

单词 defeat
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔BEAT/DEFEAT〕to defeat an enemy in war 在战争中打败敌人朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕the defeat of Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo 拿破仑在滑铁卢战役中的溃败朗文写作活用〔admit〕admit defeat 承认失败英汉大词典〔agony〕the agony of defeat 失败的痛苦韦氏高阶〔armada〕the defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588.西班牙无敌舰队1588年的战败柯林斯高阶〔bank〕bank on sb.'s defeat 指望某人失败 (而从中获利) 英汉大词典〔beat〕an unruly child who was thrashed with a birch cane. See also Synonyms at defeat ,pulsate 一个任性的孩子吃了一顿桦树棍 参见同义词 defeat,pulsate美国传统〔big〕take one's defeat big 败而不馁英汉大词典〔bitter〕a bitter defeat 惨败韦氏高阶〔bounce〕exhibit a talent for bouncing back from defeat 显示失败后重振旗鼓的才能英汉大词典〔bring〕defeat the enemy as quickly as possible and bring the boys home 尽快打败敌人并撤兵回国英汉大词典〔consecutive〕her fifth consecutive defeat 她接连第5次的失败麦克米伦高阶〔crushing〕a crushing defeat 惨败英汉大词典〔crushing〕since their crushing defeat in the local elections.自从他们在地方选举中惨败后柯林斯高阶〔defeat〕a crushing defeat 惨败英汉大词典〔defeat〕a humiliating/heavy/crushing defeat 惨败麦克米伦高阶〔defeat〕a narrow/heavy defeat 惜败;惨败牛津高阶〔defeat〕last week's crushing defeat against their rivals 上星期对对手的惨败牛津搭配〔defeat〕the defeat of a government 政府的垮台英汉大词典〔defeat〕the defeat of the French navy法国海军的失利外研社新世纪〔defeat〕to defeat a man of an inheritance剥夺某人的继承权21世纪英汉〔defeat〕to defeat a plan挫败一项计划21世纪英汉〔degrade〕a defeat that humiliated both army and nation. See also Synonyms at demote 一次丧失了军队和国家尊严的失败 参见同义词 demote美国传统〔demoralized〕the lingering demoralization that followed defeat in World War I.第一次世界大战战败之后挥之不去的消沉情绪柯林斯高阶〔desperate〕a desperate struggle to defeat the enemy 为打败敌人的拼死斗争韦氏高阶〔dogged〕his dogged refusal to admit defeat 他的坚决拒绝承认失败文馨英汉〔evident〕evident defeat (disappointment) 明显的失败(失望) 英汉大词典〔fight〕the fight to defeat cancer 战胜癌症的斗争韦氏高阶〔foreshadow〕foreshadow defeat 预示失败英汉大词典〔headlong〕a headlong defeat 仓猝溃败 英汉大词典〔humble〕a very humbling defeat 非常令人羞愧的失败韦氏高阶〔humiliating〕a humiliating defeat 丢脸的失败朗文当代〔ignominious〕an ignominious defeat 可耻的失败牛津高阶〔ignominious〕an ignominious defeat 耻辱的失败麦克米伦高阶〔ignominious〕suffer an ignominious defeat 经受一次声誉扫地的失败英汉大词典〔imprint〕the imprint of defeat 失败的标志英汉大词典〔inglorious〕an inglorious defeat 可耻的败绩英汉大词典〔investment〕the investment of Tobruk and the defeat of British forces托布鲁克被围及英军战败外研社新世纪〔midweek〕a midweek defeat for the team 这个队在周中比赛遭受的失败牛津高阶〔moral〕a moral defeat 精神上的失败英汉大词典〔odd〕a defeat by the odd goal 以一球之差的失败英汉大词典〔philosophical〕be philosophical in defeat 失败时表现达观英汉大词典〔post-mortem〕to hold a post-mortem on the party's election defeat 对该党竞选失败进行检讨牛津高阶〔reel〕soldiers reeling in defeat 溃退的士兵们英汉大词典〔refusal〕the enemy's steadfast refusal to accept defeat 敌人顽固地拒不认输牛津搭配〔resounding〕a resounding defeat 惨败 英汉大词典〔severe〕suffer a severe defeat 遭受惨败英汉大词典〔slump〕read defeat in the slump of his shoulders.从他肩膀的无力下垂上可以看出他失败了美国传统〔smarting〕a smarting defeat 惨痛的失败英汉大词典〔smashing〕a smashing defeat 大败英汉大词典〔snatch〕snatch victory out of defeat 从败局中夺取胜利英汉大词典〔sound〕a sound defeat 彻底的失败英汉大词典〔sportsmanship〕take a defeat with true sportsmanship 输了不气馁英汉大词典〔sting〕the sting of defeat 失败的痛苦剑桥高阶〔stupor〕recover from the stupor of defeat 从失败后的心灰意冷中恢复过来英汉大词典〔sustain〕to sustain damage/an injury/a defeat 遭受损失;受伤;遭到失败牛津高阶〔taste〕taste defeat 尝到失败的滋味英汉大词典〔tussle〕his defeat in the leadership tussle 他在领导权争夺中的失败朗文当代〔unmitigated〕a total and unmitigated defeat 完全彻底的失败 英汉大词典〔wormwood〕the wormwood of defeat 失败的痛苦英汉大词典




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