

单词 射向
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UP〕A stream of water rose into the air, arched smoothly, and fell back into the pool. 一股水流射向空中,形成一道平滑的弧线,然后落回池子里。朗文写作活用〔angle〕Guns were firing at them from several different angles.枪炮从几个不同的方向射向他们。麦克米伦高阶〔dummy〕He dummied past five defenders, then shot at the near post.他以假动作晃过五个防守队员,接着把球射向近门柱。牛津高阶〔enfilade〕Gunfire directed along the length of a target, such as a column of troops.纵向射击:纵直射向目标,例如一支部队的炮火美国传统〔fire〕A dense volley of missiles was fired directly at the ship.一排密集的导弹直接射向那艘轮船。牛津搭配〔firing line〕The line of positions from which fire is directed at a target.射击线:阵地上的划线,在此用火力射向目标美国传统〔foci〕The beams of light moved across the sky and focused on the aircraft.光束穿过天空,射向飞机。21世纪英汉〔induce〕To produce (radioactivity, for example) artificially by bombardment of a substance with neutrons, gamma rays, and other particles.感生:通过用中子流、r射线线和其它一些粒子流射向一个物质而产生(例如,放射现象)美国传统〔loose〕He loosed an arrow into the air.他把箭射向空中。21世纪英汉〔missile〕An object or a weapon that is fired, thrown, dropped, or otherwise projected at a target; a projectile.投射物:被发射出、扔出、扔下或以其它方式投射出并射向一个目标的物体或武器;一个投射物美国传统〔powerfully〕Ballack struck the free-kick powerfully at Rost.巴拉克一记强有力的任意球射向罗斯特。外研社新世纪〔reverberatory furnace〕A furnace or kiln in which the material under treatment is heated indirectly by means of a flame deflected downward from the roof.反射炉:一种熔炉或火炉,在其中通过从顶棚反射向下的火焰间接加热受处理的材料美国传统〔round〕A specified number of arrows shot from a specified distance to a target in archery.射箭时从一特定距离射向靶子的箭数目美国传统〔smack〕The bullet smacked into a tree beside him.子弹射向了他身旁的一棵树。外研社新世纪〔snuff out〕A bullet meant for Riley snuffs out a passing gangster.一枚原本射向赖利的子弹意外击毙了一个路过的暴徒。柯林斯高阶〔stellar wind〕The varying flow of plasma ejected from the surface of a star into interstellar space.恒星风:从恒星表面射向星际空间的等离子流美国传统〔whip〕The winger whipped a pass toward the net.边锋将传球迅疾射向球网。韦氏高阶He sent the arrow forthright toward the target. 他把箭径直射向目标。译典通His shrewd eyes looked across at his wife. 他那敏锐的目光射向他的妻子。译典通




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