

单词 decline
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕Officials at IBM and Apple declined to comment on a possible pact between the two personal computer makers. 国际商业机器公司和苹果公司的高级职员拒绝就两大个人电脑制造商之间可能缔约一事发表任何意见。!朗文写作活用〔ANGRY〕I declined to tip the porter, who left with a surly expression. 我拒绝给行李搬运工小费,他走的时候一脸不高兴。朗文写作活用〔BLAME〕Television often gets blamed for the decline in family life. 电视经常被指是造成家庭生活质量下降的罪魁祸首。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The profits of supermarkets declined until 1975 when a reversal began. 超级市场的利润逐年下降,直到1975年才出现转变。朗文写作活用〔CRITICIZE〕Jackson declined to criticize his opponent, choosing instead to focus on his own message. 杰克逊拒绝批评他的对手,反而专注于自己的信息。朗文写作活用〔Downing Street〕Downing Street declined to comment on the allegations.英国政府拒绝就那些说法发表意见。朗文当代〔GOOD〕There has been a serious decline in moral standards among the young people of today. 今天的年轻人道德标准大大下降。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Our physical strength declines with age, but not necessarily our intellect. 随着年龄增长,我们的体力会下降,但智力却不一定降低。朗文写作活用〔LESS〕Firms with large debts may not have the financial strength to survive a prolonged sales decline or a recession. 负债多的公司可能缺乏经济实力承受销量长时间下降或经济衰退。朗文写作活用〔LESS〕We can expect a further decline in job vacancies. 可以预计,就业机会将进一步减少。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕We need to take steps to counter the chronic decline in our export market. 我们需要采取措施抵销出口市场不断萎缩。朗文写作活用〔REFUSE〕When asked to comment on details of the agreement, the President declined. 当被要求对协议的细节发表意见时,总统婉言拒绝了。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕Alexander declined to comment, citing attorney--client confidentiality. 亚历山大拒绝作出评论,说是律师和当事人之间有保密协定。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕Roslin, known for playing his cards close to his vest, declined to comment. 罗斯林拒绝评论,他是出了名守口如瓶的。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕In his speech the Bishop labelled these crimes as a symptom of society's moral decline. 主教在他的演说中称这些犯罪行为是社会道德败坏的一种征兆。朗文写作活用〔WORSE〕The quality of life for pensioners in this country has certainly declined recently. 该国领养老金者的生活质量近来肯定下降了。朗文写作活用〔acceleration〕The acceleration in the decline of manufacturing industry began several years ago.制造业的加速衰退从几年前就开始了。剑桥高阶〔accepted〕It is accepted wisdom that science has been partly responsible for the decline of religion.人们普遍认为,科学的兴起是宗教衰落的部分原因。柯林斯高阶〔accepted〕It is accepted wisdom that science has been partly responsible for the decline of religion.科学是造成宗教衰落的部分原因, 这是一个被普遍接受的观点。外研社新世纪〔activism〕The levels of political activism in this country have greatly declined.该国工会和政治激进主义的活动势头已大大减弱。剑桥高阶〔advance〕Some stock prices have advanced while others have declined.有的股票价格上涨了,有的却下跌了。韦氏高阶〔arrest〕A cut in interest rates failed to arrest the decline in prices.利率的下调没能阻止价格的下跌。麦克米伦高阶〔basis〕He declined to say on what basis bail was refused.他拒绝说出不准许保释的原因。麦克米伦高阶〔cancel〕Today's decline in stock price canceled out yesterday's gain.今天股票价格下跌,抵消了昨天的收益美国传统〔case study〕The country's decline is a case study in economic mismanagement.该国的衰落就是经济管理不善的一个典型案例。麦克米伦高阶〔catch〕Catches of Scottish salmon have declined significantly.苏格兰鲑鱼的捕获量显著下降。麦克米伦高阶〔cite〕The company cited a 13 percent decline in new orders as evidence that overall demand for its products was falling.