

单词 a sequence of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ORDER〕The dance is basically a sequence of steps that you repeat over and over again. 这种舞基本上就是不断重复一连串舞步。朗文写作活用〔bracket〕A classification or grouping, especially within a sequence of numbers or grades, as a category of incomes sharing the same tax rate.等级,同类:类别或集团,尤指包含在一数目或级别的序列之中,作为按相同税率征税的收入类别美国传统〔branch〕A sequence of program instructions to which the normal sequence of instructions relinquishes control, depending on the value of certain variables.分支程序:正常指令序列撤回控制时转向的程序指令序列,依赖于某些变量的取值美国传统〔business cycle〕A sequence of economic activity typically characterized by recession, fiscal recovery, growth, and fiscal decline.经济周期:一个经济活动周期,以衰退、财政复苏、增长、财政下跌为典型特征美国传统〔byte〕A sequence of adjacent bits operated on as a unit by a computer.字节:计算机中作为一个单位处理的一系列相邻的位美国传统〔challenge〕An orienteering race is often a sequence of challenges.定向越野常是一种需奋力突破接二连三难关的运动。英汉大词典〔coincidence〕A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged.巧合,凑巧:虽是偶然的,但似乎是经计划或安排的一系列事件美国传统〔combination〕A sequence of numbers or letters used to open a combination lock.密码:用于开启密码锁的一系列数字或字母美国传统〔denouement〕The outcome of a sequence of events; the end result.(一系列事件的)结果;最终结果美国传统〔extracode〕A sequence of machine code instructions used to simulate hardware functions.附加码,附加代码,附加程序:用于虚拟硬盘功能的一连串机械码指令美国传统〔figure〕Music To indicate the chordal structure of (a bass line of single notes) with a sequence of conventionalized numbers.【音乐】 用数字表示弦的结构:用习俗化数字的顺序表示(单音调的低音部)的弦的结构美国传统〔frame〕A single step in a sequence of programmed instruction.帧:一系列循序渐进的拟定的教学法的单个步骤美国传统〔hexachord〕A sequence of six tones with a semitone in the middle, the others being whole tones, that was used in medieval music.六音音列:有六个音的音列,其中中间为一半音,其余的均为全音,此音列曾用于中世纪音乐中美国传统〔imposition〕Printing The arrangement of printed matter to form a sequence of pages.【印刷术】 整版:把印刷材料排列起来形成连续的页美国传统〔in medias res〕In or into the middle of a sequence of events, as in a literary narrative.开门见山的:进入或深入到一系列事件的中心,比如在文学性叙述中美国传统〔loading program〕A sequence of instructions that starts the processing of a program entered by means of an automatic input device.装入程序:通过自动输入设备开始运行程序的一系列指令美国传统〔loop〕Computer Science A sequence of instructions that repeats either a specified number of times or until a particular condition prevails.【计算机科学】 循环指令:一系列重复至给定次数或直至达到某种条件的指令美国传统〔microprogramming〕A method of operating the control unit of a computer by breaking down the control instructions into a sequence of small steps.微程序设计:一种操作计算机控制单位的方法,通过将控制指令分解成一系列的小步骤来实现美国传统〔movie〕A sequence of photographs projected onto a screen with sufficient rapidity as to create the illusion of motion and continuity.电影:一组连续的照片被投影到屏幕上并以极快的速度依次放映使之产生连续性和动态的视觉美国传统〔objective correlative〕A situation or a sequence of events or objects that evokes a particular emotion in a reader or an audience.客观对应物:可以唤起读者或观众特定感情的情景、事件的组合或物体美国传统〔password〕Computer Science A sequence of characters required to gain access to a computer system.【计算机科学】 密码,口令:用来进入某一计算机系统所必需的一系列字符美国传统〔paternoster〕A sequence of words spoken as a prayer or a magic formula.咒文,符咒:祈祷或魔符中讲的一连串话美国传统〔pathway〕A sequence of enzymatic or other reactions by which one biological material is converted to another.酶促反应:一连串催化反应或其他反应,通过它一种生物物质被转化成另一种生物物质美国传统〔period〕Chemistry A sequence of elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number and forming one of the horizontal rows in the periodic table.【化学】 元素周期:一系列元素按原子序数升序排列形成的周期表中的一个横排美国传统〔phrase〕A sequence of words intended to have meaning.话语:具有意义的一系列词语美国传统〔qubyte〕A sequence of eight quantum bits operated on as a unit by a computer.量子字节:计算机中作为一个运算单位的八量子位序列美国传统〔queue〕Computer Science A sequence of stored data or programs awaiting processing.【计算机科学】 队列:一列等待处理的储存数据或程序美国传统〔quint〕A sequence of five cards of the same suit in one hand in piquet.五张同花顺子:扑克牌戏中,一牌手手中的五张同花顺子美国传统〔sequence〕He's had a sequence of business failures.他生意上遭遇了一连串失败。朗文当代〔stratify〕To separate into a sequence of graded status levels.把…分级:把…分成不同的一系列级别美国传统〔successive approximation〕A method for estimating the value of an unknown quantity by repeated comparison to a sequence of known quantities.逐次近似计算法:通过与已知的一系列量进行反复比较而估算一个未知量的值的方法美国传统〔synchronous〕The dancers perform a sequence of wonderfully synchronous movements.舞者们的一段表演整齐划一,十分奇妙。剑桥高阶〔syntagma〕A sequence of linguistic units in a syntagmatic relationship to one another.语段,结构段:彼此有结构体关系的连续语言单位美国传统〔syntagma〕A sequence of words in a particular syntactic relationship to one another; a construction.句法结构:彼此有特定句法关系的单词序列;句法结构美国传统〔terminator〕A sequence of nucleotides that signals the end of transcription and the completion of the synthesis of a nucleic acid molecule from a template.终止者:标志着转录终止或从核酸模板到综合分子核酸的完成的一个核苷酸序列美国传统〔tierce〕Games A sequence of three cards of the same suit.【游戏】 一组三张同花色的牌:三张同花色且挨着顺序的纸牌美国传统〔transcript〕Biology A sequence of RNA produced by transcription.【生物学】 转录:一个经转录合成的RNA的序列美国传统〔vocable〕A word considered only as a sequence of sounds or letters rather than as a unit of meaning.无意词:仅被认作为是一系列声音或字母而非有意义的单元的词美国传统〔which〕It's the third in a sequence of three books, the first of which I really enjoyed.这是那套系列书里的第三本,该系列共有三本,我非常喜欢其中的第一本。剑桥高阶Farmers met with a sequence of bad harvests. 农民们遇到了接二连三的坏收成。译典通It's the third in a sequence of three books, the first of which I really enjoyed.那是3本系列书中的第3本,系列中的第1本我真的很欣赏。剑桥国际This is the latest in a sequence of seemingly random crimes/attacks/killings.这是一连串看似随意的犯罪/攻击/谋杀中的最新一个案子。剑桥国际




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