

单词 appropriate
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔appropriate for〕to appropriate funds for the school为学校拨出资金21世纪英汉〔appropriate to oneself〕to appropriate public money to private purpose挪用公款21世纪英汉〔appropriate〕appropriate a great deal of government money 挪用大量公款英汉大词典〔appropriate〕appropriate clothes.适当的衣服。牛津同义词〔appropriate〕appropriate footwear for the country 适于在乡间穿的鞋剑桥高阶〔appropriate〕appropriate funds for the university 为大学拨出资金英汉大词典〔appropriate〕appropriate the building for storage 把那幢楼房拨作仓库英汉大词典〔appropriate〕a flashy style appropriate to Paris 与巴黎相称的浮华时式英汉大词典〔appropriate〕an appropriate moment to ask a question.提出问题的适当的时候。牛津同义词〔appropriate〕an appropriate resp onse/measure/method 恰如其分的反应;恰当的措施╱方法牛津高阶〔appropriate〕an education system which is more appropriate to the needs of the students 更切合学生需求的教育制度朗文当代〔appropriate〕clothes appropriate for a job interview 适合求职面试穿的服装朗文当代〔appropriate〕clothing that is appropriate for bad weather适合天气不好时穿的衣服外研社新世纪〔appropriate〕to appropriate someone else’s property.擅用别人的财产。牛津同义词〔bawdy〕a bawdy film that is not appropriate for children 少儿不宜的淫秽电影韦氏高阶〔context〕to present examples of language in use in an appropriate context 举出在恰当语境中语言运用的例子牛津搭配〔endorsement〕endorsement of the product by the appropriate body 有关机构对本产品的认可牛津搭配〔extraction〕the extraction of information from appropriate reference sources 从合适的参考资料中摘录资料朗文当代〔fit〕appropriate to a thing or for an occasion especially befits it: Appropriate 尤指对某事或某一场合有益: 美国传统〔fit〕a funeral conducted with appropriate solemnity. What isapt is notably to the point: 在适宜的肃穆中进行的葬礼。 Apt 能使中心更突出: 美国传统〔registration〕the registration of the vehicle by the appropriate authority 由相关部门进行的车辆注册牛津搭配〔wholesome〕less-than-wholesome entertainment that wasn't appropriate for children 少儿不宜的低俗娱乐韦氏高阶〔wield〕not wield appropriate credentials 未持有适当的证件英汉大词典a system that routes messages to the appropriate workers 向特定员工发送信息的系统牛津商务




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