公司举出新订单减少13%这一事实,以此来证明对其产品的总需求在下降。剑桥高阶〔comment〕KPJ officials declined comment.南斯拉夫共产党的官员谢绝评论。牛津搭配〔consumptive〕He took her on a tour of Europe, but the travel only hastened her consumptive decline and death.他带着她周游欧洲, 但是旅行只是加重了她的肺病, 加速了她的死亡。外研社新世纪〔contrast〕Their economy has expanded, while ours, by/in contrast, has declined.他们的经济快速增长,相比之下,我们的经济则滑坡了。剑桥高阶〔date from〕His decline dates from last summer.自去年夏天他就开始走下坡路。外研社新世纪〔death rate〕There was a decline in the country's death rate after its health care improved.医疗保健得到改善后,这个国家的人口死亡率下降了。韦氏高阶〔decline in〕He declines in reputation.他声誉日低。21世纪英汉〔decline〕After the war, the city declined in importance.战后这座城市的重要性下降了。朗文当代〔decline〕Agriculture is in decline in many Third World countries.许多第三世界国家的农业都在衰退。麦克米伦高阶〔decline〕Domestic production of oil will continue to decline.国内石油生产将继续下降。英汉大词典〔decline〕He declined his head in despair.他垂头丧气。21世纪英汉〔decline〕He declined my offer.他拒绝了我的提议。剑桥高阶〔decline〕He changed his mind and declined the company's offer.他改变主意,谢绝了那家公司提供的职位。韦氏高阶〔decline〕He has declined to a disgraceful state.他已落泊潦倒。英汉大词典〔decline〕He has experienced a decline in health.他的健康已经每况愈下。韦氏高阶〔decline〕Her health declined rapidly after her stroke.中风之后, 她的健康状况迅速恶化。外研社新世纪〔decline〕His career has been on the decline for some years now.他事业下滑已经有些年头了。牛津搭配〔decline〕His health is on the decline.他的健康每况愈下。韦氏高阶〔decline〕I invited him to the meeting but he declined.我邀请他参加会议,但他谢绝了。剑桥高阶〔decline〕In Latin we learned how to decline nouns.学习拉丁语要了解名词的变格。剑桥高阶〔decline〕Industry in Britain has been in decline since the 1970s.英国工业自 20 世纪 70 年代以来一直在走下坡路。牛津高阶〔decline〕Mary declined Jay's invitation to dinner.玛丽谢绝了杰伊请吃晚饭的邀请。朗文当代〔decline〕She declined to be annoyed.她偏不为此生气。英汉大词典〔decline〕She declined to run for a second term as governor.她拒绝竞选连任州长。韦氏高阶〔decline〕She declined to say more about the plan.她拒绝对此计划再说些什么。21世纪英汉〔decline〕She has declined into a street girl.她已沦为妓女。21世纪英汉〔decline〕Support for the party continues to decline.对该党的支持继续下降。牛津高阶〔decline〕Thankfully the smoking of cigarettes is on the decline.令人欣慰的是, 吸烟的情况在减少。外研社新世纪〔decline〕Thankfully, this is a disease that is now on the decline.令人欣慰的是,这是一种现在越来越少的疾病。麦克米伦高阶〔decline〕The band declined to comment on the story.乐队婉言拒绝评论此事。外研社新世纪〔decline〕The civilization began to decline around 1000 B.C.公元前1000年前后,这一文明开始衰落。韦氏高阶〔decline〕The cloth trade went into gradual decline.布匹贸易逐渐衰落。牛津搭配〔decline〕The court declined to review her case.法院拒绝复查她的案子。朗文当代〔decline〕The economy experienced a decline of two million jobs.经济形势使两百万人失业。韦氏高阶〔decline〕The economy has declined sharply in recent years.近几年经济急剧下滑。牛津搭配〔decline〕The first signs of economic decline became visible.经济衰退的最初征兆开始显现。外研社新世纪〔decline〕The hill declines to the lake.山坡向着湖畔倾斜。英汉大词典〔decline〕The industry has now fallen into a decline.这个行业现在已不景气了。麦克米伦高阶〔decline〕The industry is still in decline.该产业仍在走下坡路。牛津搭配〔decline〕The number of people buying their own homes has declined.购置自有住房的人数已经减少。麦克米伦高阶〔decline〕The number of staff has declined from 217,000 to 114,000.员工人数从21.7万人降到了11.4万人。外研社新世纪〔decline〕The population has declined dramatically.人口数急剧减少。外研社新世纪〔decline〕The working population is in decline.在业人口正在减少。英汉大词典〔decline〕Their spokesman declined to comment on the allegations.他们的发言人拒绝对这些指控加以评论。牛津高阶〔decline〕There wasn't such a big decline in enrolments after all.注册人数最后没有大量减少。