I was expecting him to be furious but he was very restrained.我还以为他会火冒三丈呢,但是他却表现得很冷静。剑桥高阶〔return〕He is always helping people without expecting anything in return.他一向不求任何回报地帮助他人。朗文当代〔rhetorically〕He grimaced slightly, obviously expecting no answer to his rhetorical question.他微微皱了下眉头,显然并不期待任何人回答他的反问。柯林斯高阶〔rhetorical〕My question was rhetorical. I wasn't really expecting an answer.我的问题是反问。我没真的期望回答。韦氏高阶〔riposte〕Laura glanced at Grace, expecting a cheeky riposte.劳拉匆匆瞥了格雷斯一眼,想着他会厚着脸皮巧妙地反驳一下。柯林斯高阶〔riposte〕Laura glanced at Grace, expecting a cheeky riposte.劳拉瞥了格雷斯一眼, 想着他会厚着脸皮巧妙地反驳一下。外研社新世纪〔rushed〕Record stores are expecting a huge rush for the single.唱片店正期待着人们会争相抢购这张单曲唱片。柯林斯高阶〔scan〕The scan showed that she was expecting twins.扫描显示她怀了双胞胎。朗文当代〔second〕We have one child and are expecting our second in July.我们有一个孩子,第二个预期在七月出生。牛津高阶〔shade〕Our new car cost us a shade more/less than we were expecting it to.我们买新车所花的钱比我们预期的要多/少一点儿。剑桥高阶〔sinking〕From her welcoming smile he realized, with a sinking of the heart, that she'd been expecting someone else.她脸上挂着的欢迎笑容让他内心失落地意识到她是在等别人。外研社新世纪〔snow〕We're expecting snow over the next few days.我们盼望着未来几天能下雪。牛津搭配〔style〕Nancy's style of management is not what I was expecting.南希的管理方式不是我一直以来所期望的。麦克米伦高阶〔take〕She was expecting a bigger take.她期待着一笔更大的份额。韦氏高阶〔tank〕The state was expecting an increase in tax revenues, but that was before the economy tanked.政府预期税收会有所增加,但那是在经济下跌之前。剑桥高阶〔tenterhooks〕She had been on tenterhooks all night, expecting Joe to return at any moment.她一晚上都心神不定,等待着乔随时回来。朗文当代〔throw〕I wasn't expecting a visitor. I was really thrown.我没想到会有人来,我真是措手不及。剑桥高阶〔tornado〕McMullen County is expecting a possible tornado.麦克马伦县预计可能有龙卷风来袭。牛津搭配〔trouble〕The police were expecting trouble after the match.警方预料比赛后会有骚乱。牛津高阶〔turnaround〕They are expecting a turnaround from the disastrous harvest last year.他们正期望在去年的特大歉收之后取得丰收。英汉大词典〔turnout〕We're expecting quite a low turnout for the local elections.我们预计地方选举的投票率很低。麦克米伦高阶〔ultrasound〕Ultrasound showed she was expecting twins.超声波扫描显示她怀了双胞胎。牛津高阶〔various〕Various people whom we weren't expecting turned up at the meeting.形形色色让我们意想不到的人出现在了会场。剑桥高阶〔visitor〕I could see he was expecting visitors.我看得出来他正在等候客人。牛津搭配〔wait about〕I was expecting a delivery and had to wait around at home all day.有人会来送货, 所以我只能整天在家干等着。外研社新世纪〔wait around〕I was expecting a delivery and had to wait around at home all day.有人会来送货, 所以我只能整天在家干等着。外研社新世纪〔well〕Well, hello! I wasn't expecting you so soon.啊,你好!没想到你这么快就到了。韦氏高阶〔worse〕He did worse than he was expecting in the exams.他考得比他预期的还要糟。剑桥高阶A load of people who we weren't expecting turned up to the party.许多不速之客出席了这次宴会。剑桥国际He picked up the phone with a shaking hand, expecting bad news.他用颤抖的手拿起了电话,等待着坏消息的来临。剑桥国际He treats us all like his lackeys, expecting us to be here whenever he wants us.他把我们都当作他的奴仆,要我们随叫随到。剑桥国际He's expecting us to work late, well stuff that/him! 他希望我们工作得晚些,没门!剑桥国际I certainly wasn't expecting him to make me a proposition! 我当然没料到他提出要跟我上床!剑桥国际I was expecting to have received your report before today.我在今天之前就期待着收到你的报告。剑桥国际I was half expecting to see her at the party.我有点期望在聚会上见到她。剑桥国际I wasn't expecting a visitor. I was really thrown.我没想到会有客,我真是困惑不解。