

单词 errors
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔append〕appended a list of errors to the report.在报告中附加一勘误表美国传统〔ballpark〕errors that are made within a system that already is generally in the right ballpark.出现在一个几臻完善的体系中的错误柯林斯高阶〔biased〕biased errors 有偏误差英汉大词典〔careless〕writing that is careless and full of errors 马虎潦草错误百出的写作英汉大词典〔catalogue〕an appalling catalogue of errors 令人震惊的一连串的错误朗文当代〔check〕a check for spelling errors 拼写错误检查麦克米伦高阶〔check〕checked the brakes and lights for defects; checked out the system to make sure there were no errors in the software.检查刹车和车灯有没有毛病;对系统进行检查以确保软件没有任何错误美国传统〔convict〕convict sb. of his errors 使某人认识所犯的过失英汉大词典〔correction〕some factual errors that need correction 需要纠正的几个事实性错误麦克米伦高阶〔corrigendum〕corrigenda A list of errors in a book along with their corrections. corrigenda 勘误表:书中列有错误及其改正的单子美国传统〔error〕errors arising from inadequate information 由于信息不足造成的错误牛津搭配〔error〕errors caused by illegibly written orders 难以辨识的手写指令导致的错误牛津搭配〔error〕the errors of one's youth 年轻时的过失英汉大词典〔error〕the official's errors of nepotism and acceptance of large gifts from lobbyists 那位官员所犯下的重用亲戚以及接受说客大量礼物的罪过英汉大词典〔error〕the use of computer systems to reduce hospital errors 使用计算机系统以减少医院方面的失误牛津搭配〔escape〕errors that had escaped my notice 我没注意到的错误牛津搭配〔factual errors〕a report filled with factual errors 有诸多事实性错误的报告韦氏高阶〔frequency〕the alarming frequency of computer errors 计算机出错的情况惊人的多牛津高阶〔frequent〕frequent errors of judgment.判断中经常出现的错误美国传统〔glaring〕glaring errors 扎眼的错误剑桥高阶〔gnarly〕gnarly errors 恼人的失误英汉大词典〔grammar〕errors in spelling and grammar 拼写和语法错误麦克米伦高阶〔grammatical〕grammatical errors 语法错误麦克米伦高阶〔ignorant〕ignorant errors 出于无知的错误英汉大词典〔inestimable〕inestimable errors 难以计算的误差英汉大词典〔instrumental〕instrumental errors 仪器误差文馨英汉〔irremediable〕irremediable errors in judgment.判断上不可挽救的错误美国传统〔keyboard〕keyboarding errors 输入错误朗文当代〔multiplicity〕a multiplicity of errors 许多错误英汉大词典〔navigational〕navigational errors 导航误差剑桥高阶〔paper〕the ten common errors that appear most frequently in student papers.学生论文中最常见的10个错误柯林斯高阶〔paper〕the ten common errors that appear most frequently in student papers学生答题中最常见的10个错误外研社新世纪〔plenty〕plenty of errors 很多错误英汉大词典〔purify〕purify a book of errors 消除书中的谬误英汉大词典〔regard〕errors in regard to spelling 拼写方面的错误英汉大词典〔sense〕errors of sense 感觉上的错误英汉大词典〔shot〕a composition shot through with errors 一篇错误百出的文章英汉大词典〔smooth〕smooth over one's errors 掩饰错误英汉大词典〔smooth〕to smooth one's errors away文过饰非21世纪英汉〔stupidity〕the errors and stupidities of youth 年轻时犯的错误和做的蠢事牛津高阶〔textual〕textual errors 原文错误英汉大词典〔textual〕textual errors 文本错误牛津高阶〔transcription〕errors made in transcription 抄写错误牛津高阶〔type〕typing errors 打字错误牛津高阶〔typing〕typing errors 打印错误牛津高阶〔typing〕typing errors 打字错误朗文当代〔typography〕typographic errors 排印错误朗文当代〔vulgar〕vulgar errors 常见错误英汉大词典〔winnow〕winnowing out the errors in logic.排除逻辑中的错误美国传统〔woeful〕woeful treatment of the accused; woeful errors in judgment.被告的可悲处置;审判中可悲的错误美国传统identifying and correcting routine posting errors 找出并纠正日常的过账错误牛津商务typing errors 打字错误牛津商务




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