外研社新世纪〔decline〕They declined to tell me how they had obtained my address.他们拒绝透露是如何得到我的地址的。剑桥高阶〔decline〕They lament the decline of old-fashioned communities.他们哀叹老式社区的衰落。牛津搭配〔decline〕They offered to fly him to Brussels, but he declined.他们主动提出用飞机送他去布鲁塞尔,但他谢绝了。麦克米伦高阶〔decline〕This section of the market has slowly declined in importance.这部分市场的重要性已慢慢下降。牛津搭配〔decline〕This vast plateau gently declines towards the ancient city of Balkh.这片广袤高原向巴尔赫古城方向地势逐渐下降。外研社新世纪〔decline〕We declined his offer of a lift.我们谢绝了他让我们搭车的邀请。英汉大词典〔decline〕We saw a sharp/steep decline in sales this month.我们本月的销售量急剧/陡然下降。韦氏高阶〔decline〕World War lI started its decline during March, 1945.第二次世界大战于1945年3月进入最后阶段。英汉大词典〔decondition〕To cause to decline from a condition of physical fitness, as through a prolonged period of inactivity or, in astronauts, through weightlessness in space.使健康恶化:使健康状况恶化,如由于长时期的缺乏运动或由于宇航员在太空中失重美国传统〔deflate〕To reduce the amount or availability of (currency or credit), effecting a decline in prices.紧缩:减少(通货或信贷)的数额或可获得性,导致价格下降美国传统〔degradation〕A decline to a lower condition, quality, or level.退化:下降到低等的状况、性质或水平美国传统〔directly〕Many problems can be directly linked to the decline in manufacturing.许多问题可以直接与生产能力下降联系起来。麦克米伦高阶〔domination〕The domination of Europe over the rest of the world has long since declined.欧洲对世界其他地区的控制久已式微。文馨英汉〔downswing〕A decline, as of a business.下降:下降趋势,如商业活动的美国传统〔drop〕A swift decline or decrease, as in quality, quantity, or intensity.下跌:在质量、数量或密度上的迅速下降或减少美国传统〔economic〕The country has been in a very poor economic state ever since the decline of its two major industries.自从这个国家的两大支柱产业衰退后,其经济一直萎靡不振。剑桥高阶〔elucidate〕When asked for details, he declined to elucidate further.当被问到细节时,他拒绝做更多解释。韦氏高阶〔embarrass〕The decline in sales embarrassed our company.销售下降使我们公司陷于困境。21世纪英汉〔expense〕She declined to travel at the expense of her company and paid for the trip herself.她谢绝由公司出钱供她旅行,而是自己付了旅费。英汉大词典〔export〕The US share of world exports has declined.美国在全世界出口量中所占的份额已有所下降。牛津搭配〔factor〕The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline.矿井的关闭是这个镇衰败的唯一最重要的因素。牛津搭配〔failure〕A decline in strength or effectiveness.衰退:力量或精力的衰退美国传统〔fancier〕The number of active bird fanciers in London has declined.伦敦那些活跃的养鸟迷人数已经下降了。外研社新世纪〔fatality〕Drunk driving fatalities have declined more than 10 percent over the past 10 years.酒后驾车死亡人数在过去 10 年中下降了 10%以上。柯林斯高阶〔fillip〕Tourism in these parts is in decline and needs a fillip.这些地方的旅游业正在下滑, 需要采取刺激措施。外研社新世纪〔fortune〕The electoral fortunes of the Liberal Democratic party may decline.自由民主党的选举运势可能会下降。柯林斯高阶〔further〕A spokesman declined to comment until the evidence could be studied further.一位发言人拒绝在证据得到进一步验证之前发表评论。朗文当代〔future〕Futures prices recovered from sharp early declines to end with moderate losses.期货价格在早盘深幅下跌后出现反弹,收盘时未见严重损失。柯林斯高阶〔general〕There has been a general decline in giving to charities.对慈善机构的捐赠总的来说减少了。外研社新世纪〔go〕Fur sales went into a steep decline last month.毛皮销量从上月开始直线下滑。麦克米伦高阶〔gracefully〕We managed to decline gracefully.我们设法婉拒了。柯林斯高阶〔graciously〕Hospitality at the Presidential guest house was graciously declined.安排下榻总统宾馆的接待被婉拒了。柯林斯高阶〔growth〕Cinemas declined with the growth of television.随着电视的发展,电影院衰落了。朗文当代〔habituation〕Psychology The decline of a conditioned response following repeated exposure to the conditioned stimulus.