

单词 excursion
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔chaperone〕a five-day excursion with 148 students and 24 chaperones from Mountain Brook High School山涧中学148名学生和24名监护人为期五天的远足外研社新世纪〔effectiveness〕a restructuring that would have resulted in an effective increase on one of their most popular excursion fares.原本会使他们最热门的一条短途旅游线路的费用出现实质性上涨的调整柯林斯高阶〔excursion〕excursion from the major theme 偏离主题英汉大词典〔excursion〕a coach excursion to Trondheim到特隆赫姆的大巴旅行外研社新世纪〔excursion〕a fishing excursion 去垂钓的短途旅行韦氏高阶〔excursion〕a one-day excursion to the Grand Canyon 大峡谷一日游麦克米伦高阶〔excursion〕a shopping excursion 购物游朗文当代〔excursion〕an excursion boat 游览船英汉大词典〔excursion〕an excursion rate 游览优惠收费率英汉大词典〔excursion〕an excursion to the seaside.到海滨游玩。牛津同义词〔excursion〕an intellectual excursion into electronics 涉猎电子学英汉大词典〔excursion〕go on (或make) an excursion to Hangzhou 到杭州去旅游英汉大词典〔excursion〕her first excursion into business 她第一次涉足商务牛津搭配〔excursion〕my Saturday morning excursion into town 我周六上午进城逛的一圈麦克米伦高阶〔excursion〕the company's excursion into new markets 公司涉足新的市场朗文当代〔fairy tale〕an excursion to the fairy-tale castle of Neuschwanstein.到童话般的新天鹅堡的短途旅行柯林斯高阶〔fantasyland〕the fantasyland of an operetta; television's latest excursion into fantasyland; a fantasyland on the order of Versailles.轻喜剧的场地;电视走入幻化世界;凡尔赛宫之类的神奇宫殿美国传统〔free-form〕a free-form excursion 别出心裁的短途旅行英汉大词典〔half〕a half day excursion to the island 去岛上的半日游朗文当代〔ostensible〕the ostensible purpose of sb.'s excursion 某人公开声称的游览目的英汉大词典〔weekend〕a weekend excursion 周末远足英汉大词典




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