剑桥国际I wasn't expecting somewhere called Meadow Court to be a huge concrete monstrosity.我没料到一个名叫草地公寓的地方会是一幢庞大的混凝土怪物。剑桥国际I'm afraid you've caught me on the hop --I wasn't expecting you home till next week.恐怕你让我措手不及了----我以为下星期前你不会回家。剑桥国际I'm telling you this in the strictest confidence (= expecting that you will not tell anyone else).我告诉你这些,希望你能严加保密。剑桥国际If you're expecting that Dad will let you borrow his car, you're going to be sorely disappointed.要是你指望爸爸会让你借他的车,那你就要失望到底了。剑桥国际Shareholders are expecting to see some return from their investment.股东正期待获得一些投资回报。牛津商务She thinks she knows everything about raising children, but I'll show/tell her a thing or two (= some action/information she was not expecting or aware of).她认为对于抚育孩子她样样都知道,不过我要给她露一手/点拨她一二。剑桥国际She was expecting to be promoted but ended up being shunted aside to make way for a younger person.她等着被提升,最后却被搁置一边以便给年轻人让路。剑桥国际The announcement took Washington and Paris by surprise, but Downing Street had been expecting it.这一宣布使美国和法国都吃了一惊,但英国政府已经预料到了。剑桥国际The estimate for the building work is of the order of magnitude we were expecting.对建造房子所花费用的估计和我们预料的差不多。剑桥国际The hospital had virtually given her up (for dead)/given up on her after her heart attack (= stopped expecting that she would live), but she eventually recovered.在她心脏病发作后,医院实际上对她已不抱希望,但她最终还是康复了。剑桥国际The party was a very quiet affair and not at all what I'd been expecting.聚会很安静,完全不像我所料想的那样。剑桥国际The repairs to our car cost much more than we were expecting.修理车的花费比我们预料的多得多。剑桥国际This problem is turning out to be rather less tractable than I was expecting it to be.这个问题变得远不像我预期中的那样容易处理。剑桥国际This suitcase is quite light -- I was expecting it to be heavy.这个箱子非常轻,我原以为它很沉。剑桥国际Various people whom we weren't expecting turned up at the meeting.形形色色我们不曾期盼的人们来到了会场。剑桥国际We are expecting a plunge (= a large fall) in profits this year.我们预计今年利润将大幅减少。剑桥国际We were expecting a lot of applicants for the job, but nowhere near the number who actually applied.我们原本估计会有很多人应聘这份工作,但实际应聘者远不是很多。剑桥国际We were expecting thirty people to come, but half of them never showed up.我们预期会有30个人来,但有一半人根本没露面。剑桥国际We were expecting to win, so a draw was a disappointing result for us.我们盼望取胜,因此平局是一个令我们失望的结果。剑桥国际We were half expecting you to not come back (= thinking you might not come back).我们估计你大概不会回来了。剑桥国际We were pleasantly surprised to find that the hotel was much more comfortable than we were expecting it would be.发现旅馆比预想的要舒服得多我们都很惊喜。剑桥国际We're expecting a touch of frost.我们正期待着下点霜。剑桥国际We're expecting a visit from the doctor at around midday.中午时分我们要等一位医生来。剑桥国际We're expecting to have a full house (=every seat in the cinema / theatre / sports ground to be filled) tonight.我们希望今晚能满座。剑桥国际We're expecting to have a £5 million (budget) overspend this year.今年我们预计会超出(预算)5百万英镑。剑桥国际We're only expecting a modest improvement in sales.我们只希望销售额能适度提高。牛津商务When the thieves left the building, the police were waiting for them (= were expecting them and ready to deal with them).窃贼离开大楼的时候,警察正在等候他们。剑桥国际You'd better check with Ken what time he's expecting us.你最好和肯核实一下他见我们的时间。牛津商务You're expecting too much from someone if you ask them to work every weekend without pay.如果你让人每个周末都无偿工作,你对他们的要求太高了。剑桥国际




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