【心理学】 反应减弱:因不断接受条件刺激而伴随产生的条件反射减弱美国传统〔head〕She declined with a brief shake of the head.她轻轻摇头,表示谢绝。牛津搭配〔identify〕The newspaper declined to identify the source of the allegations.报社拒绝透露那些说法的来源。牛津搭配〔importance〕By 1800, the monarchy had declined in importance.到1800年时,君主制的重要性已经减弱。麦克米伦高阶〔in terminal decline〕The business is in terminal decline.生意每况愈下,回天乏术。韦氏高阶〔indicator〕Getting education wrong is the surest indicator of future economic decline.教育搞得不好预示着未来经济一定会下滑。外研社新世纪〔inferior〕If children are made to feel inferior to other children their confidence will decline.如果让孩子们感觉不如其他孩子, 他们的信心就会减弱。外研社新世纪〔inner city〕Many inner-city areas have struggled with decline and decay.许多市中心贫民区在衰落与破败中挣扎。剑桥高阶〔kingdom〕The kingdom's power declined.王国的国力衰退了。外研社新世纪〔lament〕My grandmother, as usual, lamented the decline in moral standards in today's society.和往常一样,我奶奶对当今社会世风日下深感痛惜。剑桥高阶〔latterly〕Her health declined rapidly and latterly she never left the house.她的健康状况急剧衰退,此后她再未离开过家。牛津高阶〔lead〕Such actions would most likely lead to the decline of rural communities.这样的行动极有可能会导致乡村社区的衰落。牛津搭配〔lose〕The investors lost heavily when the stock market declined.股市价格下跌时,投资者损失惨重。英汉大词典〔maintain〕Critics maintain that these reforms will lead to a decline in educational standards.批评者坚称这些改革会导致教育水平下降。朗文当代〔manufacture〕The report notes a rapid decline in manufactured goods.报告指出工业产品数量迅速下滑。剑桥高阶〔mirror〕The decline in his influence mirrors a drop in his prestige.他的影响的减弱反映出他威信的下降。英汉大词典〔moderately〕Share prices on the Tokyo Exchange declined moderately.东京股票交易所的股价小幅下跌。柯林斯高阶〔moderately〕Tobacco smoking has only declined moderately since the link with lung cancer was established.自从确定吸烟与肺癌有关以来,吸烟者仅适度地减少。文馨英汉〔monumental〕Gibbon's monumental work ‘The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’ 吉本的不朽著作《罗马帝国衰亡史》牛津高阶〔number〕The decline in numbers of young people means that fewer teachers will be needed.年轻人数量的下降意味着对教师的需求也会减少。牛津搭配〔on〕He declined to give any information on the Presidential election.他拒绝透露任何有关总统选举的消息。柯林斯高阶〔opinion poll〕The latest opinion poll shows that the president's popularity has declined.最近的民意调查显示总统的支持率有所下降。剑桥高阶〔participation〕Those who declined participation were excused and sent back to the classroom.那些拒绝参加的学生得到允许,并被送回课堂。牛津搭配〔picture〕The general picture was one of neglect and decline.总体上是疏于管理和衰退的景象。麦克米伦高阶〔point〕The ten-year Treasury yield declined 9 basis points to 4.0%.10 年期国库券收益率下降 9 个基点至 4.0 %。牛津搭配〔popular〕The decline of the populars continues.通俗报刊越来越不景气。英汉大词典〔precipitously〕Meryl's health started a precipitous decline.梅里尔的健康状况开始急剧下降。柯林斯高阶〔presidency〕Poverty had declined during his presidency.在他担任总统期间,贫困人口减少了。柯林斯高阶〔preside〕The party presided over one of the worst economic declines in the country's history(= it was in power when the decline happened).该党执政时期,国家经历了历史上最严重的经济衰退。牛津高阶〔progressive〕Britain's progressive decline as a world power 英国作为世界强国地位的逐步衰落朗文当代〔proposal〕She politely declined his proposal of marriage.她礼貌地拒绝了他的求婚。朗文当代〔quarrying〕Farming, quarrying and other local industries have declined.农业、采矿业以及其他地方工业都已陷入衰退。柯林斯高阶〔rate〕Crime rates have declined in recent years.近几年犯罪率有所下降。韦氏高阶〔recession〕An extended decline in general business activity, typically three consecutive quarters of falling real gross national product.衰退:经济活动普遍而持续地衰败,尤指三个连续季度的社会总产品净值的下降美国传统〔refuse〕To decline to jump (an obstacle). Used of a horse.