

单词 description
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕a description of the fall season's new TV shows 秋季电视新节目介绍朗文写作活用〔UNFAIR〕when a report, description etc is unfair 报道、描写等不公正的朗文写作活用〔adequate〕an adequate description of the situation 对情势的恰当描述英汉大词典〔answer〕answer to a description 与描述相符英汉大词典〔aptly〕an apt description of the situation.对这种情况恰如其分的描述柯林斯高阶〔apt〕an apt description of the situation对情况的恰当描述外研社新世纪〔articulate〕an articulate description of what she had witnessed她对所目击事件的清晰描述外研社新世纪〔beggar〕a plot so complex that it beggars description 难以形容的复杂情节韦氏高阶〔blow-by-blow〕a blow-by-blow description of the accident.事件的详细描述美国传统〔brief〕a brief description of the film 影片的简短介绍朗文当代〔class〕any class or description of persons 不管什么样的人英汉大词典〔description〕a brief description of the area 对这个地区的简要描述麦克米伦高阶〔description〕a detailed description of the film star's house对那个电影明星住所的详细描述外研社新世纪〔description〕a detailed description of the movements and battle plans of Italy's fleet.有关意大利舰队的行动和作战计划的详细说明柯林斯高阶〔description〕a vivid description of life in the Wild West 对西大荒生活的生动描述牛津搭配〔description〕be good at description 擅长于描写英汉大词典〔description〕boats of every description / all descriptio ns 各种类型的船牛津高阶〔description〕defy description 难以描绘英汉大词典〔description〕published a description of her travels; gave a vivid description of the game.出版她的游记;关于这场比赛的生动描述美国传统〔description〕the description of a circle 圆的描绘英汉大词典〔description〕the novelist's powers of description 小说家的敍述才能牛津高阶〔emic〕an emic description of speech 言语的位的描写英汉大词典〔evocative〕an evocative description 引人遐思的描写文馨英汉〔explicit〕a highly explicit description of torture 对酷刑的赤裸裸的描述牛津搭配〔expressive〕an expressive description of childhood experiences 对童年经历的生动描述麦克米伦高阶〔fabulous〕a fabulous description 神话笔调的描写英汉大词典〔figurative〕a figurative description (author) 有文采的描写(作家)英汉大词典〔glowing〕a glowing description 生动的描述文馨英汉〔glowing〕a glowing description 生动的描述英汉大词典〔gory〕a gory description of the operation 对手术过程的血淋淋的描述剑桥高阶〔graphic〕a graphic description [account] 生动的描写[叙述]文馨英汉〔gritty〕a gritty description of urban violence 对城市暴力的真实描述牛津高阶〔harrowingly〕a harrowingly honest description 令人痛苦的坦诚描述韦氏高阶〔imprecise〕an imprecise description 不明确的描述韦氏高阶〔inexact〕an inexact description 不准确的描述牛津高阶〔inexact〕an inexact quotation; an inexact description of what had taken place.草率的引用;对所发生之事不精确的描述美国传统〔launch〕launched into a description of the movie.陷入电影情节当中美国传统〔lively〕a lively description 生动的描写英汉大词典〔lucid〕a concise, lucid description 简洁明了的描述麦克米伦高阶〔lyrical〕gave a lyrical description of her experiences in the South Seas.对她在南太平洋的经历作了热情的描述美国传统〔metaphorical〕a metaphorical description of children as plants growing in a garden 将孩子喻为生长在花园里的植物的比喻式描述韦氏高阶〔mislay〕a detailed description of which tiles had been mislaid by the original tilers对哪些瓷砖被原先的贴砖工放错地方的详细描述外研社新世纪〔neat〕a neat description (example) 简单明了的描写(例子)英汉大词典〔particularity〕a description of great particularity 极为详尽精微的描述英汉大词典〔particular〕a more particular description 更详细的描述韦氏高阶〔particular〕gave a particular description of the room.对这间房子进行详尽的描述美国传统〔pepper〕a prose peppered with vivid description 充满生动描写的散文体英汉大词典〔pictorial〕a pictorial description of the countryside 对农村的生动描绘英汉大词典〔picturesque〕a picturesque description 栩栩如生的描写英汉大词典〔poetically〕a poetically written description of the forest 对森林充满诗意的描写韦氏高阶〔poetical〕a poetical description of the jungle.对丛林诗意的描写美国传统〔rapturous〕a rapturous description of the landscape 对风景兴致勃勃的描述韦氏高阶〔richly〕a richly detailed description 十分详细的描述韦氏高阶〔top-down〕a top-down description of the department's function.以自顶向下的方式描述部门的功能美国传统〔unconformable〕a description unconformable to previous accounts 与前述不符的描写英汉大词典〔unflattering〕an unflattering description of the city 使城市出丑的描述英汉大词典〔vehicle〕a description of the stolen vehicle 对被盗车辆的描述朗文当代〔visual〕form a visual image of the author's description 对作者的描述形成一幅生动的画面英汉大词典〔vivid〕a vivid description (account) 生动的描写 (叙述) 英汉大词典to write a formal job description 写一份正式的工作职责说明牛津商务




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