

单词 dialogue
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ad-lib〕did the whole dialogue ad- lib 靠即兴发挥完成了整场对话韦氏高阶〔blank〕fill in the blanks by opening a lively dialogue 引起生动的对话以填补冷场英汉大词典〔brisk〕brisk up the even flow of strictly grammatical dialogue 给四平八稳严格按照语法的对话增添情趣英汉大词典〔cleverly〕cleverly written dialogue 写得很巧妙的对白韦氏高阶〔clunky〕clunky dialogue 沉闷的对话韦氏高阶〔clunky〕clunky dialogue and flat characterisation粗劣的对话和平庸的人物塑造外研社新世纪〔concrete〕a dialogue about concrete issues and problems 有关具体事情和问题的对话朗文当代〔dialogue〕dialogue about concrete issues 关于具体问题的对话牛津搭配〔dialogue〕a dialogue between imaginary characters 虚构人物间的对话麦克米伦高阶〔dialogue〕a dialogue between two people.两个人的对话。牛津同义词〔dialogue〕a constructive dialogue on pay and working conditions 有关工资以及工作条件的建设性对话牛津搭配〔dialogue〕a direct dialogue between the two parties两党间的直接对话外研社新世纪〔dialogue〕a philosophical essay written in dialogue 用对话体写的哲学论文英汉大词典〔dialogue〕a play with witty dialogue 对白机智有趣的剧本英汉大词典〔dialogue〕a serious political dialogue 认真的政治对话牛津搭配〔dialogue〕achieving constructive dialogue with all political elements.同所有政治家进行了富有建设性的对话美国传统〔dialogue〕an honest and open dialogue about racial identity in the US 关于美国种族认同的开诚布公的对话牛津搭配〔dialogue〕attempts to encourage dialogue between the two groups 为鼓励这两个团体间进行对话作出的努力牛津搭配〔dialogue〕pass the time in dialogue 在交谈中消磨时间英汉大词典〔dialogue〕the need for dialogue between both parents 双方父母对话的必要性麦克米伦高阶〔dialogue〕the need for dialogue between the two sides in the dispute 争议双方进行对话的必要牛津搭配〔diplomatic〕a diplomatic dialogue (mission) 外交对话(使命)英汉大词典〔ear〕a good ear for dialogue 善于听别人交谈朗文当代〔hardcase〕a hardcase dialogue 强硬的对话英汉大词典〔head〕the main heads of a dialogue 对话的要点英汉大词典〔improvise〕an actor good at improvising dialogue 善于即兴现编台词的演员英汉大词典〔interfaith〕an interfaith dialogue 不同宗教信仰者间的对话韦氏高阶〔lifelike〕a lifelike dialogue in the movie 电影里生动真切的对话英汉大词典〔poetic〕poetic dialogue 诗歌体对话英汉大词典〔punchy〕punchy dialogue 有分量的对话韦氏高阶〔pungent〕a play with pungent dialogue 对白犀利的戏剧韦氏高阶〔right-on〕the right-on naturalism of a writer with a perfect pitch for dialogue 一位作家对话写得无懈可击的绝对写实主义英汉大词典〔scrap〕a few scraps of dialogue 一些对话片断麦克米伦高阶〔situational〕a situational dialogue 情景对话英汉大词典〔snatch〕a snatch of dialogue 一段对白英汉大词典〔snippet〕snippets of dialogue from the TV show 该电视节目的对话片段牛津搭配〔urbanely〕a television show with urbanely witty dialogue 对白风趣文雅的电视节目韦氏高阶〔verbatim〕repeated their dialogue verbatim.一字不差地重复他们的对话美国传统〔wooden〕a movie with wooden dialogue 对白平淡的电影韦氏高阶




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