拒绝跳跃障碍:拒绝跳越(阻碍)。用于指赛马美国传统〔reinforce〕The climate of political confusion has only reinforced the country's economic decline.政局混乱只会加速国家经济的衰退。牛津高阶〔respectfully〕When she was asked if she had any ambition to become prime minister, she respectfully (= politely) declined to answer the question.当被问及她是否有问鼎首相职位的抱负时,她婉言回避了这个问题。剑桥高阶〔retailer〕Furniture and carpet retailers are among those reporting the sharpest annual decline in sales.据称年销售额下滑幅度最大的零售商中包括家具和地毯零售商。柯林斯高阶〔retrograde〕To decline to an inferior state; degenerate.退步:降至较低级的状态;退化美国传统〔roster〕The Amateur Softball Association's roster of umpires has declined to 57,000.业余垒球协会的裁判员名单上的人数已经减少到了57,000名。柯林斯高阶〔script〕When questioned, officials followed the script and declined comment.被提问的官员们根据讲稿回答问题,并拒绝做出评论。韦氏高阶〔selling climax〕A sharp decline in stock prices on a heavy volume of trading followed by a rally.抛售高峰:因大量的成交额引起的股票价格短期内的急剧下跌,随后价格恢复稳定美国传统〔selloff〕The sale or disposal of a relatively large number of stocks, bonds, or commodities that often causes a sharp decline in prices.抛售,大量出售:出售数量相对较大的股票、债券或商品,通常导致价格暴跌美国传统〔set〕Further economic decline set in during the 1930s.20 世纪 30 年代出现了进一步的经济衰退。朗文当代〔signify〕The recent decline of the stock market does not necessarily signify the start of a recession.股市近期的低迷并不一定说明经济开始衰退了。韦氏高阶〔slide〕The industry has slid into decline.这个行业已成衰退之势。牛津高阶〔smokestack industry〕There's been a steady decline in smokestack industries such as shipbuilding and steel.造船和钢铁等重污染工业正在稳步减少。剑桥高阶〔spike〕A sharp rise followed by a sharp decline in a graph or in the tracing of a scientific instrument.峰值:图表中或科学仪器里示之曲线的尖头部分美国传统〔spiral〕Unemployment rose and the city went into a spiral of decline.失业率上升,该市持续走下坡路。朗文当代〔steady〕Orders for new ships are rising, after several years of steady decline.新船的订单数量经过几年的持续下降之后开始增加了。剑桥高阶〔steep〕This once abundant species is clearly suffering a steep decline.这种曾经很丰富的物种显然数量上正在锐减。麦克米伦高阶〔stock market〕International stock markets saw declines at the end of the trading day.国际股市在交易日结束时下跌。韦氏高阶〔sub judice〕He declined further comment on the grounds that the case was sub judice.他以该案件正在审理之中为由拒绝作进一步的评论。柯林斯高阶〔symptomatic〕The rise in unemployment is symptomatic of a general decline in the economy.失业率上升是经济全面衰退的征兆。朗文当代〔tape〕Many students declined to be interviewed on tape.许多学生谢绝录音采访。柯林斯高阶〔terminal〕She claims that the shipbuilding industry is in terminal decline.她声称造船业已经衰败到了极点。剑桥高阶〔terminal〕The once great industry is now in terminal decline.这个曾经十分兴旺的行业现在变得一蹶不振。朗文当代〔theatre-goer〕The number of theatre-goers has declined.去剧院看戏的观众人数下降了。外研社新世纪〔transition〕There was a significant decline in the size of the business as the company transitioned to an intellectual property company.这家公司在向知识产权公司转变的过程中, 业务规模出现了显著的下降。外研社新世纪〔transition〕There was a significant decline in the size of the business as the company transitioned to an intellectual property company.随着公司向知识产权公司转型,其业务规模显著下降。柯林斯高阶〔undoubted〕Undoubtedly, public interest in folk music has declined.无疑,大众对民间音乐的兴趣减退了。朗文当代〔vale〕I am declined into the vale of years.我已入耄耋之年。英汉大词典〔validate〕The decline in sales only validated our concerns.销量下滑只能证明我们的担心是有道理的。韦氏高阶〔work〕The standard of work has declined.作品的水准下降了。朗文当代〔worrying〕The most worrying trend is the sharp decline in young readers.最令人担忧的趋势是年轻读者急剧减少。麦克米伦高阶After a long period of decline, sales and public acceptance of prophylactics are both rising due to AIDS.