

单词 correspond to
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abib〕The seventh month of the year in the Hebrew calendar, corresponding to Nisan.犹太古历的七月:犹太历中一年中的第七个月,与尼撒月相对应美国传统〔Esdras〕Either of two books of the Septuagint corresponding to the Hebrew books of Ezra and Nehemiah.以斯拉记上、下:与犹太人的“以斯拉记”和“尼西米记”两本书相吻合美国传统〔Germania〕A part of the Roman Empire west of the Rhine River corresponding to present-day northeast France and sections of Belgium and the Netherlands.赫马尼亚:位于莱茵河以西的罗马帝国的一部分,相当于今天法国东北和比利时及荷兰的部分地区美国传统〔according as〕Corresponding to the way in which; precisely as.相应于;正如美国传统〔agree〕The Diet in Japan corresponds to the American Congress.日本的议会相当于美国的国会。美国传统〔bailie〕A Scottish municipal officer corresponding to an English alderman.市政高级官员:苏格兰地方市政官员,相当于英国的高级市政官美国传统〔battery〕Abbr. btry.An army artillery unit, corresponding to a company in the infantry.缩写 btry.炮兵连,炮兵中队:部队炮兵单位,相当于步兵中的一个连美国传统〔bit map〕A set of bits that represents a graphic image, with each bit or group of bits corresponding to a pixel in the image.位图,位映象:用来表示图像的一组位,每个位或位组同图象中的象素相对应美国传统〔brachium〕The part of a limb or process corresponding to an arm.肱:肢的部分或臂上的隆起美国传统〔carpus〕A joint in quadrupeds corresponding to the wrist.腕骨:四足动物的相对应的腕关节美国传统〔colinear〕Containing elements that correspond to one another and that are arranged in the same linear sequence.线性对应:包含相互对应并以同样的线性序列排列的元素美国传统〔corresponding〕Give each picture a number corresponding to its position on the page.按所在页面位置给每一幅画编上相对应的号码。牛津高阶〔correspond〕Each number corresponds to a location on the map.每个数字对应地图上的一个位置。韦氏高阶〔correspond〕Fulfilment seldom corresponds to anticipation.成果难得与预期相符。英汉大词典〔correspond〕Her expenses do not correspond to her income.她的支出与收入不相称。21世纪英汉〔correspond〕His expenses do not correspond to his income.他的支出与收入不相称。英汉大词典〔correspond〕His first post was as an Associate Professor, which roughly corresponds to Lecturer here.大致相当于麦克米伦高阶〔correspond〕His job in Moscow corresponds to your father's position here.他在莫斯科的职务与你爸爸在这儿的职务相当。外研社新世纪〔correspond〕In 60% of the patients, all symptoms corresponded to what we expected.有60%的病人的所有症状都和我们所预料的相同。麦克米伦高阶〔correspond〕In some countries, the role of president corresponds to that of prime minister.在有些国家,总统的角色相当于首相。韦氏高阶〔correspond〕The American FBI corresponds to the British MI5.美国的联邦调查局相当于英国的军情五处。剑桥高阶〔correspond〕The French 'baccalaureat' exam roughly corresponds to British A levels.法国的毕业会考大致相当于英国的高级程度考试。朗文当代〔correspond〕The numbers correspond to points on the map.这些数字与地图上的各点相对应。朗文当代〔correspond〕The wing of a bird corresponds to the arm of a man.鸟的翅膀相当于人的胳臂。21世纪英汉〔correspond〕This closely corresponds to the wording of the existing law.这和现有法律的措词非常接近。麦克米伦高阶〔earl〕A British nobleman next in rank above a viscount and below a marquis, corresponding to a count in continental Europe.伯爵:英国一种贵族,根据欧洲传统的规定,其头衔高于子爵低于侯爵美国传统〔elbow〕A joint, as of a bird or quadruped, corresponding to the human elbow.关节,肘部:鸟或四肢动物的关节,相当于人的肘美国传统〔emerita〕A woman who is retired but retains an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement.荣誉退休妇女:退休但仍荣誉保持有退休前所拥有的职位的妇女美国传统〔emeritus〕One who is retired but retains an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement.荣誉退休者:退休但仍荣誉保持有退休前所拥有的职位的人美国传统〔ester〕Any of a class of organic compounds corresponding to the inorganic salts and formed from an organic acid and an alcohol.酯:一类有机化合物,相当于无机盐,是由一分子有机酸和一分子酒精构成的美国传统〔f-stop〕A camera lens aperture setting that corresponds to an f-number.f制光圈:以f表示的调节照相机镜头的孔径的装置美国传统〔frontal bone〕A cranial bone consisting of a vertical portion corresponding to the forehead and a horizontal portion that forms the roofs of the orbital and nasal cavities.额骨:包括和前额相对的垂直部分与形成眼眶与鼻腔上部的水平部分的头部骨头美国传统〔hock〕The tarsal joint of the hind leg of a digitigrade quadruped, such as a horse, corresponding to the human ankle but bending in the opposite direction.跗关节:马等跗行四足动物后腿的跗关节,与人类的踝关节类似但弯曲方向相反美国传统〔image〕Mathematics A set of values of a function corresponding to a particular subset of a domain.【数学】 像,像点:函数中与某一集合中特定变量相对应的变量美国传统〔intercalary〕Inserted in the calendar to make the calendar year correspond to the solar year. Used of a day or month.闰的(闰日、闰年的):在日历中加入一天或一月而使历年与太阳年相吻合的美国传统〔money of account〕A monetary unit in which accounts are kept and that may or may not correspond to actual current denominations.记帐货币:一种用于记帐货币单位,这种货币可以与现行票面金额相符或不相符美国传统〔oscilloscope〕An electronic instrument that produces an instantaneous trace on the screen of a cathode-ray tube corresponding to oscillations of voltage and current.示波器:一种电动仪器,当电流和电压摆动变化时将其轨迹显示在阴极射线管的屏幕上美国传统〔parish〕An administrative subdivision in Louisiana that corresponds to a county in other U.S. states.堂区:美国路易斯安那州的一个相当于美国其它州的县的划区美国传统〔pectoral fin〕Either of the anterior pair of fins attached to the pectoral girdle of fishes, corresponding to the forelimbs of higher vertebrates.胸鳍:一对紧附于鱼的环状胸骨的前鳍且与更高等的脊椎动物的前肢相对应的任一个美国传统〔pelvic fin〕Either of a pair of lateral hind fins of fishes, attached to the pelvic girdle and corresponding to the hind limbs of higher vertebrates.腹鳍:附着于鱼的腰带上且对应于高等脊椎动物后肢的一对鱼的侧后鳍之一美国传统〔perpetual calendar〕A chart or mechanical device that indicates the day of the week corresponding to any given date over a period of many years.万年历:一种图表或一部机械装置,用来显示在很多年期间任意给定的日期所对应的星期数美国传统〔piano roll〕A roll of paper containing perforations corresponding to the notes of a musical composition, used in operating a player piano.钢琴滚动条,钢琴纸卷:含有与乐曲音符相对应的孔洞的纸卷,用以操作自动钢琴美国传统〔rest〕An interval of silence corresponding to one of the possible time values within a measure.休止:与一拍中可能的时间值对应的休止间隔美国传统〔specialist〕Abbr. SPAny of several noncommissioned ranks in the U.S. Army that correspond to that of corporal through sergeant first class.缩写 SP特种官兵:任一个美军未受过军衔的军人,相当于从下士到三级军士的军衔美国传统〔spectrum〕These wavelengths correspond to red in the visible spectrum.这些波长相当于可见光谱中的红光。牛津搭配〔thorax〕A part in other vertebrates that corresponds to the human thorax.胸部:其它脊椎动物的身体上和人胸部相应的部位美国传统〔truthful〕Corresponding to reality; true.真实的;真的美国传统〔venter〕Zoology A part in lower forms of animal life corresponding to the abdomen of mammals.【动物学】 腹腔:动物生命低级形式的一部分,与哺乳动物的腹部相对应美国传统〔ward〕The notch cut into a key that corresponds to such a ridge.钥匙的榫槽:钥匙上切割出的对应锁眼的凸槽美国传统The software instantly displays the customer profile that corresponds to the caller's phone number.软件能立刻显示与来电者电话号码相符的顾客档案。牛津商务




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