经过长时期的销售下降后,由于艾滋病的出现,避孕套的销售和公众认可度都在上升。剑桥国际Although the waste is highly radioactive, its potency declines rapidly, making its eventual disposal relatively easy.虽然这些废料具有高度的放射性,但其强度迅速降低,这使它最终的处理相对容易。剑桥国际As inflation has increased, real wages (= the amount you can buy with your income) have declined.随着通货膨胀的增长,实际工资收入已经降低了。剑桥国际By then Britain as an imperial power had declined. 到那时,英国作为一个帝国已经衰落。译典通Her popularity has declined since her triumphal return from exile two years ago.自从两年前她从流放处胜利归来后,她的声望下跌了。剑桥国际In many industrial countries, trade unionism has declined.在许多工业化国家里,工会制度衰落了。剑桥国际In recent years there has been a noticeable decline in such venerable British institutions as afternoon tea and the Sunday roast.最近几年诸如下午茶和周日烧烤等古老的英国惯例已经明显减少了。剑桥国际Iowa and Minnesota were among the few major farm states to log (= have) a decline in income.衣阿华和明尼苏达是收入下降的为数不多的几个农业大州中的两个。剑桥国际Jane declined his amiable invitation in pure self-defence. 珍完全出于自卫地拒绝了他友善的邀请。译典通January's newspaper circulation figures show that the ‘quality’daily newspapers have bucked the trend of a market sector that continues to decline.一月的报纸销售量显示出,严肃日报所占的市场比例继续呈下降趋势。剑桥国际Right up to August 1914 the optimists were still affirming the ‘natural decline of warfare’ the basic peacefulness of western civilization.一直到1914年8月,乐观主义者们还在断言“战争的自然衰亡”,西方文明的基本和平。剑桥国际She declined their invitation. 她婉拒了他们的邀请。译典通She claims that the shipbuilding industry is in terminal decline.她声称造船工业极度衰落。剑桥国际She has failed to reverse the company's decline.她一直未能扭转公司业绩下降的情况。牛津商务The decline in the sector is the result of unsustainable growth over the last few years.这个部门的下滑是近几年非持续增长的结果。牛津商务The area has been hit by the decline of heavy industry.这地区因重工业的衰落而受到打击。牛津商务The country is in a state of decline and very unlikely to recover (= get back) its former prosperity.这个国家处在经济滑坡状态,不大可能恢复其往昔的繁荣。剑桥国际The country suffered a sharp decline in exports.这个国家的出口量急剧下降。牛津商务The country's economy has been in a state of decline ever since this government came to power.这届政府上台后,国家的经济进入了衰退状态。剑桥国际The industry is in terminal decline.该行业的衰退已无可挽回。牛津商务The leader's decline in popularity is causing disquiet among supporters.领导人声望下降,在支持者当中引起担忧。剑桥国际The levels of trade union and political activism in this country have greatly declined in the past fifteen years.这个国家的工会和政治激进主义地位在过去的15年中大大地下降了。剑桥国际The newspaper reached its zenith in the 1960s, but has since declined.这份报纸在20世纪60年代到达了顶峰,但从那以后就衰落了。剑桥国际The offer of a job in France was declined.这个去法国工作的就业机会被拒绝了。剑桥国际The resort's popularity has declined since the much-publicized death of a German tourist there last year.由于大肆宣扬去年一个德国旅游者在那里死亡,这个休假地的名声下降了。剑桥国际There has been a decline in the demand for luxury goods.对奢侈品的需求出现下降。牛津商务There has been a slight sequential decline in revenue.与上期相比,收入略微有所下降。牛津商务There is a decline in the number of people looking for work, not an increase in the number of jobholders. 求职人数下降,从业人员的人数没有增加。牛津商务Unemployment declined to 4 percent last month. 上个月失业率降至百分之四。译典通We are pleased by the decline in the number of unemployed.看到失业人数下降,我们很高兴。剑桥国际When she was asked if she had any ambition to become prime minister, she respectfully (= politely) declined to answer the question.当她被问及是否有当首相的雄心时,她礼貌地拒绝回答这个问题。剑桥国际




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